Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekend of Islam (II): three useful idiots and a serpent

Continued from part I: Separation of Mosque and State

Amsterdam's VU University cancelled an 'academic debate' with the London-based Sharia Council member and controversial Islam 'scholar' Haitham al-Haddad on Friday, amidst uproar about his views on humanity, society, and antisemitic statements. The intellectual exercise had been the initiative of integration's finest, the VU Muslim Students Society. The Lower House of Parliament held an emergency session on the issue *LOL they enjoy micro management these days!* and voted against the Haddad entering the country. But contrary to the Brits when they refused entry of Geert Wilders, the Dutch Minister of Justice couldn't find any legal grounds to stop the Haddad #bummer. So the 'debate' went ahead anyway; not on the University campus, but at a policor cultural center.

SWEET! Greeks Say Txxxxx

by @GMitakides


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend of Islam (I): the separation of Mosque and State

Does this behavior violate anyone's rights! Or is the Birthday of Mohammed here today in Amsterdam a feast of liberty? More photos
This week we saw how hidden trap doors and priest holes penetrated the iron wall of separation between State and Church. We'd better watch our first principles very closely here, folks, before freedom gets truly #FUBAR and we sleepwalk into tyranny!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#W0Ot! Momentum Against Climatism Is Building

This is HUGE. This is MEGA. This development CAN'T be overestimated. The dam is breaking! The climate catastrophe has been called off! #SHOCKER The inconvenient truth is shelved as mere Truth Du Jour! Germany's Green Pope has turned into a climate sceptic. #OMG! Yes, it's all true. Just as the capital is drying up, the need for it conveniently went up in smoke! Isn't the universe a wonderful place? The truth will set us FREE!

ShocK! Bader Ginsburg Supports Eugenics, Collective Rights

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg #brrr is as close to Adofl Hitler's sister as we're ever going to get. And she's sitting in judgement on the highest US court *shudders* applying a law we now know she detests. Bader Ginsburg was appointed by Bill Clinton, a move motivated by a policor consideration as ever there was one: hormonal secretion. She was the second female ever appointed to that high office.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Watch live streaming video from stopcarteltvgr at

@IrateGreek For non-Greek speakers, @northaura is translating news from the #Feb5gr demonstration in #Syntagma in various languages. #Greece #Feb5gr

Sunday, January 29, 2012

#OMG!: Reaction From Athens to #NWO Declaration of War, Part 2

The puppet government governing Greece on behalf of the #NWO has been installed to ensure that the country is duly paying its debts. It turns out to consist of Greeks #hoppa whose first loyalty is to #shock! Greece.

#EPIC!: #NWO Annexes Cradle of Civilization

This is EPIC!!!!1! The Troika (IMF+EU+ECB=GRM) proposes to annex a sovereign nation, not by land grab, but by #Occupying the budget and the transfer of self determination by Constitution (PDF text with Declaration of Bloodless War h/t FT). Yipz, that's right! Here in short hand: "absolute priority to debt service" + "transfer of national budgetary sovereignty" + "constitutional amendment thereto" or there isn't going to be a second bailout. The Greeks have already made it clear: a resounding Oxi (njet) to this extortion (more reactions on Keep Talking Greece).

Monday, January 23, 2012

#SOPA #PIPA #ACTA: The Internet War Has Begun! (updated)

- Dr. Diana Hsieh is responding to questions on #SOPA, Internet piracy, and intellectual property during her weekly live webcast Philosophy in Action. For links mentioned in the webcast, check the archive - H/t @YerRamautarsing Blog: Atlantis -

#SOPA (coincidentally Shut Up! in Greek) is in the intensive care unit of the US Congress (#
SOPA in the House and the ugly twin Bill #PIPA in the Senate).
The European Bill is called #ACTA. It's such an appalling assault on liberty that even the EuroComiCzar for the Internet, Iron Lady Neelie Kroes has come out against it.