Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Morality Of the Torture Report

40 million tax dollars worth of solidified self denunciation, treason and stunning hypocrisy has the CIA pushing back for the first time in its existence. The Senate Intelligence Committee never even talked to anyone involved; the report is based on information provided by the suspects' lawyers. 

Dec 10, 2014 Vice News talks to James Mitchell,  "the architect," amidst the alligators. 

UPDATE: At last! Reason calls! There's Good and there's Evil. Stress and duress in the name of Good is good, torture in the name of Evil is evil. Critics equate Good and Evil as equally valid and deem torture and duress as equally evil. At root, the critics are moral relativists. Glad we cleared that up. Duress isn't torture and is permissible in the service of the Good (saving lives, defense, bringing terrorists to justice, preventing attacks, etc.)

Dec. 16, 2014

Sowell on the CIA: 'Who'll Defend This Country?'

Dec. 12, 2014

CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Report IS Instruction Manual

By now, a few days after it was published, it's becoming apparent how destructive this treasonous report really is. It's an instruction manual for Terrorism Inc. Here a perverse and insidious illustration of the 'torture report' in the shape of the World Trade Center in Dutch lefty magazine 'De Groene'.

Dec. 10, 2014

The Architect of the CIA's Enhanced Interrogation

The Senate Intelligence Committee has released a blistering, 500-page report on the CIA's controversial detention and interrogation program, a document that committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein said represents the most significant oversight effort in the history of the US Senate. The $40 million, five-year study concluded that CIA officials exaggerated the value of the intelligence they gleaned from dozens of "high-value detainees" held at black site prisons, where they were subjected to so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as sleep deprivation and waterboarding.

The committee reviewed more than 6 million pages of top-secret CIA documents and found that the architect of the interrogation program was a retired Air Force psychologist named James Mitchell, an agency contractor who — according to news reports — personally waterboarded alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The Senate report does not identify Mitchell by name. 

Mitchell has a signed a non-disclosure agreement with the CIA and was unable to discuss his alleged role in the agency's enhanced interrogation program, but VICE News met up with him in suburban Florida to discuss the Senate's report and one of the darkest chapters of the war on terror. This is the first time Mitchell has ever appeared on camera. (Source)
