Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019


It is a well known fact in psychology that dependency makes miserable. Taking charge of your life results in pride of your achievements and better mental health. Success is not a fluke of fate, but the result of conscious decisions and a better lifestyle.

Mental make-up is not about 'mental training'; it is about your view on knowledge, the nature of man and his place in the universe.

In Back to Mental Health in 13 Steps we argued that our minds are shaped by our life's philosophy and our view of the nature of man and his place in the universe. The postmodern, deconstructivist point of view is devastating to a man's mind: it was designed for the specific purpose to deny man free will, making him a slave of social and physical circumstances. In addition to those 13 points to start your mental recovery here's some advice to top it up: start taking up Objectivist philosophy! In the meantime here are 20 things rich people do every day that poor people don’t. Now start here by taking charge for your own life!


The New Feminism is a war on women. It explicitly calls into question the ability of women to negotiate public life without the assistance of others. It calls into question, not so much male privilege, as female autonomy, female capacity. The New Feminism might mock men, but it does down women, and it does them down in a very profound way.


Saturday, June 29, 2019


This interview from the Cold War explains much of today's world and the mindset of the people that help shaping it. Communism has collapsed, but the mental process the KGB set in motion decades ago, is still wreaking havoc on the mindset of generations of indoctrinated, useful idiots. The process of demoralization is frozen in time.


Listen up and listen carefully to Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov. You may hear this only once. Present interview has a habit of disappearing. 

UPDATE: Annotated version of the interview when Yuri Bezmenov explains how the Communist take over of a country works.

CommieTunes Episode 8:

First posted on July 17, 2013

Lecture on demoralization and subversion,  Los Angeles, 1982.

Tags: Info war, Philosophy, War & conflict


Friday, June 28, 2019


Donald Trump won the Presidential election of 2016. But what does that mean? Welcome to planet Trump. The repercussions of the new President as leader of the most powerful nation on earth are almost infathomable. The political and media establishment (but also entire swathes of the world population) still don't know what hit them.

UPDATE: A year ago we posted 50 paradigm shifts as a result of the Donald J. Trump presidency, either as a cause of his policies or indirectly by the transformation in the political and cultural landscape. One year on we are taking stock of the situation.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Western leaders -- from heads of Government and the lapdog media to local authorities and their partisan supporters  -- are displaying the mentality of a conquered people. They have abdicated their basic duty to protect the people and have capitulated in almost every respect. This siege mentality is well known in psychiatry.

The best strategy to conquer a people doesn't require any force. Just convince them that their cause is unjust, breaking their will to resist.

Two of the more common conditions of siege and abuse are Battered Wife Syndrome and Stockholm Syndrome. (Source) With each new beating, the scarred and bruised victims of siege and abuse tend to excuse and rationalize the actions of their tormentors. A stubborn unwillingness to accept the facts of reality, plunges the victims into a morass of self-deception that spawns further violence. Our political leaders have similarly proved unable to liberate themselves from the delusions that it has spun about the nature of Islamic extremism. After each Islam driven outrage, the West's Rulers are quick to castigate its own countrymen for a catalogue of sins, both real and imagined.

With a perverse combination of self-loathing and adoration of the enemy, our Rulers' mantra preaches that if only we were nicer, Muslims could not fail to love us back. It’s our own fault if Muslims don’t realize what good people we are. And all the while, these progressive academics, pundits, and politicians engage in ridiculous intellectual contortions designed to mitigate the guilt of the terrorist perpetrators. The streets of Paris and San Bernardino were still damp with innocent blood in the latest outrages, when the same obscene dance of political self-flagellation began. Within hours of the attacks they were blamed on Western guild.

And then came New Year's Eve and the cover up of mass violations of human rights in an orgy of sexual assault on women. The reactions of the usual suspects, feminists and other postmodern traitors to the values of Western Enlightenment became even more obscene. (Source) From a code of conduct by the Mayor of Cologne and blaming the victims, to most perverse, feminists volunteering to be sexually violated by 'refugees'  just to demonstrate that maybe they did so out of free will. Rather than blame the Muslim men who visited such attacks on innocent women, our Rulers were urging citizens to adjust to changing mores. (Source)

In a posting dating a few years back, Dr. Sanity -- a blogger and former NASA psychiatrist -- described her experience with many battered women and the complacency many Muslim women show with their own oppression under Islamic law. (Source) After a patient was beaten to death by her own husband, even after numerous warnings, she concluded:
(...) you cannot force someone to change psychologically. The professional part of me understands that Alice had many opportunities to make a change in the toxic relationship she had with her husband. (...) Alice, who was without doubt a tragic victim of domestic abuse, was at the same time a willing accomplice to her own murder. (...)
The behavior of the Left (...) is very similar to cases like Alice: denial; distortion of reality; appeasement; enabling behavior; and ultimately, the willing accomplices to their own murder. Will they change? Can they change? Before that crocodile gets around to eating them? (Source)

