Friday, October 9, 2015


In the Arab Spring (not a grassroots movement) the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood was advanced with the support of the West. But tyranny by popular proclamation isn't Liberty, or even democracy. Geo politically the policy has destabilized the entire Middle East and North Africa.

Sep 1, 2015 In the Arab Spring, Tunisians hoped that jobs and prosperity would follow the rise of democracy in their country. Now, Tunisia is the number 1 supplier of rats for the Islamic State.

UPDATE: The progressive supranationalists of Nobel Committee striking again! The Economist has the gall to call the Arab Spring disaster in Tunisia "a rare success". A country that, like Egypt, managed to save itself from the onslaught of democratic Islamism in the nick of time! As we read in this log, Tunisia is the number 1 supplier of ISIS rats! The Nobel Peace Prize ought to be renamed the Orwell Peace Prize!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

(Free PDF) Christians Sacrificing Their Brethern To 'Interfaith Dialogue'

Islamic supremacists are playing Christians like a violin. They are able to do so, because postmodern Christians are obsessed with self sacrifice at the expense of Christian solidarity. All Islamic supremacists have to do is to prioritize interfaith dialogue.

In this new monograph, adapted from Annex 1 of his superb recent book
Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad
Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy Stephen Coughlin explains what’s really behind the so-called ‘interfaith dialogue movement’ and how the Muslim Brotherhood has co-opted the well-meaning but misguided intentions of the Catholic Church in particular. Mr. Coughlin’s expertise in the nexus between Islamic Law (shariah) and Islamic terrorism informs his exposure of the manipulative Brotherhood strategy to use the interfaith dialogue arena as an opportunity to edge Catholics toward a dislocation of faith so as to pave the way for the insinuation of shariah into American faith communities and society in general.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Obama Furious About Dutch Rejection Of Gitmo Terrorists

A diplomatic row has erupted between the US and the Netherlands over its rejection of two terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. It exposes why the West is at a loss how to deal with the Islamic concepts of the State, Rights and Holy War.

Osama bin Laden's Body Guard Goes Free -

Osama bin Laden's Body Guard Goes Free. (H/t Saving Grace FB page)

A diplomatic row is emerging between the US and the Dutch Government. The official foreign policy of the Netherlands since the end of the Second World War has been staunchly progressively internationalist. The product of this policy is the infamous annual Bilderberg conference (link), the silent implementation of the UN's Agenda 21, The Hague as the seat of the International Court of Law and the International Criminal Court and the country's legal innovation of voluntarily subjecting national law to international treaties. This is why the rejection to accept two detainees from the US terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay comes as somewhat of a shock.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Australia's Liberal Conservative PM Tony Abbott last night lost a party leadership challenge to a rival, the Progressive Liberal, Malcolm Turnbull. The new PM at once promised "cultural changes under his Government".  As a member of the Ruling Class Turnbull has strong Bilderberg credentials. 

Feb 8, 2015 Lord Monckton telling an audience in Perth, Australia to look after PM Tony Abbott. H/t @JackieAUS

Earlier in February Lord Monckton told an Aussie audience that their PM Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR would be the last man standing between the Radical Left and their plan to have every country in agreement to bring about a new global Treaty on "climate change" (previously referred to as "global warming"). Last night Tony Abbott faced a party leadership/PM challenge that he lost to his liberal rival. Turnbull is a pragmatist banker, career politician and member of the ruling class, who is on board with all the Cultural Marxist hobbies you can think of: gay marriage, climatism, open borders, amoralism, cap-and-trade, truth by consensus, multiculturalism and Islam apologetics. (Meet the New Guy) Although @TurnbullMalcolm stated in his first presser that the government's position on climate change will stay the same for the moment, Lord Monckton's prediction that Abbott would be removed from office, is now a fact. The Left is having a party, a sure sign of bad news. Abbott is described as "divisive", which is one degree worse than "controversial". ZeroHedge has the Bilderberg angle: 
And here’s BBC with what you need to know about Turnbull: Who is Malcolm Turnbull?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Femen Protesters Bare Breasts At Islamic Conference

Two Femen protesters stormed the stage at an Islamic conference in France yesterday. Disguised in black burkas the women made their way to the stage where they took down their tops showing their naked bodies. They were soon taken into custody by the police.

Sep 13, 2015 Two Femen activists half-naked and with messages written on their bodies jumping the Muslim Salon in Pontoise, France.

Feminist activists of the Femen action group stormed the stage yesterday during an Islamic conference in Pontoise near Paris. Dressed in black burkas the women threw off their tops showing their naked breasts, protesting the patriarchate and male domination in Islam. "No one can subjugate me, no one owns me, I am my own prophet" were some of the texts written on their bodies. The two women were quickly overwhelmed by security and offended men in the audience. Both women have an Islamic background. They were kicked and hit by angry religionists and taken into custody by the police (presumably an all male squad).

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Look At the Hidden Origins of the Koran

In 1972, during the restoration of the Great Mosque of Sana’a in Yemen laborers stumbled across the remarkable resting place of tens of thousands of parchment fragments of an early Koran.

