Monday, July 11, 2016


We live in a  fundamentally changed world. The economy is has stagnated. The ruling elites are serving their own interests. They are slowly waking up to the ruins of their policies. The question how to deal with the 'precariat' was part of the Bilderberg 2016 agenda. The globalists are scared to death of the new proletariat. 

UPDATE: British MEP Dan Hannan tries to make sense of the peasant rebellion on the British side of the equation. The number one reason all can agree on with is migration. Number two, the bailouts. And number three, the Iraq war. (Source) The latter may have impacted the UK more than any other nation and it is obvious that the refugee crisis and the phenomenon of ISIS in part grew out of  that war. But as Donald Trump has understood very well, the central issue that aggravates every other grievance is the state of the economy. It will change, but is will take time.


A huge chunk (if not all) has to do with simply lousy philosophy. Governments do not control the economy. They never have, and they can't. More controls, more manipulation isn't going to improve anything. It makes matters worse. The ruling elite in their vainglorious arrogance have forgotten that prosperity and the creation of wealth is a byproduct of liberty. In effect, the very opposite of what they are trying to achieve. It's that simple. The ruling class doesn't have to do anything. All they have to do is step aside.


The ruling elites are stuck in their own propaganda. The rebellious peasant population are 'grocers' and 'little Englanders' or in the case of the US, hayseeds stuck to their Bibles and guns. The Dutch have their finger caught in the dike, their 'backs turned to the world'. In short, the globalists have made a caricature out of the patriot cause in which the slur of protectionism is an easy one. If we don't make clear what the objectives are, many could well accept the false premises as true.


What in essence is at stake here is democracy, broadly speaking. It's obvious in the case of the EU that democracy can't be organized within an empire that serves only the interests of its rulers. The relationship between the government and the governed has been severed. The ruling elites have detached themselves from the source of their authority and power, the people. The EU is inherently incapable of transforming itself from a platform of autocrats, to a Jeffersonian style democracy. It's not in its philosophical DNA.


Far from closed minded Nationalism, what patriots want is national self-determination. And from a position of national sovereignty, negotiate bilateral, fair trade deals with the rest of the world, much like what is already happening in the UK after Brexit. One country after another is lining up to open up trade with Britain. This is the way to go. And precisely what Donald Trump has been proposing on the American side of the Atlantic. People trade, not Governments!

June 7, 2016


The precariat is a 'dangerous class' susceptible to the calls of political extremism. 

Despite Obama and the ruling classes for years now reporting a marked upswing in the economic statistics, everyone can see that the situation is going nowhere. To blame are the policies of globalist progressive Governments in charge in the US and Europe, the euro, over regulations and a host of other causes. Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has vowed to change course on international trade, the energy industry and investment policies. (Source) If that will be enough to bring back prosperity remains to be seen. However, there is another economic aspect that remains largely in the background. Until it made the agenda of Bilderberg 2016. 


More than ever, the effect of technology is being felt, and is ready to shake the foundations that our society is built upon. That means jobs with no security, few benefits and an economy with an uncertain future. While Bilderberg handles the propaganda coup to stop Brexit (more) from succeeding and while they discuss the ways they have of dealing with Donald Trump, there will be a topic with far greater significance for your future…

There are gigantic moves underway with regard to the price of oil and the end of the petrodollar era. The geopolitical effects are not only being played out in conflict regions like Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine, but in the headlines (as seen in the public passing of the blame between Saudi Arabia and U.S. over 9/11 (more)) and in economic sabotage seen most blatantly with Venezuela, but happening all across the globe. The Brexit referendum would be a particularly large blow to the European Union’s credibility and image, and the Bilderberg crowd – who gave birth to the EU – have reputations and egos invested deeply in the superstate project.

But in the long-term, it is the drastic changes in the economic landscape that will cause the most instability, outrage and upheaval. It is largely centered around the rapid pace of technological growth and the online world, and the grave implications it has for employment and living standards. Just check out the topics Bilderberg is focusing on – United States “economy: growth, debt, reform” as well as discussion on the impact of “technological innovation” and migration to economic and social factors.