In another posting Dr Sanity illustrates the demoralization process on the national level.
Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege (...) discusses how in the 1990s, Israel believed that it had found a "partner for peace" in Yasser Arafat, even as he made speech after speech calling for the annihilation of Israel. The United States of the 21st century likewise believes that it can negotiate with Islamic totalitarians post-9/11. 
This is all part of the psychological dynamics of people who feel under siege and who desperately hope that negotiation and appeasement will finally bring about a cessation of hostilities. Unfortunately, this hope is at best wishful thinking; at worse a serious delusion. It is far more likely to bring about an escalation of hostilities and violence, rather than peace. In an earlier interview Levin was asked why people under siege often end up internalizing the hatred against themselves and delude themselves about the malicious intentions of their enemies? He replies:
They do so because they are eager to feel some control over a painful situation which is, in reality, out of their control. Chronically abused children - more specifically those subjected to parental abuse - typically blame themselves for their victimization because to do so supports a fantasy that if they reform, if they become "good," their parents will treat them differently. 
To look at their predicament more realistically would force them to accept their helplessness to change their terrible circumstances, and children, and adults as well, prefer to fend off acknowledging such bitter realities. Similarly, within populations under chronic siege - whether minorities marginalized, demeaned and attacked by surrounding societies or small nations besieged by their neighbors - some will invariably seek either to avert their gaze from the severity of the threat or rationalize the threat and blame themselves or others within their community for the danger. 
Their doing so reflects wishful thinking that if only they would reform sufficiently the danger would be alleviated. Israel has, at best, a capacity to respond effectively to attacks by its neighbors; it does not have the capacity to end the Arab siege, to force peace upon the Arabs. Peace, if and when it comes, will do so on the Arabs' timetable, not Israel's. Unfortunately, all the evidence indicates the Arab world is not about to choose genuine peace with Israel in the foreseeable future. This lack of control over a painful situation led many Israelis to embrace delusions of control; delusions that the right concessions could not help but win peace from the Arabs.
The key of the condition is, that the situation is actually or is perceived to be, beyond the victim's control. The case can be made that this entire predicament we find ourselves in is man-made, but that is not how the demoralized public and our leaders see it. Let's look at it from the limited perspective of the current migrant crisis. 

The Refugee Convention was signed in 1951. It was designed for a bi-polar world in which entire nations were locked up behind the Communist Iron Curtain. The aim was to aid dissidents and defectors escape to the free West. Air travel was nothing compared to the scale of the present day. Communications were limited to telephone and cable. 

If our political leaders had any common sense, they would long have adjusted the treaty to fit present conditions in which millions are on the move. The truth is, that the treaty is a centre piece to the Internationalist ideology that sees the nation state as an impediment to "world peace". (Source)

Angela Merkel made the migrant crisis far worse than it needed to be when she publicly announced the EU shouldn't be expected to uphold its own laws when she suspended the requirements of the Schengen Treaty that requires refugees to register in the first safe country of entry.

But all those self inflicted conditions do not alter the psychology of our elites. In their minds there is no other way and that this is in fact force majeure. In the evolution of the suicidal psychology of demoralization the following stages are passed on the way to civilizational extinction: 
  1. Refusal to follow the will of the people, leading to increased autocracy and authoritarian rule.
  2. Moral neutrality.
  3. Denial, passive tolerance of intolerance.
  4. Abdication of core functions (i.e. protection of rights and the territorial jurisdiction). 
  5. Capitulation. 
  6. Normalization, enforcing hostile rule (i.e. collaboration). 
The root is the arrogance of power that is innate in the ideology of Progressivism. The pedantic "we are the rulers and we know best" attitude comes with every elite, that is, a Ruling Class that has lost its connection with the source of its authority, the people. 

We have passed the first three mental stages of demoralization: alienation from the people, moral neutrality and denial and passive tolerance of Islamic intolerance. From now on we will increasingly witness the next stages: abdication and capitulation leading finally to unfettered collaboration and enforcement.

