Saturday, June 15, 2013

Iranians Vote a New President, Legitimizing the Ayatollah Tyranny

Iran demonstrates that democracy has nothing to do with liberty and is certainly not synonymous to freedom. It is immaterial which candidate appointed by Guardians Council the people will choose

Ahmadinejad is barred from standing for a third consecutive term under the constitution.

An election cycle after  the disputed re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spurred the Green liberation Movement, Iranians today voted for a new president. Men and women in separate queues were lining up at polling stations. More than 50.5 million people are eligible to vote for the man — no women candidates were approved — to succeed Ahmadinejad. Iran supreme rulers, the Guardian Council approved six candidates.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

(Updated) VIDEO Confirmed: SA-7 Missiles Are in Terrorist Hands

A Syrian rebel opens fire on a government helicopter with a shoulder fired missile - the SA-7, Stinger or MANPAD. It's almost sure Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has them too

The video was posted on June 10. It’s unclear what happened afterwards.

UPDATE: Photocopies of SA-7 surface-to-air missile manuals have been found by French forces during their land assault in Mali earlier this year. They also discovered SA-7 battery packs and launch tubes. The manuals lay in stapled stacks, handouts for a class of Al Qaeda aligned fighters. It is a detailed guide, with diagrams and photographs, on how to use the weapon, which is capable of taking down a commercial airplane. The 26-page document in Arabic lay in a building that had been occupied by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in Timbuktu.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Orwell's Government Surveillance Nightmare Is Flying Off the Shelves

In the storm of outrage about government data tapping Orwell's dystopian work "1984" is flying off the shelves

Watch the movie trailer.

Sales of George Orwell's "1984" are up 69 percent on Amazon, according to the Amazon's 'Movers and Shakers' list. The book’s 60th anniversary was on June 6th, amidst a flurry of real-world news stories on secret government surveillance.

UPDATE: The current sales rank is 106. The list identifies the biggest gainers in sales rank compared to twenty-four hours ago. As of 3:22PM EST, sales are up 91 percent and rising. 1984: 60th-Anniversary Edition (Plume) - 1984 DVD - IMDB - Source

Monday, June 10, 2013

Bilderberg 2013, VIDEO: House of Commons Holding Raucous Debate

Bilderberg is over. Time to find out what policy consensus will be implemented "in the environments which they [Bilderbergers] affect" (words said in 2010 by former Secretary General of NATO and two-time Bilderberg participant, Willy Claes)

House of Commons.

UPDATE: Labour MP Michael Meacher, who visited protesters at the weekend, today made good on his vow to officially quiz Osbourne on his Bilderberg attendance. However, it was MP Kenneth Clarke, a Bilderberg Steering Committee member who answered the question in the House of Commons, dismissing any theories that the group influences public policy, and claiming that the group is not beholden to public scrutiny.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Future of Europe? Greek Poverty in 15 Shocking Pictures

Greek government bonds are at multi-year highs (up 300% in the last year), the Athens Stock Index still up 100% in the last year, and leaders all over the Euro-zone are proclaiming the crisis is over (and that Greece has "made big strides")

The new Greek economic reality.

The sad truth is Greece is rapidly dissolving into a 'fourth world' nation with unemployment rates (broad and youth) at unprecedented levels, poverty widespread, and homelessness rife. Perhaps, as Germany today stated that there will be no more debt reduction for Greece, it is 'math' in the first image that the TROIKA and the Greek representatives should pay special attention to...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Obama Appoints Intervention Advocate UN Ambassador

President Obama has nominated his former National Security Council aide Samantha Power to replace Susan Rice as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Obama’s choice of UN ambassador to UN calls for "mammoth protection force", re-allocation of aide to "new state of Palestine".

She is the wife of Obama's former Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, author of The Nudge and a scientific paper on the strategic advantages of smearing political opponents as 'conspiracy theorists'. Power started her career as a 22-year-old freelance reporter in Bosnia. She is a staunch advocate for intervention on moral grounds (Responsibility to protect guided by the ethics of Just War Theory).

Monday, June 3, 2013


UPDATE: Tony Blair says murder of Lee Rigby PROVES 'there is a problem within Islam'
  • Ex-PM says 'the ideology behind his murder is profound and dangerous' 
  • Bold intervention comes of ever of Cameron Commons speech 
  • Blair urges governments to 'be honest' 
Read more..

May 29, 2013


Creating New Life and Teaching It How to Survive

Since 1990 Theo Jansen has been busy creating new forms of life. He wants to put these animals out in herds on the beaches

For the past 20 years Theo Jansen has been teaching Animaris Adulari how to survive. He is hoping that at the end of his life, they can do it on their own

Sunday, June 2, 2013

10 Super Foods For Long Term Storage

When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days

When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days. But if you follow this book’s plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply, your will have plenty to eat for weeks, months or even years.