Friday, June 28, 2013

No Arab Spring, But the 2nd Islamic World War

The Muslim world is preparing for a massive war of Sunnis against Shiites and Christians. Kurds, Druze and Bahais should also prepare for cleansings

Syria is already the battlefield of a proxy war between Shiite Iran, and the Sunni camp led by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt. 

The Arab Spring has changed the Middle East forever. But not like many think. For reasons best known to themselves Western media hardly ever present the situation as it truly is. This strategic enormity is still being sold to the gullible public as 'democratization'. Secular dictators, more or less sympathetic to liberty and the West, were replaced by theocratic tyrants led by various emanations of the Muslim Brotherhood under the cover of democracy (watch the video who the MB, or the Ikhwan really is). But that's not the only thing. 

Should There Be Laws Against Animal Cruelty?

To answer that one, five other questions must be answered first in order to reduce the concepts to their roots and their basic premises

@YaronBrook answers five, basic philosophical questions everyone should know.

  • What is morality?
  • What are values?
  • What is the purpose of the law?
  • How is law different from morality?
  • What are rights?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Who Is the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood's (or Ikhwan) stated goal is to instill Islamic scripture as the sole reference point for ordering the political and personal life of the Ummah

The society is the Arab world's most influential Islamic movement, and the largest political opposition in many Muslim states

In Nederland bij "The Grand Jihad"

The Grand Jihad (ebook)


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Islamic OIC Sets Up Shop at the EU

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an influential bloc of 57 Muslim countries, has officially inaugurated a Permanent Observer Mission to the European Union

“We need to seriously fight against Islamophobia to further strengthen ties between the Islamic world and Europe and to eradicate the unnecessary sensitivities.”

The primary objective of the OIC, headquartered in Saudi Arabia and funded by Islamic countries around the world, has long been to pressure Europe and the United States into passing laws that would ban 'negative stereotyping of Islam'.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obama Wants Power Without Moral Leadership

The diplomatic spat about whistleblower Edward Snowden is showing Obama what it means to be the President of a super state of diminished power

Obama has shredded the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which chains the rights of the government.

The diplomatic spat around whistleblower Edward Snowden is confronting Obama with the fact that you can either have leadership, power and leverage, or reduce a country to the status of a banana republic; you can't have both.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Picture of the Day: Brazil Riots

Growing crowds of young, educated Brazilians are taking to the streets. Their grievances seem disparate and unrelated, which leaves the question of why and what they are protesting. Here's an idea

Brazilian protester carrying a cop that was hurt during the riots in Sao Paulo.

 H/t @PowerfulPix

A Field Trip to Hezbollah's Disneyland

The Tourist Landmark of the Resistance is a fun-filled day for the entire family celebrating the holy Islamic resistance against the perfidious Zionist Entity

The pit is described on a sign as 'structural scenic art". Blown-up Israeli tanks and helmets are 'artistically' scattered about in a giant hole in the ground. 

Hezbollah now has a theme park. The Tourist Landmark of the Resistance promises a fun-filled day for the entire family celebrating the holy Islamic “resistance” against the perfidious Zionist Entity. The Syrian- and Iranian-backed Party of God built it on top of a mountain overlooking South Lebanon and the Israeli border area, and they bus in school kids from all over the country to look at it. Anti-American propagandist Noam Chomsky attended the inauguration.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Read the Uncut Interview with Dutch Jihadists

The exact and shocking motives why so many Muslims from the West are leaving home to fight in Syria. Exclusively translated for our international audience

There are two main groups 
fighting together against Bashar; the secular democratic FSA and several Islamic groups, among them Jabhat An-Nusra, associated with Al Qaeda

Note: Text in (brackets) is part of the email exchange. Text in [brackets] is from the editor. 

Q: How will you answer my questions? I understand you are the spokesman for the group. Are you going to give me a consensus? Please indicate where someone in the group has another opinion. The psychological experience must be different for each and everyone of you.

6 Videos How Big Data Mining Works