Thursday, June 20, 2019


The Islamic State poses a grave danger to the United States and its allies in the Middle East and around the world. It's beyond any terrorist threat we have ever seen. It must be defeated. 

In the free downloadable paper, A Strategy to Defeat the Islamic State, Kimberly Kagan, Frederick W. Kagan, and Jessica D. Lewis explore how IS can be defeated. 

The Islamic State poses a grave danger to the United States and its allies in the Middle East and around the world. Reports that it is not currently planning an attack against the American homeland are little comfort. Its location, the resources it controls, the skill and determination of its leaders and fighters, and its demonstrated lethality distinguish it from other al-Qaeda-like groups. Its ability to offer safe-haven and support to terrorists planning attacks against us is beyond any terrorist threat we have ever seen. The thousands of American and European citizens who are fighting alongside the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra in Iraq and Syria constitute an unprecedented threat to our security regardless of whether those groups intend to attack us. The Islamic State is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States. It must be defeated.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


The earliest legends about Mohammed and his band of followers in Mecca has colored the relationship of Muslims with the rest of the world. The rejection by the Meccans and the holy revenge of the Mohammedans is re-enacted every day on a world scale. 

"The Message" Movie Trailer 1976 - Story of Islam.

The movie "The Message" (IMDb) is a 3 hour melodrama in which the appearance of actor Anthony Quinn is the sole mitigating circumstance. Nevertheless, the movie is required viewing for students of Islam. The film was conceived prior to the present Islamic revival. In other words, the film does not contain any of the politically correct revisionism that one might expect in a pro Islam movie today. In the movie the actors depicting Mohammed and his followers have the polished heroism that was typical of Hollywood at the time. Still, this authorized propaganda movie meant for a Western audience is not an unabashed puff piece. It gives us a fairly balanced view of the earliest beginnings of Islam. 


Dumbing down is not your imagination or a figure of speech, but cognitive fact. Low information people know less facts and they are increasingly incapable of putting facts together in an integrated body of knowledge. The problem is mental and it's man-made. It's politically induced stupidity. 

Thou shalt not generalize! There is no pattern. 

UPDATE: The following is a great example of another typical postmodern stupidity, the Fallacy of the Running Nose. It is the result of their incapacity to draw the correct essences from a concept, leading to false equivalents. Saturation point is drawn from the subject of physics and here equivocated with the ability of a country to take in a great number of aliens whose values in many respects are contrary to its own. The analogy is completely false! We may assume Ms Maskell has had a fairly decent education. Then how is it possible she commits a crime against logic this huge? The answer is, it's brought on by her moral standard: the cause she is fighting for is so noble, that even truth and logic are subjected to it. The aim justifies the means is the moral standard of the true Pragmatist.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Islam and Christianity: Are They Equally Valid?

Many Westerners approach Islam like Obama: Islam is a religion and no religion condones evil. There's a serious flaw in that logic. Christianity does not define religion. Perhaps not all religions are morally good? And perhaps Islam isn't just a religion? 

Sam Solomon and Michael Horton discuss the  theological confrontation between Christianity and Islam. Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8

We have looked at Islam  in the past, compared it to the objective definition of religion and came up with this chart.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Objectivism: Capitalism in the Context of India

Using cultural themes specific to India, Jerry Johnson explores how Objectivism can be more easily promoted and digested within non-Western cultures. Johnson draws parallels to the Indian mode of experiencing life: dramatically, emotionally, deeply, and profoundly.

Jul 17, 2014: Jerry Johnson at the Atlas Summit 2-14: Using cultural themes specific to India.

Using the symbols of Hindu gods Laxmi, Durga, and Saraswati—who stand for Wealth, Emotional Security, and Wisdom, respectively—Jerry Johnson explores how Objectivism has deep appreciation for values that Indians understand as making for a good life. Likewise, by shining light on Objectivism's emotional thrust—the passionate dedication to life, reason, liberty, and happiness that Objectivism champions. Jerry Johnson is a corporate communication professional with academic training in psychology and philosophy. He is also a TEDx speaker and TEDx curator. His articles have appeared in the Times of India, DNA, and Open magazine. Jerry has been active in spreading the ideas of Objectivism in India through his collaboration with think-tanks in India, the philosophy groups at the University of Mumbai, and through his soon-to-be-launched institute "The Delphi Center." 


When someone refers on our Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian heritage this means that there is a historical continuation we're building on going back some three thousand years. Molyneux explains the present day parallels between Western civilization and the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

April 1, 2020 Stefan Molyneux: The Truth About The Fall of Rome: Modern Parallels.

Postmodernists are incapable of pulling roots or find a common denominator. There is a mental reason for that cognitive handicap. (More) When a patriot draws on 'our Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian heritage' this means something. It means that our culture wasn't dropped on earth from outer space in say, around 1965. It means there is a historical continuation we're building on to this very day. Molyneux  fulfills an old desire of the editors to place the common Western heritage in a context and explain the roots of our longevity and prosperity. We are repeating the same mistakes our ancestors made. We are in danger of losing it all. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


New atheists claim to be rational people. They express disgust with childish belief in the spirit in the sky and (Christian) religion that for centuries has been foisting its morality on others. Yet they react to criticism as a vampire to garlic. Their fanatism is often on par with the worst religionists. So what's going on? An investigation in progress. 

Article on Free Beacon. (Source) (Link)

The law and the courts are forcing Catholic organizations to pay for the contraception and abortions of their employees. Apart from the question if these requirements should be covered by health insurance in the first place or whether the employees in question actually want this cover, the matter we must answer here is, is this correct, just or even moral?

Friday, June 7, 2019

Why Rights Are Primary and Democracy Is Not

Freedom is not based on the ballot box. Democracy it not an end in itself. Rights are! The question is, what are rights?

William R. Thomas explains the nature of rights.

Thursday July 4 we ran a commentary entitled Why Democracy and Equality Are Evil. Well, they aren't evil per se; but these concepts are being used in an inappropriate way. The piece explained why the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt following the Arab Spring was not an outburst of democratic freedom as the Western media and the bien-pensant elites made it out to be.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


With the culture war heating up to ever greater temperatures a new, insidious logic is building up in the Leftist narrative. It can't be left unaddressed, because it is simply too dangerous to be left to run its course. 

Uber liberal financial backer of all causes aiming to destroy Western civilization, George Soros has penned this absurd piece of narrative in the Guardian. It perfectly sets out the liberal course for the coming crucial year in the history of this existential struggle for the Western mind:
The jihadi terrorists’ ultimate goal is to convince Muslim youth worldwide that there is no alternative to terrorism. And terrorist attacks are the way to achieve that goal, because the fear of death will awaken and magnify the latent anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe and America, inducing the non-Muslim population to treat all Muslims as potential attackers.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


In this Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses The "Not All Muslims Do That" Suicidal Charade, unveiling how a leftist malicious ploy masquerades as humanitarianism but deceives and destroys.

The "Not All Muslims Do That" Suicidal Charade.

And don’t miss the previous BLOCKBUSTER Jamie Glazov Moment, in which Jamie discussed Ben Carson: Heroic Truth-Teller About Islam, commending a courageous American for having the guts to lift the veil off of Sharia.