Friday, July 19, 2013

BoycottRollingStone: The Real Pics of Terrorism

Blaming mummy, blaming daddy, blaming society, the perfidious Russians and the evil Americans

Rolling Stone: Tsarnaev is a rock star.

Sgt. Sean Murphy, a tactical photographer with the Massachusetts State Police who has photographed the funerals of many officers killed in the line of duty, is furious with the magazine. Murphy, who also acts a liaison to the families of fallen officers, is so angered by the cover—which he says is both dangerous and insulting to the victims of the bombings—that he feels the need to counter the message that it conveys.

More pictures on Boston Magazine - video on CNN

July 18, 2013

Anger at glorification of terror poster boy Tsarnaev is "intolerance of free expression and artistic licence", and it's all our own fault, of course".

Editorial: Rolling Stone cover forces us to confront origins of Boston bombing

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

Here's a classic worth the entire read! Apologizing the glorification of evil and not even being honest about it...


July 17, 2013

Boston Mayor Writes Strongly Worded Letter To Rolling Stone About Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Cover

“The survivors of the Boston attacks deserve Rolling Stone cover stories, though I no longer feel that Rolling Stone deserves them.”

Tedeschi Food Shops, CVS Won’t Be Selling the Latest Issue of Rolling Stone

Politico: "There's nothing wrong with Rolling Stone's Tsarnaev cover"

'5 Nuggets' From Salon

Salon is complaining that "everyone's talking about the cover of Rolling Stone featuring Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - but what's in the story itself? - asking some pointed questions as: "What the boat looked like once Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered" and "How Dzhokhar portrayed his religious beliefs to his schoolmates at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, a school well-known for its diversity? - And other such nuggets. Read it all!

Bosch Fawstin: Tsarnaev is a turd

Support Bosch' struggle against amoral turds! Check out Infidel.

Bosch Fawstin: My Take On Rolling Stone's Terrorist Cover