The former chairman of the Dutch Libertarian Party, Toine Manders has been kidnapped in Cyprus by the FIOD (the Dutch IRS) and is currently locked away in complete isolation, in an undisclosed location
Toine Manders is being held for an extended 90-day period, the charges for which are unknown.
UPDATE: Toine Manders now gets to see his family. His partner is allowed to visit once a week and he has held his new born son for the first time. He has lost the appeal. On what grounds is not known. The Dutch Libertarian Party has opened a postbox in his name. You can write to Manders, preferably cards or letters in an open envelop. The party will screen all letters before they are sent on. The address: P.O. Box 411, NL-2700 AK Zoetermeer, Netherlands (Source)