The standard histories of Muhammad and the early development of Islam are based on Islamic literature that dates to the ninth and tenth centuries--some two centuries or more after the death of Muhammad in 632.

What is the Koran? 

By Toby Lester

“Increasingly diverse interpretations of the Koran and Islamic history will inevitably be proposed in the coming decades, as traditional cultural distinctions between East, West, North, and South continue to dissolve, as the population of the Muslim world continues to grow, as early historical sources continue to be scrutinized, and as feminism meets the Koran. With the diversity of interpretations will surely come increased fractiousness, perhaps intensified by the fact that Islam now exists in such a great variety of social and intellectual settings. … More than ever before, anybody wishing to understand global affairs will need to understand Islamic civilization, in all its permutations.”
– Toby Lester

Saturday, September 5, 2015

World Beard Day: Getting a Close Shave!

The beard revival is sometimes tied to the resurgence of old-fashioned masculinity. After the well-clipped metrosexual trend of the 2000s, the beard returned with a bang. The facial jungle for men (and for women) is sometimes associated with the gender culture. But is that all there's to it? PomoNews investigates. 

As a blog that has as its central theme, the cultural destruction of Western civilization we can't very well abstain from commenting on the renaissance of the facial hair. It comes in trendy bushy beards, goatees, designer stubble and the ironical female mustache. As explanation for the trend religion comes to mind (the Muslim beard comes in various varieties), as well as the Freudian sexual connotation, and the gender bending approach of the Postmodern hipster. From the school of behaviorism we have the scientismic rationale of Dr. Cyril Gueter who holds that the distinguishing characteristics among apes are correlated to beards in humans. (Source) But man isn't an ape. None of these explanations is quite satisfactory. We have given the issue some thought and have come up with a philosophical perspective that is also missing from "What a beard really says about a man". (Source)

Monday, August 31, 2015

American Woman Fighter With Kurds Beheaded By IS

There is a growing number of Western fighters joining the Kurdish defense against the ISIS onslaught. These men and women are the stuff of true heroes. They voluntarily join battle against the evil of our time. Some are wounded, some pay the ultimate price for freedom. 


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Dutch Comedian: "Free Speech Has Been Lost"

US comedian Bill Maher and Dutch standup Hans Teeuwen are some of the few Western artists left to defend free speech. They understand that the right to criticize ideas is central to the values of the Enlightenment. A right is the inherent freedom to act. There is no right not to be offended. 

Muslims interrogating comedian Hans Teeuwen about insulting Islam. No one can be offended without his consent. 

In a recent newspaper interview (source) Teeuwen has admitted that free speech has already been forfeited. "Like film producers in dictatorships we're working around the censor in trying to find ways to say what we want to say without getting murdered". Teeuwen is admitting that since Theo van Gogh was slaughtered by a Muslim Jihadist, he is exercising self restraint. Even before then Salman Rushdie had to go into hiding. It's not a new phenomenon. But the feeling has grown over the years. "An artist poring pig's blood over a Koran has a huge problem". Teeuwen thinks it is important to point this out. "There are those who are trying to diminish the importance of free speech. That's even worse. That means that terrorism has an influence over how we think". He says that the risk of "accidents" has become too great. In your face jokes of the past are no longer possible today. We have to recognize that free speech has been lost. It's become really difficult to create a song or a sketch that isn't offensive to Muslims. There are none on his new CD. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

VIRGINIA SHOOTING: crackpot attacks on language are killing us!

A double murder in cold blood and recorded on camera is what can be expected in a culture that removes personal morality and cultivates race baiting and agitation. Liberal politicians are quick to attack the Second Amendment, distracting from the real issues. 

Aug 26, 2015 Alex Jones breaks down the Virginia News shooting. (Source)

UPDATE: The words are a part of everyday conversation — “swinging” by an address and going out in the “field.” But in the twisted mind of Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan II, they were pure racism — and saying them became a death sentence for Alison Parker. (...) “Alison made racist comments,” Flanagan posted while he was on the run from cops. “They hired her after that??” he wrote. But colleagues said that it was all in Flanagan’s head and that Parker was as far from racist as they come. “That’s how that guy’s mind worked. Just crazy, left-field assumptions like that,” Ryan Fuqua, a video editor at WDBJ, told The Post. (...) Trevor Fair, a 33-year-old cameraman at WDBJ for six years, said that the words Parker used are commonplace but that they would routinely set Flanagan off. “We would say stuff like, ‘The reporter’s out in the field.’ And he would look at us and say, ‘What are you saying, cotton fields? That’s racist,’ ” Fair recounted. “We’d be like, ‘What?’ We all know what that means, but he took it as cotton fields, and therefore we’re all racists.” “This guy was a nightmare,” Fair said. “Management’s worst nightmare.” Flanagan assumed everything was a jab at his race, even when a manager brought in watermelon for all employees. “Of course, he thought that was racist. He was like, ‘You’re doing that because of me.’ No, the general manager brought in watermelon for the entire news team. He’s like, ‘Nope, this is out for me. You guys are calling me out because I’m black.’ ”Flanagan even declared that ­7-Eleven was racist because it sold watermelon-flavored Slurpees. “It’s not a coincidence, they’re racist,” he allegedly told Fair. (Source)