This is already partly the case where Governments are effectively enforcing UN Resolution 16/18, the OIC's 10 year program regarding the violation of Islamic interests, either by law or by extra legal means, i.e. by exerting peer pressure and shaming, otherwise known as political correctness. (Source)

In the case of the Dutch vet being prosecuted for the unlawful killing of Islamic State fighters in Syria we have another example, typical of the last stage of demoralization. While an active participant in the coalition against ISIS, the Dutch Government is nevertheless prosecuting one of its own citizens for taking a courageous moral stance. (Source)

As the Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov makes clear it is almost impossible to effectively reverse the process of demoralization.(Source) Our best hope is that a generation of moral, free thinking leaders will rise to replace the old guard, who have become worse than useless. It is also a matter of the utmost urgency. This can't wait any longer.

Furthermore, we shall have to prepare ourselves individually and as a family for the final stages of demoralization and the collapse that is inevitable. We must work on different level, morally, mentally but also physically and practically. We shall be posting in these pages more on those issues in the near future. 

Dutch version


Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Dumbing down is not your imagination or a figure of speech, but cognitive fact. Low information people know less facts and they are increasingly incapable of putting facts together in an integrated body of knowledge. The problem is mental and it's man-made. It's politically induced stupidity. 

Thou shalt not generalize! There is no pattern. 

UPDATE: The following is a great example of another typical postmodern stupidity, the Fallacy of the Running Nose. It is the result of their incapacity to draw the correct essences from a concept, leading to false equivalents. Saturation point is drawn from the subject of physics and here equivocated with the ability of a country to take in a great number of aliens whose values in many respects are contrary to its own. The analogy is completely false! We may assume Ms Maskell has had a fairly decent education. Then how is it possible she commits a crime against logic this huge? The answer is, it's brought on by her moral standard: the cause she is fighting for is so noble, that even truth and logic are subjected to it. The aim justifies the means is the moral standard of the true Pragmatist.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


New atheists claim to be rational people. They express disgust with childish belief in the spirit in the sky and (Christian) religion that for centuries has been foisting its morality on others. Yet they react to criticism as a vampire to garlic. Their fanatism is often on par with the worst religionists. So what's going on? An investigation in progress. 

Article on Free Beacon. (Source) (Link)

The law and the courts are forcing Catholic organizations to pay for the contraception and abortions of their employees. Apart from the question if these requirements should be covered by health insurance in the first place or whether the employees in question actually want this cover, the matter we must answer here is, is this correct, just or even moral?

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Management: Motivated by Profit Or Purpose?

In the video bestselling author of "Drive," Dan Pink is exploring and identifying the personal qualities and essential drives that motivate people. He distinguishes profit from purpose. But that isn't the whole story. There are more essential principles at work that we must try to understand or the consequences can be dire. 

RSA animation illustrating the difference between profit and purpose motive. Full lecture.

In above animation management and business author Dan Pink (site) discovers the difference between the profit and the purpose motive. Conclusions of research into motivation conducted by MIT indicate that even when minor cognitive skills are involved, the results no longer match the rewards. The contradiction rests on two misunderstandings: the theory of behaviorism rooted in the idea that man is no different from any other animal; and the straw man argument that man is motivated by greed. Both prepositions are untrue as we shall demonstrate. It also explains why motivational techniques developed by coaches work very well in sports, but the analogy is stopping short for people involved in mental achievement. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Unbelievers are being oppressed all over the Middle East, specifically in countries destabilized in 'Arab Spring' type revolutions and in the territory under the control of the Islamic State. No one in the West is lifting a finger to prevent these genocides.

UPDATE: They are from some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, from lands where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah walked, and where Jonah called the people of Ninevah to repentance. But today these Christians have been targeted for death, sexual slavery, displacement, cultural eradication and forced conversion by ISIS. The U.S. government’s response has been woefully inadequate — neither helping them defend themselves and stay, nor providing them asylum to leave. And now, to add insult to injury, they are casualties of the agencies contracted to resettle refugees in America. (...) The blame is not just with the United Nations and the Obama administration. U.S. organizations who resettle refuges are also to blame. This includes Christian groups that resist any focus on Christian victims of ISIS, and oppose actions by Congress to welcome not just economic migrants but also Christians and other religious minorities victimized by ISIS. (..) (Source)

Thursday, May 2, 2019


War is an art. War is deception. War is the will to win. War is convincing the enemy he cannot win. War is more than breaking things and killing people. War is philosophy, psychology and brain power.

Oct. 5, 2021 The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Entire Unabridged Audiobook).

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu (also referred to as "Sunzi" and "Sun Wu"), a high ranking military general and strategist during the late Spring and Autumn period (some scholars believe that the Art of War was not completed until the subsequent Warring States period. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and is still read for its military insights. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy in the world.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


What have minor conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Novorossiya, Chechnya, the Baltics, Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine and Hungary have in common? All are examples of Russia involved in what is known as 'Special War'. So what is it? 

