Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jihadist Attacks on Individuals: A New Trend?

The two terrorist attacks in Canada in as many days did not come as a surprise. Since the country joined the coalition against Islamic State there was a spike in IS related chatter. Today, Caucus Meeting Day meant that all parties would be in attendance in the Parliament Building in Ottawa.

Tarek Fatah: Has anyone denounced the doctrine of armed Jihad or the prayer to grant Muslims victory over infidels? 

UPDATE: Anyone spot a trend here? What's next? Hand to hand combat in the streets?

Oct. 23, 2014

Canadian Parliament Honors Sergeant of Arms

Oct 23, 2014 Hero, the Sergeant of Arms, Kevin Vickers is honored in parliament. Vickers shot the jihadist intruder dead.

UPDATE: Surprisingly the Canadians don't turn out be the usual Western wussies. There are still men of character!

Fox News Footage of events yesterday, just after the attack. 

Oct. 22, 2014

Terrorist acts took place in the center of Ottawa, near landmarks like The Chateau Laurier and The Rideau Canal, the PM's office and the Supreme Court.

Time Line and Account of the Attacks

The moment they convert the trouble starts, but "Islam has nothing to do with it". IS is now capable of activating sleeper cells without lifting a finger. This is what happens when you prevent jihadists from travelling abroad: they go off on a killing spree at home! Who could have thought. How many more victims does it take before we start connecting the dots of tens of thousands of isolated incidents?

One Soldier Killed, One Suspect Dead'

  • The attack on Parliament Hill’s Centre Block and the National War Memorial has left one Canadian soldier and one male suspect dead. 
  • Soldier shot at the National War Memorial has died.
  • Reports of multiple gunmen, one confirmed dead.
  • Prime Minister safe and "not on Parliament Hill".
  • Downtown Ottawa and federal government buildings in lockdown.

A Canadian soldier and a Parliament Hill security guard were wounded Wednesday morning in a chaotic attack on the nation’s capital that police believe involved more than one assailant. These acts took place in the centre of Ottawa, near landmarks like The Chateau Laurier and The Rideau Canal as well as the prime minister’s office and Supreme Court. The video of the shooting in the Centre Block captured by The Globe and Mail was taken at the start of the hallway that leads to the caucus rooms.

It would take six minutes to walk from the National War Memorial to the Centre Block according to Google Maps. The National War Memorial is in the middle of Ottawa’s busiest intersection and across from The Chateau Laurier, which was locked down after the shooting and the Rideau Centre, the main downtown shopping mall. The three shooting victims were taken to the Ottawa Civic Hospital which is about a ten minute drive from Parliament Hill. (Source)

On Monday a soldier was killed in a hit and run accident involving a Muslim convert after he had his passport confiscated as he tried to leave and join IS. Martin Couture-Rouleau, 25, ran over two Canadian soldiers, killing one. Investigators say he had become radicalized by Islam and was feared to be en route to become a jihadi. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent succumbed to his injuries. (Source)
