Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pressure Mounting on Kerry to Resign Over 'Apartheid'

No Israeli will be having any civil rights within the borders of a Palestinian state. The negotiators have made that plain. Yet Arab and Muslim citizens enjoy full civil rights within the state of Israel

Columnist Charles Krauthammer castigates Kerry for his misguided remarks about Israel potentiallly becoming an "apartheid state".

Once the Palestinians will have their nation state no Israeli will be having any civil rights within the borders. The negotiators have made that abundantly clear. Yet Arab and Muslim citizens are enjoying full civil rights within the state of Israel. Apartheid is Palestinian rhetoriek with which they keep the narrative of victimhood alive. And the arbiter of the peace process has now repeated that rhetoric in private when he thought he wasn't overheard. Kerry should resign effective immediately. He has damaged the cause of peace in a terrible way.