Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OMG! Iceland is Working on a Nuke!

Scientists on the bankers paradise island of Iceland are nearing completion of a nuke, having already successfully tested an implosion system and neutron detonator at a secret site while enriching uranium to weapons grade, according to a former Icelandic intelligence officer.

Monday, February 4, 2013

EU /USSR: Why the Juxtaposition is Justified

Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky explains why the term USSR is not mere rhetoric, but correct identification on principle.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

MetaMo: Hope & Change After Cultural Suicide?

Metamodernism is a movement emanating from the Radboud University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, and is emerging from and as a reaction to pOmo. The term Metamodernism was introduced as an intervention in the post-Postmodernism debate in 2010 by cultural theorists, Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

EUSSR: France's Assault on Liberty

Hat Tip: Nessea. 
The assault of the French Socialist government on Liberty continues! If its tax hikes on 'the rich' are a criminal act against the economy, try their attacks on the freedom of speech!

Monday, December 10, 2012

EUHvR: Don't Mention the War!

They didn't dare mention the war for over sixty years! But suddenly war is the very reason-of-being for the apparatchiks in the EU. It was sold to European subjects as a voluntary trading club of sovereign states. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Meme Hunt: The War On Men

In case you missed it, two contradictory claims in respect of gender have been gestating in pOmo circles. Both are true. The gender identity movement believe gender is defined socially, while feminazis and followers of evolution biology are convinced humans are the product of their hormonal glands. Male testosteron is particularly evil. It turns men into rapists and murderers without free will and morality. Incessant war mongering is practically guaranteed.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Global Alert! The UN is Stealing the Interwebz

Those sheeple in Europe believing government ownership or state regulation guarantees neutrality, should have been jolted out of their collective catatonic coma by the Breaking News of the International Telegraph Union conference hitting the Dubai WTC. Very likely not. After all, what can you expect from state trained drones?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Culture Wars: Is Anonymous a Enemy of Freedom?

pOmo man will say anything! His habitat isn't reality, but Lala Land. Since his words have no meaning,  pOmo man will say anything! What they do is quite another. Advice: don't listen to their yada, but watch closely what they do. Then connect the dots.