May 19, 2020 VIDEO of Russian FSB Snipers in Ukraine. 

The conflict in Ukraine is a good example of what is known as Special Warfare -- an amalgam of espionage, subversion, even forms of terrorism to attain political ends without actually going to war in any conventional sense. Also diplomacy, misinformation and disinformation play an important role in Special War. Special war is the default setting for countries that are unable or unwilling to fight major wars, but there are prerequisites, above all a degree of cunning and a willingness to accept operational risk to achieve strategic aims.


Most contemporary politicians hold the view that ends can only be achieved by negotiation and by a Pragmatic take on 'what works'. Consensus leads to the best results for the majority. If that doesn't specifically specifies what is the Good, that is not an accident of nature. 

Five Part docu and audio book about Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527), an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. (Wiki)

Officially Pragmatism is rooted in 19th Century America. Unofficially its principles are much older. Machiavelli was a typical Pragmatist. The philosophy of Pragmatism is a rejection of the idea that the function of thought is knowledge of objective reality. Instead, pragmatists consider thought to be a product of the interaction between organism and environment. The function of thought is a tool for prediction, action, and problem solving, not for knowledge of reality as such. According to Pragmatism, philosophical topics — such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and science — must be seen in terms of their practical uses and successes rather than in terms of accuracy. It leads to a very curious, irrational and amoral world view. This makes it quite dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


What is postmodernism, what is its history and why does it matter? This blog should answer most of these questions and explain what is the antidote to this particularly destructive school of thought. Check the Background section at the bottom of this page and the tab pages underneath the banner for more research and analyses.

UPDATE: Three intrepid academics perpetrated a giant version of the Sokal Hoax once again revealing the utter nonsense of Postmodern "science" (Wiki). They published a number of fake papers in major academic journals. The result is hilarious and delightful. Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian set out to show that ideology reigns supreme in what they call "Grievance Studies": academic areas organized around victim groups,and often more motivated by a political agenda than a serious search for the truth. 

Monday, September 11, 2017


In May 2015 the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas was attacked by two ISIS Jihadists. The contest was won by Objectivist artist Bosch Fawstin. Geert Wilders as the key note speaker, was on the spot when the attack took place.

UPDATE: Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech is a shocking new film and follow-up video series detailing the concerted effort by international organizations to compel the U.S. and other Western countries to curtail freedom of speech and criminalize criticism of Islam. Featuring exclusive interviews with Pamela Geller, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Mark Steyn, Milo Yiannopolous, Raheem Kassam, Robert Spencer, Douglas Murray, Ezra Levant, Lars Vilks, Garland Muhammad cartoon contest winner Bosch Fawstin, and many other heroes of freedom, this web series will be the first ever to expose the war on free speech. It is certain to shock the American public and awaken many. These interviews reveal events at Garland and its aftermath that have never before been made public and demonstrate how far advanced the war on free speech really is. (Discounted price via Breitbart)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

GEERT WILDERS ARCHIVE: Oct. 28, 2014 - March 14, 2017

Live Blog

March 14, 2017


Final debate between PM Mark Rutte and Geert Wilders at Erasmus University Rotterdam. 

Amidst the diplomatic spat with the Turks (more) the parties in the Dutch election are battling it out in the last day before the elections. Yesterday the news broke that a year ago, as part of the EU deal with Turkey, the Dutch PM Rutte as chairman of the European Council, the German chancellor Merkel and then Turkish PM Davutoglu made a secret arrangement: Germany and the Netherlands would take 150-250,000 refugees off Turkey's hands. The idea was that Merkel and Rutte would persuade other member states to accept 'their fair share' of this contingent of refugees. For good reasons, this never happened. The Germans and the Dutch are still on the books to absorb these 150-250,000 migrants...a year! The Turks are so angry, they are now threatening to blow up the entire deal. Moreover, the Turks say the EU never forked over the 6 billion euros it would pay for the upkeep of refugees in Turkey. An unconfirmed revelation today confirms the entire diplomatic spat was an election trick pulled by Rutte so he could present himself as a 'strong man'. German newspaper Bild broke the news last night that Rutte told the Turkish authorities they would be welcome to campaign for their referendum after the Dutch elections; Rutte feared correctly that the sight of a host of Turkish flags would contribute to a Wilders victory.

Feb. 23, 2017


Geert Wilders (Dutch Freedom Party), Marine le Pen (French Front National), Frauke Petry (German Alternative für Deutschland), Matteo Salvini (Italy’s Northern League) and Harald Vilimsky (Austria’s Freedom Party) gathered on January 21 at a convention in Koblenz, Germany. They called on European voters to participate in a patriotic spring to topple the European Union, reassert national sovereignty and secure national borders. 

