Wednesday, November 30, 2016


The DNCLeaks was followed by the Podesta Emails. Since Oct. 8 WikiLeaks has released daily batches containing serious revelations. The Democrats have made no effort to deny what's transpired so far. Per @ScottAdams: "The Russians hacked us" is an acknowledgement of guilt. Otherwise Dems would deny the charges, not the source. 

Email dtd Oct. 6, 2008 from Michael Froman to John Podesta.

UPDATE: Perhaps the most startling discovery of the WikiLeaks dumps so far didn't come from the most recent emails surrounding the various Hillary scandals, though there are many great ones, but from 2008 when John Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team. The email came from Michael Froman, a former Citibank executive, who single-handedly built the entire cabinet of what was supposed to be the "main street" President. The email in question was even sent from Froman's Citibank email address (rookie!) and includes "A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, broken down by Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant level, plus a list of Native American, Arab/Muslim American and Disabled American candidates." Apparently Obama wasn't as worried about placing women in senior-level positions but Froman decided to offer up some suggestions anyway.
"While you did not ask for this, I prepared and attached a similar document on women." 
Froman even went ahead and "scoped out" which people should be appointed to which cabinet positions.
"At the risk of being presumptuous, I also scoped out how the Cabinet-level appointments might be put together, probability-weighting the likelihood of appointing a diverse candidate for each position (given one view of the short list) and coming up with a straw man distribution. (More)

Nov. 2, 2016


And by the way...authorities have found no relationship between Trump and the Russian Government. Which explodes the main Democrat narrative in this campaign.

Oct. 19, 2016


 Time for an update on the Podesta Emails saga and the situation of Julian Assange. Below a collection of the most damaging emails so far, neatly categorized by subject. Presently we are going through batch number 11. Also a statement of the state of Ecuador why they decided to cut Assange's connection -- temporarily -- probably for the duration of the US election. A commie country like Ecuador would probably prefer globalist Clinton over nationalist Trump. Wikileaks is calling on Brits to go to the Embassy, phones activated as hotspots, entitled Operation Hot Pockets #OpHotPockets. Wikileaks has also answered the vicious and elaborate allegations framing Assange as a pedophile and the plot that he took US$1M from Russia. These are the gutter snipers we are dealing with here.

Oct. 13, 2016


A number of leaks show just how incompetent Hillary and her minions are when it comes to classified material.

  • Hillary Clinton talked about insider information regarding the raid that led to Osama Bin Laden with a group of Canadian business leaders, according to emails released by WikiLeaks. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reported on Fox News Tuesday that Clinton gave the speech to a group of business leaders in November 2013. In Clinton’s speech, she specifically discussed “sources and methods” of the raid that led to Osama Bin Laden assassination, Herridge said. Discussing that information “appears to be a violation of national security,” Herridge noted. Clinton told the business group that an intercepted phone call was part of the intelligence trail that led to bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan.  (Source
  • An email released in last week's Wikileaks dump shows John Podesta, then counselor to President Barack Obama from 2014-2015, discussing and exposing intelligence sources on the ground in Libya and Iraq with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Podesta is now the Chairman of Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. In the exchange, Podesta was also using an unsecured address on Gmail to communicate with Clinton, which is a violation of federal law if the information was indeed classified. Not to mention, exposure of intelligence sources on the ground puts lives at risk. Further, this email proves that not only did White House officials know about Clinton's private email server, but that Podesta communicated with Clinton about a range of highly sensitive, national security topics. (Source)

Oct. 12, 2016


More about the Clinton Foundation and the Russian uranium deal in "Clinton Cash". 

While feckless scourged earth NeverTrumpers are obsessed with tying Trump to the Russians, Team Hillary is doing the same but at her peril. Don't throw stones if you're living in a glass house. The false accusations are drawing attention to Hillary's own ACTUAL dealings with the Russians involving American uranium.
Iowa Senator Charles Grassley raised concerns about the deal least June. The uranium deal, which involved 25 percent of Russia’s deposits, was discussed in an email conversation between Clinton Foundation communications head, Maura Pally, and Clinton campaign chief, John Podesta, Breitbart reports. “Putting on all of your radars that Grassley sent a letter to AG Lynch (dated June 30th though we just saw it) asking questions about contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal. Letter is attached. Craig is connecting with comms team to be sure they are aware as well,” the email said. “Clinton Foundation’s ties to a number of investors involved in a business transaction that resulted in the acquisition of Uranium One, owner of U.S. based uranium assets, by Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), a subsidiary of Rosatom, a Russian government owned company. The transaction raised a number of national security concerns because it effectively ceded 20% of U.S. uranium production capacity to the Russian government,” said an excerpt from Grassley’s letter. (...)
Minutes after receiving the email, John Podesta forwarded it to (...) Jennifer Palmeiri was Barack Obama’s communications director before she joined the Hillary Clinton campaign. Kristian Schake is a deputy communications director, Tony Caark is a research director, and Christina Reynolds was a deputy campaign director. “During critical stages of the acquisition approval, interested parties made large donations – some in the millions of dollars – to the Clinton Foundation while Ms. Hillary Clinton held the position of secretary of state,” Senator Grassley’s letter also said. It continues, “When millions of dollars flow to decision makers who have substantial discretion to provide support for or against approval of controversial transactions, public confidence in the integrity of the process requires a commitment to transparency and responsiveness to oversight inquiries.” (...) 
Senator Grassley’s letter continues, “When millions of dollars flow to decision makers who have substantial discretion to provide support for or against approval of controversial transactions, public confidence in the integrity of the process requires a commitment to transparency and responsiveness to oversight inquiries.” Around this same time, John Podesta’s company reportedly accepted a $35 million investment from a Russian company. The FBI had already warned against engaging in dealings with this particular company because it was allegedly attempting to steal American intellectual property and technology. (More)

Oct. 11, 2016


Wikileaks dump #2 was quickly succeeded by dump #3. Here a few gems from that treasure trove of corruption:

Oct. 10, 2016


Oct. 9, 2016


Someone has been kind enough to sum up the first 9 percent of the Wikileaks Podesta Emails in an easy to watch video. We give you the few missing highlights in a series of tweets. Wikileaks shall release the remaining 91 percent of the file in the coming weeks.

Oct. 8, 2016


The Podesta Emails is a WikiLeaks document dump that sheds light on Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta. He is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. He owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm. And he is the chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a ultra progressive Washington think tank. The documents throw a sobering light on the private thoughts of Hillary Clinton, how she views the voters, the issues and the media, and on her dealings with foreign nations. The double moral standards would even shock the most cynical Clinton critic. What transpires from the leaks is a woman who will do and say anything for power.

Oct. 7, 2016


The "Podesta Emails" is a WikiLeaks series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank.