On October 28, 1940 the Italian ambassador delivered an ultimatum from Mussolini: free entry of the Italian army into Greece. The answer of the Greeks was an unequivocal, no - ochi!
On October 28th, millions of Greeks around the world commemorate 'Ochi Day', honoring Greece's courageous resistance during WWII.
On October 28, 1940 the Italian ambassador to Greece, Emanuele Grazzi delivered an ultimatum from Benito Mussolini to Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas. He demanded the entry of the Italian army into Greece for its occupation. When Metaxas was faced with this moral question, he delivered an unequivocal response: "Then, it is war", he said. How many people, especially today, would have laid down their arms and capitulated rather than fight in the face of brutal aggression? Every October 28th, Greeks honor this heroic stance celebrating saying No, Ochi to the bullies of their time. They are the only people commemorating the beginning of a war, rather than the end of it, and celebrate taking this moral decision. They are an example to all of us.