Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Darwin is the supreme god in the pantheon of a plethora of secular pseudo religions, of which Marxism and New Atheism are the most influential branches. Given their importance it is no wonder rationalists treat Darwin's theories as dogma. Regrettably this approach flies in the face of the Scientific Principle. Science does not provide absolute proof, by definition! Truth seekers have long started looking beyond the dogma of Darwinism for the origin of the Universe and the Theory of Everything.

Dec. 15, 2021 Dinesh D'Souza talks to Eric Metaxas.

UPDATE: In the video Dinesh D'Souza is talking to Eric Metaxas, author of the national bestseller "Is Atheism Dead" about the fine-tuning of the universe. The Discovery Institute has compiled a list of examples. While the going narrative runs as follows: Planet Earth is common as muck; therefore it stands to reason we are not alone. Except that it's still awfully quiet at SETI's. The contrary seems to be the case: the universe is so minutely fine-tuned that the odds of finding life elsewhere has come down considerably.