Monday, June 18, 2018


2018 will be the year of people power. All over the Western world patriots are beginning to stand up for their rights and for national democracy against an establishment that has capitulated to alien and globalist interests. The British voting Brexit kicked off a spate of popular elections and referendums. The election of President Donald Trump is lending fire to the movement. 

UPDATE: In order to stem the coalition crisis in Germany, Angela Merkel must hold an emergency session on June 28-19 in Brussels with Greece, Italy and Austria in order to solve the migrant crisis. Her nemeses, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer of the Bavarian coalition partner CSU has given Merkel two weeks to find a EU-wide solution to the migrant crisis before imposing borders controls in Germany. In the meantime the Russian roulette with people's lives continues. To the open borders crowd these victims are just collateral damage.

June 17, 2018


The leaders of the League and the FiveStar Movement managed to salvage their coalition Government in Italy. Almost immediately the result of the popular vote is paying off by refusing 'migrant ferries' to dock at Italian ports. In parallel a crisis has broken out in Germany where the Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer fired the head of the country's refugee agency after a scandal over improper asylum decisions. Seehofer has been increasingly outspoken in the need for a far tougher approach on migration, including the turning away of migrants without documentation. With reference to Merkel, Seehofer has said: "I can't work with that woman anymore". Seehofer leads the CSU, the sister party’s to Merkel’s CDU, and the friction now means Merkel is on the brink. Seehofer means business. The Interior Ministers of Italy, Austria and Germany are discussing a "coalition of the willing". To which globalist Macron has no other answer than a vague WW2 reference; this schtick is getting tired. The migrant issue is splitting France and Germany, the "motor of European integration". Things are looking up for Europe!

May 28, 2018


So now we know why the globalists tolerated coalition talks between the Five Star movement and Lega Nord: the plan was always for commie friend President Mattarella to reject their Minister for the Economy who was bound to be a euroskeptic. In Italy the President is appointing the Government. President Mattarella was chosen by Parliament in 2015 for a term of 7 years (Wiki). Italy does not stand a chance until 2022. Now the President dropped the guillotine on what would have been a democratically elected Government in order not to "unnerve the markets". The losers of turmoil in the markets are the strong Northern countries that carry the euro. And so you could say that the North is keeping the South in a tyrannical grip, destroying democracy in the process! How this will end? It does not take Nostradamus to predict that if the euro zone does not split up fairly soon, a revolution is bound to break out somewhere, if not a continental war! Update: Italian Banks, Bonds Crash As Di Maio (leader Five Star Movement) Calls For Protests Against "The Arrogance Of Institutions" (article).

March 5, 2018


Italian election results: Eurosceptics leads 'REVOLUTION of common sense' against the EU ITALIAN ELECTION RESULTS have shown over 50 percent of the electorate appear to have voted for eurosceptic parties, with anti-European Union League leading a “revolution of common sense” against the bloc’s policies. League and Five Star Movement, two populist parties totalled around 50 percent of votes, according to preliminary calculations. (...) The eurosceptic movement’s former leader Alessandro Di Battista said: “If these numbers are confirmed, it will be a triumph for M5S, a remarkable apotheosis, which demonstrates the goodness of the work we have done. “And above all, it shows another thing, that everyone will have to come and talk to us and this will probably be the first time. “They will have to come and talk to us using our methods of transparency, fairness, credibility, based on the proposals and solutions we want for this country. “And this will happen in the coming days, in the coming weeks.” (More)

May 7, 2017


Symbolically the fresh President Macron was hailed in under the tones of the utopian EU anthem, "Ode to Joy" (or "Alle Menschen Werden Brueder") instead of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise. Far from an outsider, this sockpuppet is the ultimate insider of the globalist elite. Speaking to the public he said: "I'll defend France, I'll defend Europe, and will strengthen links between Europe and its people." The sympathetic media are framing Macron's philosophy as “new humanism that will make the world safer.” Translation: when we persuade hostile Muslims of the superiority of our world view, they will abandon Jihad assimilating to French culture. The Eurocrats are celebrating it as a huge victory feeling emboldened: we are going to see new energy for more autocratic federalism and economically a prolongation of the Hollande regime. Meaning stagnation under the euro that is designed for German domination. It is perhaps not wrong to see Macron as an agent of German economic interests. Today, even before his inauguration, Macron is flying to Berlin. The German FM was fast to tweet a German proposal for yet another European investment fund, of which there are many that are leading absolutely nowhere.

The euro briefly rose against the dollar, than plunged to new lows.

A third of French voters declined to choose between Macron and Le Pen, either abstaining or spoiling their ballots — a record rate in nearly half a century. The abstention rate stood at 24.52 percent — the highest since the presidential election in 1969.

Le Pen is facing the difficult task of broadening her coalition considerably.

The President of the EU Council Donald Tusk called the Macron win a victory over the tyranny of FakeNews, stupidly confusing propaganda and reality.

On the campaign trail, Macron said that Britain would face “consequences” for leaving the EU and promised to take a tough stance in the divorce negotiations. “If your Government decides to organize a Brexit, I will be pretty tough on it. We have to preserve the rest of the European Union and not to convey the message that you can decide to leave without any consequences.” On Fox News John Bolton predicted what the Macron Presidency would look like.

Ezra Levant, the Canadian proprietor of The Rebel Media is seeing the Macron tenure as an opportunity, which indeed it is:

A choice of commentary and developments:

Historical archive