UPDATE: The leader of the poll-topping Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, has announced the suspension of his campaign with less than three weeks to go before his nation’s general election after the discovery of a possible mole in his security detail. A Moroccan-origin Dutch police officer working on Mr Wilder’s security detail was arrested Monday and subsequently released on bail for allegedly leaking police information about his assignment. Claims in the Dutch media stated the officer had passed information to a Dutch-Moroccan criminal organisation. Subsequent revelations reported by Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad allege arrested officer Faris K. had been under suspicion in the past for security violations and that his brother Mohammed K. had been fired from Dutch police in 2007 for leaking police information, and had also been investigated for rape.  (More)

Feb. 22, 2017


Jan 21, 2017 RT - Leaders of several European nationalist parties gathered for the ‘Freedom for Europe’ congress in Koblenz. English voice over translation.

French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen declared Saturday that 2017 will be the “year of the awakening of the people of continental Europe” as she joined fellow nationalist leaders in Germany at the beginning of a year of high-stakes national elections. The mood was celebratory a day after Donald Trump was sworn in as U.S. president, following a campaign buoyed by anti-establishment and protectionist themes. “Yesterday, a new America. Today, hello Koblenz, a new Europe!” Dutch anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders said as he opened his speech at a congress center on the banks of the Rhine river, under heavy security. “The people of the west are awakening. They are throwing off the yoke of political correctness,” he said. “This year will be the year of the people … the year of liberation, the year of the patriotic spring.” (More)

Sep. 11, 2017


On the 15th anniversary of 9/11 it is perhaps fitting to revisit Geert Wilders' film document made in 2008, Fitna. In the tweet above a new release by the Christian Action Network. It shows that nothing has changed over the years. Geert Wilders was acquitted in the trial mentioned, but is currently facing new charges. The EU's open borders ideology, exacerbated by Merkel's asinine asylum policies have made matters infinitely worse.

Sep. 6, 2016


The vile UN Human Rights Commission headed by the Jordanian chief, Zeid Sa'ad Al Hussein is not hesitating to meddle in national affairs and elections by ripping into politicians like Trump and Wilders for defending their nations against Islam. The UN Chief hails from one of the vilest police states in the Middle East. Islam is the opposite, the contrary and entirely incompatible with Western Enlightenment values. Wilders calls the critique emanating from the globalist headquarters in New York "grotesque".

The United Nations human rights chief on Monday accused U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of spreading "humiliating racial and religious prejudice" and warned of a rise of populist politics that could turn violent. In comments (source) at a security and justice conference, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said he was addressing Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders and other "populists, demagogues and political fantasists." Naming Trump, Nigel Farage in Britain and Marine Le Pen in France, among others, he accused them of using "fear" tactics similar to those of Islamic State, also known as Daesh. "Make no mistake, I certainly do not equate the actions of nationalist demagogues with those of Daesh," he said. "But in its mode of communication, its use of half-truths and oversimplification, the propaganda of Daesh uses tactics similar to those of the populists." In a tweet, Wilders called Zeid "an idiot." Zeid labelled Wilders' March 2017 election platform, which calls for no Muslim immigrants, the closing of mosques and the banning of the Koran, as "grotesque." "The UN is grotesque," Wilders responded. "Let's get rid of these bureaucrats." (More)

Aug. 29, 201


The document, published ahead of a general election in March, calls for the closure of all mosques and Islamic schools, a ban on the Koran, and “no more immigrants from Islamic countries.” A ban on “Islamic headscarves” in public is also proposed, as well as the prohibition of all “Islamic expressions which violate public order.” All these measures will, Wilders argues, save the country €7.2 bn (US$8bn). “Enough of the mass immigration, asylum, terror, violence and lack of safety. Here is our plan: instead of financing the entire world and the people we do not want here, we give our money back to the citizens.
Zero Hedge ripped a translation from a site hat evidently hates Wilders. It is reading in part as follows:

1) De-Islamization
- Zero asylum seekers and no more immigrants from Muslim countries: we are closing our borders.
- Withdrawal of all residence permits already granted to asylum seekers; asylum seeker centers closed down.
- No more Muslim veils in public functions
- Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order
- Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims
- Criminals with double nationality stripped of their Dutch citizenship and deported
- Syrian fighters not allowed back in The Netherlands
- All Mosques and Muslim schools are to be closed and the Koran banned.
2) The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
3) Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
4) Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
5) (House)Rents to be lowered
6) Age of retirement back to 65 years old. Pensions for everyone.
7) No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
8) Past budget cuts involving care will be reversed.
9) Plenty extra funds for defense and police
10) Lower income taxes
11) 50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes
Dutch edition.

