Sunday, August 24, 2014

Journalists Pissed With IS For Killing Foley

Most journalists today are not traders in news, but self appointed political activists selling the public a far Leftist stance for centrism. They are surprised and dismayed when no one is buying it

UPDATE: Sometimes the mask suddenly drops.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Doctrine to Combat the Islamic State IS

The Islamic State IS is raping, pillaging, slaving, crucifying and beheading its way through the Middle East. The savagery seems to attract countless young Muslims from East as well as West. What went wrong? 

Shiraz Maher, an expert in radicalization explains IS and its attraction for Muslims in the West. 

Ghaffar Hussain, Managing Director at the secular Quilliam Foundation (bio) brings up an excellent point in a piece on the Telegraph without actually answering the question he poses:
It's no surprise that James Foley's murderer had an English accent. We need to counter and undermine the narrative which makes the ideology of the Islamic State attractive to some young men in Britain. (Source)
Let's break this down into two basic questions: what makes them reject the most successful philosophy in human history - Liberty - in terms of freedom, prosperity and self realization for the individual? And secondly, how come they look for an answer at the most backward, oppressive and irrational collectivist system presently known to man - the Islamic State under Sharia Law?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dutch Artist Recreates Removed Art Against IS(IS)

In the face of intimidation and appalling violence, moral courage has become a rare commodity. But a Frisian artist in the north of the Netherlands decided to make a statement against the fascism of terror group IS(IS) 

19 aug. 2014 - GPTV: Grafitti art by L.J. van Tuinen as a protest against IS(IS)

UPDATE: On Aug. 20 the municipality of Leeuwarden removed the art work. The possibility exists that some clerk took it upon himself to remove the grafitti in order to avert controversy, but it appears to have been an honest mistake. The city council has apologized and offered to pay Mr Van Tuinen to redo the art work. He has accepted. (Bron)

How To Deconstruct the Caliphate Within?

The Islamic State is located in the border area of Syria and Iraq, but the Caliphate also lives in the hearts and minds of Muslims in the West. The BBC had a look at a Muslim enclave in the Dutch city of The Hague

Aug 10, 2014: The Battle of the Schilderswijk according to Free Aseer. Read also: "Wilders visits Muslim Enclave The Hague". 

In the video above we are presented with the narrative according to radical Muslims, who see themselves as victims of a racist society. They are in fact so marginalized, two separate Muslim parties are represented in the city council. They are openly or covertly supporting the cause of ISIS (Live Blog Political Islam (Dutch)). Politicians are struggling with the issue, because they are reasoning from the wrong mental frame. It is mind boggling, but even the extreme violence and cruelty of IS hasn't woken them up to the fact that these people are not our fellow citizens, but on the contrary, the enemy within.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Yesterday Sean Hannity sat down with the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and talked about the situation in Gaza, international laws of war and about the prospects to defeat the forces that target and sacrifice civilians

Aug 7, 2014 Hannity Interview Netanyahu 8/7/2014: PM on Israel's right to defend itself

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Pat Condell: Hypocrisy Over Gaza

The hypocrisy on display by the Left in the West is reaching nauseating levels. Every Muslim atrocity is systematically and methodically ignored. The Israeli defense of its citizens condemned as war crimes

Israel doesn't owe a biased world any explanation for defending itself against murderers.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Full documentary: "Muslims in Europe"

The full 4-part documentary released in 2012 on the Islamization of Europe. The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose flawless Arabic allowed him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several no-go zones in Sweden and France 

Documentary by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi.

Th initial title of this four part documentary was "Europe’s Takeover by Islam". It was made in 2012 by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi. It has been translated from Hebrew and subtitled in English. The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent were sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several no-go zones in Sweden and France, and to get an inside look at the Islamic mindset within the greater European community. The film contains some shocking footage, including a middle aged, seemingly innocent Muslim mother, who then threatens to "Burn down Sweden" if her deported son is hurt in his native Iraq and an armed Muslim criminal fleeing from French police who jumps into the camera teams van and forces them to drive him to safety. Welcome to Eurabia.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Taste of Islam: the Numbers and Stalistics

Since the onset of ISIS we crossed a new threshold in the brutality of which Islam is capable. No, other religions were not "just as bad", and no, Islam will not go through the same evolution as Christianity, because evolution in Islam is haram

Dr. Bill Warner, Director and Founder of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) analyzes the elements of Islam and tells us how they fit together.

Books available on the site of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI)
Skip the book stuff: at 5:00
On abrogation: 9:30
What is Islam: 14:10
On the unbelievers: 15:15
On Jihad: 19:20
About the Jews: 21:00
On dualism and contradiction: 25:30
Islamic ethics 28:15
The figures of Jihad: 30:20
Law of Islamic Saturation (population figures): at 31:15
On women: 33:00
The Grand Lie 34:39

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bertrand Russell (1920): Why the Left Hearts Islam

Why do Muslims, even when secular, still hate Israel? In observing Muslims, Jew hatred is perfectly explicable from Islamic scripture. But why do seculars hate Israel? 


Monday, July 28, 2014

Koranic Root of Post Ramadan Rioting

The world in under attack on all sides by Islam. This assault is covered up by Governments and the apologetic media. How that is done, is seen here in a good example from Uttar Pradesh, India

2 killed, 19 injured in Uttar Pradesh Gurdwara land row: Sikhs and Muslims clash. Curfew imposed in Saharanpur.