Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eurofascism: European Integration and the Nazis (part 1)

- by Duivels666
The Soviet provo, Wladimir Bukovski a few years back noticed the EU is a twin of the Soviet Union. That's not as strange as it seems at first blush. Socialistic total states are built centralized top down. The same was the case in Nazi Germany. Blueprints from 1942 have surfaced showing the Nazis dreamed of European integration, of course under German leadership. Plan B was born.
Besides a pan German nationalist theme the National Socialists also developed a pan European template. Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers propaganda Grand Poobah, posited in 1943 only Germans would be able to organize Europe. In 2011, after the Greek FUBAR, many will beg to agree. The Nazis dreamed of a common market and a post war European Confederation within a common monetary and legal union in the Forth Reich. After the war its planners were set to work in the Federal Republic of Germany. European integration became the core policy project. The common currency it to serve as super glue. Without economic integration through 'solidarity' (another word for socialism, leveling, or the redistribution of capital on the state level), the euro is dead man walking. The narrow confines of the oyro make it impossible for marginal countries like Ireland, Italy and Greece to save themselves through monetary policy. But the radical europhiles will defend their pet coin to their last breath, and your last cent - even if Germany has to bailout all EZ member countries on its own (whoever donned his alu hat at this point believing the plot thickens, that is physically impossible, or is it? LOL). Here's an idea for a word skit. Take the Wikipedia entry for fascism and exchange 'national' for 'European' and references to the nation state to 'Europe', and things will sound horrifically familiar. Replace the word “Eurofascism” with “Europhile” and a thriller piece on European integration will emerge. Brrrrrr #HalloweenInBRX

Read more:
- Scribd: "The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU", by Anthony Taylor, Alecsandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath