Sunday, August 25, 2013


The Sunday People have reported that David Cameron and Barack Obama last night agreed to take military action against Syria

Photo from by M. Ismael/Mazen: chemicals uncovered by the Syrian army disproving the claim (Source)

"David Cameron and Barack Obama last night agreed to take military action against Syria. The US president sealed the deal in a 40-minute phone call to the Prime Minister at his holiday retreat in Cornwall. The two leaders agreed that Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad was responsible for using chemical weapons against children. Mr Obama and Mr Cameron will discuss the military options in the next few days. They include missile strikes, ­disabling the Syrian air force or ­enforcing a no-fly zone across the country".
"A No.10 source said: “The significant use of chemical weapons would merit a serious response. “The PM and the President are now looking at all the options.” But they ruled out sending in British and American ground troops. The source said both leaders ­believe President Assad is deliberately trying to cover up the atrocity in the eastern suburbs of the capital Damascus on Wednesday that left up to 1,000 dead. (...)" 
"A US battlegroup of three ­warships in the eastern Mediterranean has been strengthened by a fourth ready to strike Syria with cruise missiles. And the US has stationed F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles in Jordan in preparation for attacks." 
"President Obama met his national security team yesterday to discuss plans. “That requires positioning our forces to carry out whatever options the president might choose,” said US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel."  (Source)

Earlier today we posted the following on our Liveblog Syria reported by Russia Today:

Syrian rebels have used chemical weapons against regime forces in the Damascus suburb of Jobar, where soldiers discovered stockpiles of toxic poisoning antidotes, state media reports (photo above). 
According to SANA citing “an official source” suffocation cases among army soldiers have been reported. The source told the agency that army unit pushed into the area, where soldiers were attacked, and seized a warehouse containing material labeled 'Made in KSA' (Ed.: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) as well as a large number of protective masks. In addition, the army discovered a stockpile of chemical poisoning antidotes with 'The Qatari-German Company for Pharmaceutical Industries' label on them. (Source)

This observation from Modern Tokio Times:
It is worth mentioning that all previous false flags pointed eventually towards the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and a plethora of sponsored terrorist groups. 
Also, the government of Syria allowed the United Nations (UN) into the country in order to obtain important information about the alleged usage of chemical weapons in the past. It is worth recalling that Carla del Ponte, UN human rights investigator, pointed the finger at terrorist forces when another false flag was raised. Del Ponte stated a few months ago that “We still have to deepen our investigation, verify and confirm (the findings) through new witness testimony, but according to what we have established so far, it is at the moment opponents of the regime who are using sarin gas.” 
Aleksandr Lukashevich, spokesperson at the Russian Foreign Ministry, comments that “…biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, began an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government.” (Source)
The British Foreign Secretary William Hague dismissed the claims. France joined the UK yesterday in blaming Assad for the attack.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: “All the information indicates there was a chemical massacre near Damascus and Bashar al-Assad is responsible”.

British defence chiefs will meet foreign counterparts in Jordan ­tomorrow to discuss options.