Monday, July 26, 2021


Western culture did not grow out of nothing. It grew out of post Schismatic Roman Catholicism, its rejection by the Protestants, followed by the Enlightenment. Which in turn was founded on the synthesis of Old Testament Judaism, Greek philosophy and Roman law. 

Jan. 27, 2021 Orthodox iconographer Jonathan Pageau talks to Fr. John Strickland about the history of the West in view of the East.

UPDATE: Our own quest is rooted in the question what went wrong in Western culture that it could bring about the insanity and destruction of Postmodernism (pomo)? Pageau and Strickland both feel there is something momentous in Charlemagne, who basically highjacked the early Roman Catholic Church to enable him to establish the Holy Roman Empire with himself at the head as Emperor. In fact there was nothing holy or even Roman about this Germanic Frankish Empire.

Monday, July 12, 2021


For over 60 decades the Cuban people have been suffering under Castro Communism. The regime is using the collapse of the tourist industry due to the corona outbreak as cover for the protests. The truth is, the people have had enough of their island prison. According to one doctrine, Cuba is the head of the snake. If Cuba falls, all Latin America's commie regimes fall. 

July 12, 2021 Thousands of Cubans take to the streets demanding freedom.

The Biden administration has to decide very fast: are they supporting the people, or the regime. The media have taken over the talking point of El Presidente, rioting is blamed on corona. The protesters have taking Castro's slogan, "Patria o Muerte" and turned it on its head; they want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Venezuela is actually running the show in Cuba. Key is the Cuban military. What side will they take?