Jan. 22, 2015

Newsweek: The Psychology Behind Geert Wilders

An article in Newsweek thanks Geert Wilders popularity to the Paris massacre of at Charlie Hebdo. It's open season on the charismatic Dutch anti Islam politician, so an psychologist has worked out an old family history is at the root of his anti Islam stance.

Cheap indeed. Who needs old colonial history when thousands of innocent human beings are being killed because of the Islamic concepts of Sharia and Jihad?
(...) Dutch anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen has been researching the origins of Wilders’s political philosophy since 2009, while working on a book about the colonial history of Holland. She discovered some material in the national archives and published an article later that year that revealed a secret Wilders had long kept hidden from the public eye: his Indonesian roots. Van Leeuwen is of similarly mixed blood, she said, and she was always bewildered at her mother’s support of Wilders and his anti-Islam positions. 
At the close of the colonial era, Dutchmen were driven from the Indies by Muslims, many of them settling in places like the Netherlands, so when van Leeuwen discovered Wilders’ Indonesian heritage, she grew curious. “There’s lots of bitterness among these old generations of colonial migrants,” she says. “That’s why Geert Wilders is a hero to them. He knows why people don’t feel comfortable in this society of migrant groups.” 
Van Leeuwen’s mother hides Wilders’s books when her daughter comes now, but she is among many with an Indonesian background who admiringly call Wilders a “Branie,” an Indonesian term for a man with chutzpah, with the balls to say what he thinks. “They were chased from their beautiful paradise in the sun,” the researcher told me. “Now here’s this guy saying it too, after everyone has been silent for 50 years, and he’s their hero.” 
Van Leeuwen discovered that Wilders’s grandfather was a high-ranking bureaucrat in the Dutch colony of Indonesia. Johan Ording, she says, went bankrupt several times in the Indies. He was fired while on holiday in Holland in 1934, warned not to return to the colony and later denied a pension. Mired in poverty, he and his family were forced back to the Netherlands in the middle of a harsh Dutch winter. “You can call it cheap psychology to link these things, but I think this has meaning for somebody like Geert Wilders,” Van Leeuwen says. “He is lost.” 
On some level, Van Leeuwen says, whether Wilders believes it or not, he’s blaming Muslims for what happened to his family and seeking retribution. “He wants to go back to the way the borders were drawn before the war. Before decolonization,” she says, referring to the period before Indonesia claimed its independence and was still a Dutch colony, called the Netherlands-Indies. “He once had serious plans to return parts of Belgium to ‘Greater’ Holland.” He dyes his hair, she thinks, to disguise his Indonesian roots. 
Wilders has responded to van Leeuwen’s findings only once, in a television interview, saying her thoughts about him were “twisted,” and he insists to me that he’s not seeking revenge against anyone. But as he gestures emphatically from the safety of this fortified office a day after the tragic massacre in Paris, it’s clear Wilders isn’t the least bit mournful. He’s fired up.
It may be a coincidence to Ms Van Leeuwen, but Wilders is equally popular among the Hindus originating from another former Dutch colony on the other side of the world, Suriname (Dutch Guyana). What unites both minorities? Centuries of experience with Islam.

Dec. 22, 2014

Geert Wilders' Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal

Nov. 20, 2014

Islam’s War Against the Free West

Geert Wilders, the founder and leader of the Party for Freedom, currently the largest party in the Dutch parliament, gave a speech at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 20th Anniversary Restoration Weekend.

The event took place Nov. 13-16 at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.


Oct. 28, 2014

Geert Wilders Explains His Plan to Save the West

Geert Wilders joined The Glazov Gang. Wilders came on the program to crystallize the only way the West will be able to preserve itself. 

Oct 21, 2014 The Glazov Gang - Geert Wilders on "The West’s Battle for Freedom." (Source)

Geert Wilders' Plan to Save the West

By Diana West

I was near Washington, D.C. interviewing the visiting Geert Wilders, leader of the Netherlands' Party for Freedom, when the news flashed that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the Canadian convert to Islam who terrorized Ottawa on Wednesday, had previously had his passport lifted by the Canadian government as an officially designated "high-risk traveler." (Source)

That means that before Zehaf-Bibeau put a bullet through the chest of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, a young reservist standing guard with an unloaded rifle at the Canadian National War Memorial, and before Zehaf-Bibeau rushed into the nation's Parliament building, where, thankfully, he was gunned down by security before he could murder again, Canadian authorities had already identified him as someone likely to join the jihad abroad. In fact, so likely was Zehaf-Bibeau to join a group such as ISIS, Canadian authorities did what many Western governments are doing in the name of counter-terrorism: They took Zehaf-Bideau's passport away.

