Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Watch the Banned Video That Predicted the Boston Massacre

It is of course no coincidence that Seth McFarlane's ultra nihilistic show, Family Guy should be mirrored by a terrorist attack in real life. In an even more bizarre twist of events, McFarlane is calling the clip of the episode a hoax, YouTube has removed the video, while Tivo has pulled the episode entirely.

Obama Values Dictator Chavez over Liberty's Iron Lady

In a latest diplomatic tiff between the US and the UK the Obama has refused to send a high-level delegation to the funeral of one of Britain's giants of the last century. It's a measure of how he despises Britain and a sign of his own pettyness.

Secular Turkey Sentences Pianist for Blasphemic Tweet

Turkey, the darling of the European Union, the state to emulate for liberal Islam...!


Margaret Hilda Thatcher,
13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013

Order of service