Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Complaint of Human Rights Crimes Against Obama

Murder is murder, and objectively evil in all ethics codes in all cultures on Planet Earth. Stands to reason: human life is the moral standard of all good men. But there is a caution and a notable exception

A group of Egyptian lawyers has submitted a complaint charging Barrack Hussein Obama with crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court.

Not that long ago, the rejection of murder and genocide as evil would have been universal and a foregone conclusion. But to assume that this human ethics program would be the standard of all men, would be reckoning without the moral destruction that is central to postmodernism. One of the most striking features of that philosophy is the shift from objective thought to subjectivism. 'It doesn't matter WHO you are but WHAT you do' becomes, it doesn't matter how evil you are, as long as you belong to the right group. As postmodenism grows in the minds of the intellectual classes this idea is becoming more wide spread.

While the genocide on Christians in the Middle East is going on unabated, Western governments as well as the public at large exercise silent approval. If the shoe had been on the other foot and Muslims would be the victims instead of the perpetrators, all hell would be to pay! But as it is, double moral standard and hypocrisy is king. Support of the evil Muslim Brotherhood is all but official policy. But now there's some good news:
According to Egyptian newspaper El Watan, a group of Egyptian lawyers has submitted a complaint charging U.S. president Barrack Hussein Obama with crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. The complaint charges Obama of being an accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood, which incited widespread violence in Egypt both before and after the June 30 Revolution. 
Along with Obama, the complaint reproduced by El Watan mentions several Brotherhood members by name, beginning with the leader of the organization Muhammad Badie, and other top ranking leaders such as Mohamed al-Beltagy, Essam al-Erian, and Safwat Hegazi, adding that “Obama cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 3/7/2013-8/18/2013, in the Arab Republic of Egypt.”

According to the published text, the complaint begins by quoting Article 7/1 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, titled “Crimes against humanity,” which is reproduced below...
More on CBN by Raymond Ibrahim, "Obama accused of crimes against humanity". Check also our Live Blog Arab Spring: Muslim Brotherhood Brought to Power with Western Support.

H/t @DutchDL