"That's the same as the other one!" Wilders notes energetically, referring to Martin Couture-Rouleau, also an Islamic convert and "high-risk traveler," who drove his car into two Canadian soldiers in Quebec earlier in the week, killing Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent. Couture-Rouleau, who was shot dead at the scene of his crime, had had his passport taken from him in July when he was arrested at the airport before he could travel to Turkey. In other words, but for good Canadian police work, it looks as if both of these murderers would have left Canada and disappeared into the bloody maw of the Islamic State.

Phew -- that was close? No, that was insane. Such a policy, which the Dutch government also follows, frustrates Wilders to no end. "Let them leave," says Wilders. "Let them leave, or detain them. I find it incomprehensible that Western governments stop people who want to leave to fight for jihad in Syria or Iraq." Let them go and never let them return, he says, or with sufficient evidence, detain them. While the West combats the Islamic State, he points out, "nothing is being done to make our own countries safe."

Wilders supports the U.S.-led bombing campaign against the Islamic State, and is proud that Dutch F-16s are flying combat missions. He points out, however, that military action in the Middle East is "not an excuse not to do anything domestically." But not doing anything domestically -- anything, that is, that protects our liberties at home from the encroachments of Islam and its body of repressive, discriminatory and misogynistic laws known as sharia -- perfectly describes the Western response in the post-9/11 era.

It is such policies of appeasement that Wilders has been combating for more than a decade as a member of the Dutch Parliament and also leader of the Party for Freedom. Wilders is subject to continuing Islamic death threats, requiring him to live in a 24/7 security bubble. It is these same policies of appeasement that have made the Netherlands and other European nations havens for supporters of even the most bloodthirsty factions in Islam, including the Islamic State, whose supporters now boldly wave their black flags of jihad in the middle of Amsterdam, menacing Jews and Christians alike.

In a recent speech to parliament, Wilders cited a study showing that nearly three-quarters of ethnic Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands consider that those who leave to fight in Syria are "heroes." This isn't much different from 13 years ago, when, Wilders pointed out, roughly the same percentage of Dutch Muslims condoned the 9/11 attacks.

These are shocking figures. They provide more evidence of the failure of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into Dutch culture -- a failure repeated throughout Europe, where de facto Islamic sharia colonies have obliterated indigenous cultures. Little wonder a large percentage of Dutch -- two-thirds, according to a June poll Wilders cites -- now believe Islamic culture does not belong in the Netherlands.

What to do? Wilders offers a basic program to begin reversing the Islamization of the Netherlands and the wider West:
  1. Halt immigration from Islamic countries; 
  2. Close every Salafist mosque receiving money from Gulf countries;
  3. Stimulate voluntary re-emigration;
  4. Expel criminals with dual nationality to the country of their other nationality;
  5. Demand that resident passport-holders from Islamic countries renounce sharia law and the violent commands of the Koran;
  6. Bar those returning from jihad from re-entry.
They can take up residence in the Islamic State, Wilders says. Later, I watched Wilders on television with Sun TV's Michael Coren, who asked him how to manage the Islamic threat within Western societies without also impinging on civil liberties. "Listen, war has been declared on us," Wilders replied, "on Canada, by the Islamic state, by Muslim fundamentalists, (on) Europe, on the United States, on us, so we have to fight them as if it was a war. It is a war.

I am very much in favor of civil liberties, but I believe that in a time of war, we should have one, first priority -- and that is to protect our people -- the Canadian people, the Dutch people, the American people." He mentioned the ISIS flags that now come out on the streets in the Netherlands -- a ticket out of the country, in his view -- and concluded: "If you have the intention to rob our society of our rule of law, them you don't deserve the rights that come with that rule of law."



October 23, 2014 Sun TV: Geert Wilders on Jihad in Canada (Source)

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Racist! is used by the Left as a weapon to control speech they don't like. It has become so blunt with use, that some don't even know anymore what actual racism is. Donald Trump is making an effort to re-start the debate, but probably not in the way race baiters intended. 

October 26, 2016: Donald J. Trump for President rally in Charlotte, NC.

UPDATE:  RSBN's Adam Taxin coverage of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Charlotte, NC at McGlohon Theatre at Spirit Square. In a speech tailored to black voters in the crucial swing state, Trump outlined a series of policy proposals aimed at tackling urban renewal and bringing prosperity to African-American families across the country. He promised to provide "a new deal" for black communities if he defeats Hillary Clinton in next month's presidential election. "That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education and high-paying jobs."

