Monday, February 17, 2014

EU Doles Out First Punishment to Switzerland

The unelected chairman of the European Parliament has held the Swiss voters to account over their referendum over Sunday's immigration quota's. Others EU apparatchiks will follow his lead

UPDATE: The European Union said yesterday (16 February) it had postponed negotiations with Switzerland on its participation in multibillion-dollar research and educational schemes, after Berne said it could not sign in its present form an agreement to extend the free movement of people to Croatia, the newest EU member. (Source, includes video)

Febr. 13, 2014

Swiss Can Expect 'Serious Consequences'

Barroso has spoken. Switzerland stands to lose more than the EU from a vote to restrict immigration because it cannot enjoy all the benefits of the world's biggest market without reciprocal access, he said. In an interview for a Reuters Euro Zone Summit, Barroso said the narrow Swiss referendum vote to restore quotas for migrants in breach of an agreement with the EU, would have "serious consequences" (...) (Source)

Feb. 11, 2014

EU to Punish Switzerland for Immigration Vote

The EU has delivered its first pin prick to Switzerland in response to the Swiss vote on immigration quota. The union has postponed its ongoing negotations in respect of an energy contract. "In the light of the new situation that is developing the EU does not want to continue the talks with Switzerland", a spokesman of the Commission told the Italian press agency ANSA. According to the spokesman this is "logical" given the bilaterial relations.
Next Tuesday the matter will debated by the Council of Government Ministers. On Wednesday Brussel will decide on punitive measures. (Source (Dutch))

Feb. 10, 2014

Appalling MSM Bias on Swiss Immigration Vote

According to The Commentator the MSM did their damnedest in the reporting of the Swiss immigration vote. The BBC (report) is usually representative for the rest of them. (Nederlands)

Feb. 9, 2014

Swiss Air Force Scrambles to Answer EU Challenge

The Swiss answer to the EU challenge didn't take long!

Unelected EU Capo Holds Swiss Voters to Account

A proposal to re-introduce immigration quotas has been winning ground over the past few weeks, according to the latest opinion poll. The outcome of the vote on February 9 may be decided by protest voters. Supporters of the initiative, “against mass immigration”, by the rightwing Swiss People’s Party have increased their share by 6% since the end of December to 43%. At the same time opponents lost 5% and now have 50%.

“Parties to the right have succeeded in particular in mobilising their grassroots across the country,” said Claude Longchamp, head of the leading GfS Bern research and polling institute. The political scientist expects a high turnout in the ballot, notably among rightwing voters and people who have no clear political affiliations but who distrust the government. This latter group of voters makes up about 20% of the electorate, according to Longchamp. (Source)