The precariat

Looming largest of all is the ominous topic “precariat and middle class.” What the hell is the precariat? And why is this term important for Bilderberg or the middle class? In the age where even the Davos elite are preoccupied with the wealth gap and the power of the 1% over the ‘revolutionary’ masses… the term “precariat” is a modern spin on the proletariat of the next era… getting by from gig-to-gig an in an economy with no clear future and uncertain job security. 
Precariat via Wikipedia: In sociology and economics, the precariat is a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which is a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare. (...) Unlike the proletariat class of industrial workers in the 20th century who lacked their own means of production and hence sold their labour to live, members of the Precariat are only partially involved in labour and must undertake extensive “unremunerated activities that are essential if they are to retain access to jobs and to decent earnings”. 
Specifically, it is the condition of lack of job security, including intermittent employment or underemployment and the resultant precarious existence. The emergence of this class has been ascribed to the entrenchment of neoliberal capitalism. Like the sardonic question posed by Bilderberg in 2014 – Does Privacy Exist? – the precariat is meant to poke at all the American Dream leftovers who will find themselves without direction, meaningful employment or much other hope for the coming decades of innovation under robotics and automation.
The topic is one that has been probed by Guy Standing, who is Professor of Development Studies at SOAS, University of London  (more) and has promoted the idea of basic income as a global right. Northeastern University reported on Professor Standing’s new agenda: 
Guy Standing, author of The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, and A Precariat Charter, spoke about his new work to an overflow group of students and faculty in the Raytheon Amphitheater on February 22nd, 2016.
Standing defines the precariat as an emerging class of people facing lives of economic insecurity, moving in and out of jobs that give little meaning to their lives. As such, they develop emotions of anomie, anxiety, alienation, and anger. 
The precariat is a “dangerous class” because it is internally divided, including college graduates without career prospects, adjuncts and other involuntary part-time workers, migrants and other vulnerable groups that tend to be vilified, as well as what Standing called “atavists” and “nostalgics”. Lacking agency, its members may be susceptible to the calls of political extremism. 

Who will pay?

What will happen to people when millions can no longer find work? Who will support their cost of living and what will justify their place in society? How will a dead broke government pay for all its dependents in the larger collectivist society? Global government shall apparently aim to provide…

In considering these questions, please also note the presence of David M. Cote, the Chairman and CEO of Honeywell (a major defense contractor) who has not previous shown up on any Bilderberg attendee rosters. He is almost certainly in Dresden to give a special presentation on: US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform.

How will financial futures be dealt with in the face of bankrupt and bloated obligations for benefits? How can governments pay for all those people to retire, have health care and live decent lives? David M. Cote is there to give an answer bankers can believe in.

David M. Cote is an expert on financial “risk” who is known for losing $2 billion in derivatives while at JP Morgan Chase, who served on the NY Federal Reserve board and who was appointed by President Obama to a key committee on debt wherein Cote has recommended cutting social benefits in order to reduce the budget deficit.  According to the Union Leader: 
In 2010, President Barack Obama named Cote to serve on the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, more commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles Commission. Cote said he [….] discuss[ed] reigning in federal entitlement programs as part of an overall effort to curb budget deficits and reduce the federal debt. …. 
“By and large, a majority of politicians understand the problem,” he said. “It’s a lack of political will out of fear their decision will be used against them.” …. Cote is a co-founder of Fix the Debt, a group of executives and former legislators who campaign for deficit reduction and tax reform. 
In a 2013 interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader, Cote […] framed the options for deficit reduction in terms of either increases in taxes or a reduction in social security benefits, saying, “If you have people saying, ‘Don’t raise my taxes, but don’t cut my benefits,’ it makes it really difficult to get anything done.”
The rapidly aging baby boomers have created a giant problem for taxes and debt. But there are even more important factors on the horizon. While dealing with these issues is clearly important, and the prospect of cutting benefits might even sit well with many conservatives, keep in mind that Bilderberg is operating in the shadows, and creating a solution for the elite. 

These insider titans stand to prosper through the management of pension funds and their investment in derivatives and other vehicles, through increased profits in health care and through the management of a society that has become entirely dependent upon social welfare and benefits just to get by.

In the wake of continuing technological revolution, human labor has officially been discounted, rendered obsolete and has become secondary in usefulness only. The effects of that truth are about to widely felt. The bureaucrats know it. The banksters know it. The executives know it. The Silicon Valley elite know it.

And here they are, gathered round the table to discuss how to handle the public relations problem of a society about to tear into pieces, or become completely under the thumb. What happens then?