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Ted Cruz has not come to bring the originalist approach to the United States Constitution. His views on Liberty are not based on the principles of the Founding Fathers and the Enlightenment philosophers, but rather on a Christian heretic cult. He has a lot of his followers fooled, not least evangelicals and Tea Party Libertarians. 

UPDATE: We have previously outlined the approach the Karl Rove/Lee Atwater GOPe types will use to take down Ted Cruz. –HERE– Democrats would also use a similar approach if they ever had the need. Senator Cruz personifies their ideal opponent. Most of Ted Cruz supporters are severely religious, and/or they are part of the financial enterprises surrounding religion. As a direct consequence both elements are intensely committed to avoid vetting him. This head-in-sand approach presents a serious issue – when they don’t confront the problems they’re set up for catastrophic failure. The approach of “proselytizing as an electoral strategy” will bring money from intensely religious followers – but it can never win a broad based election. The following article from 2013 highlights how the GOPe will bring down Cruz as soon as his usefulness is expired. [2013 – TEXAS] In a sermon last year at an Irving, Texas, megachurch that helped elect Ted Cruz to the United States Senate, Cruz’ father Rafael Cruz indicated that his son was among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda commonly referred to as the “Seven Mountains” mandate, and “bring the spoils of war to the priests”, thus helping to bring about a prophesied “great transfer of wealth”, from the “wicked” to righteous gentile believers. (More)

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Libertarians Stefan Molyneux and Infowars' Paul Joseph Watson are discussing the present migrant crisis and the moral collapse of the Regressive Left in its wake. The Left have now become so indistinguishable from aggressive Islamists that ISIS are considering arming them to advance their goal of the global Caliphate (at 56:00). 

Feb. 4, 2016 Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet and Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux: Is the European migrant crisis leading to War? (Source)  

UPDATE: Interesting audio from the Daniel Horowitz about the meaning of Government and it's compact with civil society. The first duty of the Government is to protect the existing citizens. That's what we are paying them for. But Progressive Internationalists have taken their specific ethics of altruism, declared it universally valid and applied it to the entire world. They are enforcing the same duty on their citizenry! There's a reason why free countries must never allow their Governments to dictate morality: this is the essence of tyranny. Our Governments do not hold absolute power. The open border policy rests solely on the International Treaty on Refugees, signed in 1951! The height of the Cold War and a different world than the present. It is clearly not within the mandate that civil society or even the voters, have given politicians! It certainly doesn't apply to a people with a morality that is clearly at odds with our principles of Government. Government is there to protect the existing citizenry. Thanks to multicural BS we have not been able to assimilate the existing Muslim population. Let's fix that first and work for Islamic reformation before we allow hundreds of thousands into our lands. We have no duty towards them. We owe them nothing. Yet we are paying for this. It's no wonder Merkel is under fire from German Constitutional scholars. What our Governments are doing is simply is not within the boundaries of the liberal-democratic, limited Government as we understand it! Listen to the audio!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


There is no end to the mass delusion of Western leaders! And they call that "reason". The sex attacks in Europe are simply a "matter of public order" and have nothing to do with the refugee crisis, Jean-Claude Juncker’s inner circle believe. Those who think otherwise are xenophobic racists and to hell with the rights of women! 

Over the last few years we've seen Western leaders endlessly bowing and appeasing the enemies of Liberty. They labor under the doctrine, that any unpleasantness rooted in Islam must be foisted on a group of terrorists, first Al Qaeda and later ISIS; this 'scapegoating' enables them to wage war on that group of "unislamic" radicals, while at the same time appeasing and pandering to the "true" Muslims at home. The truth is, our leaders are demoralized. But what does that mean? 

Sunday, January 10, 2016


The New Year's Eve's sex mob attacks in Germany and elsewhere in Europe mark the grandiose collapse of the morally superior ruling elites. The fundamental, universal right of women to their personal integrity has been betrayed in favor of base, religiously inspired oppression we thought belonged to the past.

No2EU caught the problem succinctly and in it basic essence. Both the Left and the Right, united in the ruling elites have betrayed the fundamental rights of Western peoples. They have been betrayed by the Left, when they tore up the social contract with the middle classes, women and gays. They have been betrayed by the Right, when they abandoned the principle of Liberty: individual rights and freedom. There are a few explanations on offer for this moral dereliction. Two are psychological, another is political. But the ultimate cause is, that it's rooted in our own ideology. Mistakes that are woven into the fabric, become apparent only in the threadbare state of a philosophy that has outlived its moral usefulness.