Friday, May 11, 2012

Fascism: the Secret Lessons From History Revealed (2/2)

In the first part of this posting we looked back at the German Revolution in the interbellum and concluded that Left and Right fascism crushed the middle classes and the corollaries of man as an individual, between them. Both Left and Right collectivism share a common enemy: individualism, liberty, capitalism.
Glenn Beck has reached the same conclusion by another route and explains it in this video:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FUBAR! Post May 6 Voodoo Economics

John Roubino on is finally giving in today awarding first prize for voodoo economics to NYT columnist Paul Krugman: he has won the day after last Sunday May 6 elections that divided Greece (scenarios) to the bone and ushered in a Socialist Presidency in France.

Fascism: the Secret Lessons From History Revealed (1/2)

- Fascist violence in the German Revolution - 
With everyone watching in utter fascination the ascent to parliament of the Greek Fascist party, Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) with 6 percent of the vote, the time has come to set matters straight on the issue of mob violence (watch the Gauleiter here giving a rather sad rendition of a Corporal Hitler speech *OMG* -  Hat tip: @Tilly_Kammeron).

Thursday, May 3, 2012

WTF! Hate Speech pOmO Fee-Faw-Fums Wilders?

- De Mul website: all priciples are equally unworthy - 
A decade after the first political murder in the Netherlands in modern history - of the right wing politician Pim Fortuyn - the critters are once again crawling out of the woodwork in order to drop a few poisonous memes into the culture. A pOmO ideolog philosopher can't pass up an opportunity like that - can he?

Monday, April 30, 2012

#Occupy: Not Organizing For May Day

Completely authentic #Occupy grass roots poster
The entirely authentic grass roots movement #Occupy is Not Organizing any May Day strikes or demonstrations for tomorrow, May The First, International Workers' Day

DBD: People Can't Wait

#EUSSR: Tyranny Is Harmony

Images from George Orwell’s 1984 manuscript (Part 1)
The three slogans of the Party: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength - H/T @OrwellGuy
As usual any BS from BRX must come to us by way of Britain's intrepid newspapers rather then the useless continental Euro tools in the MSM. The Mail Online informed us on Sunday over breakfast that last Friday April 28, as the Dutch #FisCom compliant budget landed on the desk of  the European Komisars just in time to avert a fine of 1 billion euros for an 'excessive deficit procedure' (Dutch report), the British Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles went ballistic *OMG*