Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gays Have No Long Term View: Ferguson is Dog's Breakfast

Historian Niall Ferguson, husband of Counter Jihad author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, apologized today after pointing out that John Maynard Keynes, economist and head of the Eugenics Society, was gay, without children and therefore missed the long term view to care about future generations. 
Not very scientific surely, and certainly not PC, but doesn't sound reasonable given Keynes nihilist pomonomics? 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chicom Hackers Have Been Spying on QinetiQ For Years

“Green Zeitgeist Is An Anti-Humanistic Ideology Down To Its Roots”

H/t @SchaduwStaten

Does Your Brain, Or You Decide Who You Are?

In an earlier posting we analyzed the concept of equality and came to shocking conclusions. In the early Enlightenment it meant tabula rasa and equality before the law. That's it! But the approach of the egalitarians is rooted in nihilism: we are only equal at birth and in death. Equality is a negation of reality: we are not all equal, unfair as that may seem. The discrepancy between the ideal and reality is leading to pseudo scientific rationalizations begging for an accident to happen.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Poll: Third of Americans for Armed Revolution

New Pew Poll: What Do Muslims Think?

A new Pew Research Center survey of Muslims around the globe reveals once again that Islam is a completely different concept than Judeo-Christianity.

It finds most Muslims want Islam to shape not only their personal lives, but also their societies and politics. Islam has no division of Church and State.

Is Tamerlan Tsarnaev the New Lee Harvey Oswald?

The claim that the Russians somehow “warned” the U.S. about Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s radical Islamic connections has been accepted by most news organizations and commentators as established fact. But while U.S. intelligence agencies have a lot to explain, the Russian security services have been treated with kid gloves and even as the “good guys” in this affair. Russian media, including the English-language propaganda channel Russia Today (RT), have been insisting that the U.S. is to blame for the Boston bombings because vague “warnings” from Moscow were ignored.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

When Atheism is a Pseudo Religion 1/2

In above video Yaron Brook, director of the Ayn Rand Institute is exploding an important misconception about ideas and religion. Let's start from the beginning (scroll down for the chart).

ECB Drops Interest Rate to 0,5%, Alternative Draghi Presser

Tweet: Persecution of ex Muslims in Morocco