Black Bloc from Chris Bevacqua on Vimeo.
Celebrating and main-streaming violence and disorder. This is how the culture is used to popularize, celebrate and mainstream the negative values of nihilism *destruction and chaos as a style* But that's just Stock Photos.
That's not how Will Potter, an "award-winning independent journalist based in Washington, DC" sees it. According to the author of "Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege" it's just the public's imagination that sees Anarchism as synonymous to chaos, destruction, kids with green hair playing smashy smashy.
That's not how Will Potter, an "award-winning independent journalist based in Washington, DC" sees it. According to the author of "Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege" it's just the public's imagination that sees Anarchism as synonymous to chaos, destruction, kids with green hair playing smashy smashy.
That's all a construct of the government. They're actually about #caring, love, general assemblies using non-hierarchical consensus models and helping each other out without the government *oops! don't let the guys on the Left hear that* Ya know, what 99% of us are doing on a day to day basis LOOooooooL
Reality is more like Chris Bevacqua's "Black Bloc", a video zine featuring his photos taken 2 years ago during the "Heart Attack" march during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver (top).
Good! Nihilism, styled to death! Keep it up, guys! >>>Nothing has more value than a thing<<<