Friday, March 22, 2013

The Shocking Truth About Socialism!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

BIG Truths Revealed by the Cyprus Blunder

The bailout blunder on Cyprus has revealed a number of dramatic facts of reality, all game changers in themselves alone. But how did Cyprus get into trouble? Apart from a BIG Government, BIG Spending commie as President (since voted out of office), their banks got a haircut of 75 percent in the Greek crisis! But no one cried foul at the time, because the victims were faceless investors, filthy rich people and financial institutions. So who TF cared?

Netanyahu's LOL Revenge on Obama

The Mail Online is wondering why the Israeli Embassy is using the "Golden Girls" theme tune in a "bizarre official video" to declare Obama and Netanyahu's relationship "unbreakable". Really?
Looks like a carefully tweaked diplomatic insult to convey the message that any one looking for such footage IRL will come up empty handed *RRROFLOL*

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Plucky Cyprus Defeats Eurocrats. Anything Goes!

LOOOOooooL Translate

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Op Western Clusterfuck. Democracy Isn't Liberty.

In one of the most tragic fallacies in modern history entire chunks of the Middle East and swathes of Northern Africa have gone up in flames. Predictably, the "spontaneous uprising for freedom and democracy" known as the Arab Spring has developed into an Islamic winter. The Muslim Brotherhood has turned the White House into its Central Command.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Free! pOmie pOrtret

This is for all pOmie fans! Print it, use the versatile pOmie however you like. Stick it in your window. Use it as a desktop. As a coloring page for the kiddos, or try pin the tail to pOmie while blindfolded. Fold an origami or turn pOmie into a knitting pattern for your favorite hoodie footie. 
Download the pOmie pOrtret HERE for LARGER, smaller or request the Email IMG code, Direct Link of HTML widget in a comment.  
On behalf of Def

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

EUSSR Komisar Trying to Bore Us Into Submission

Hat tip @NigelFarage we can witness presently the spectacle of EU Komisar Olli Rehn explaining to the EP in terms which are in the best Stalinistic tradition, the necessity for EU member states to fork over their national sovereignty to Leviathan, so as to... ensure democracy and accountability! Orwell lives!  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tweet: What is TYRANNY?

TYRANNY = when someone in the executive branche says he has the right to kill you without due process. @SenRandPaul #StandWithRand

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Continued from part 1/2

So where do we go after this crypto global destruction program? The aim of this blog is a critique of Postmodern ideas wherever we may find them. Postmodernism as a mode of thought was made possible by the philosophical revolution of the Counter Enlightenment; the foundation of which was laid by Rousseau, Kant and Hegel, building on Platonic premises. Under its influence the mode of thought in Western civilization over time shifted from full integration to full desintegration in a matter of under two centuries.