Thursday, February 23, 2017


Geert Wilders (Dutch Freedom Party), Marine le Pen (French Front National), Frauke Petry (German Alternative für Deutschland), Matteo Salvini (Italy’s Northern League) and Harald Vilimsky (Austria’s Freedom Party) gathered on January 21 at a convention in Koblenz, Germany. They called on European voters to participate in a patriotic spring to topple the European Union, reassert national sovereignty and secure national borders. 

UPDATE: The leader of the poll-topping Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, has announced the suspension of his campaign with less than three weeks to go before his nation’s general election after the discovery of a possible mole in his security detail. A Moroccan-origin Dutch police officer working on Mr Wilder’s security detail was arrested Monday and subsequently released on bail for allegedly leaking police information about his assignment. Claims in the Dutch media stated the officer had passed information to a Dutch-Moroccan criminal organisation. Subsequent revelations reported by Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad allege arrested officer Faris K. had been under suspicion in the past for security violations and that his brother Mohammed K. had been fired from Dutch police in 2007 for leaking police information, and had also been investigated for rape.

These revelations appear to have prompted Mr Wilders, who has been under 24-hour police protection for years thanks to the threat to his life by Islamist extremists, to reconsider his public appearances campaigning. With less than three weeks to go until the Dutch general; election on March 15, the PVV would be suspending further activities until further investigations into police corruption have taken place, reports the Dutch Telegraaf. (More)

Feb. 22, 2017


Jan 21, 2017 RT - Leaders of several European nationalist parties gathered for the ‘Freedom for Europe’ congress in Koblenz. English voice over translation.

French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen declared Saturday that 2017 will be the “year of the awakening of the people of continental Europe” as she joined fellow nationalist leaders in Germany at the beginning of a year of high-stakes national elections. The mood was celebratory a day after Donald Trump was sworn in as U.S. president, following a campaign buoyed by anti-establishment and protectionist themes. “Yesterday, a new America. Today, hello Koblenz, a new Europe!” Dutch anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders said as he opened his speech at a congress center on the banks of the Rhine river, under heavy security. “The people of the west are awakening. They are throwing off the yoke of political correctness,” he said. “This year will be the year of the people … the year of liberation, the year of the patriotic spring.”

Wilders’ anti-Islam Party of Freedom could win the largest percentage of votes in the March 15 Dutch parliamentary election, though it is shunned by rivals and highly unlikely to be able to form a coalition. Le Pen is among top contenders in France’s April-May presidential vote. In September, Frauke Petry’s four-year-old Alternative for Germany party hopes to enter the German parliament.

The meeting of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group in the European Parliament also featured Matteo Salvini of Italy’s Northern League and Harald Vilimsky, the general secretary of Austria’s Freedom Party, which last year narrowly failed to win the country’s presidency. “We are experiencing the end of one world and the birth of another,” Le Pen said. “We are experiencing the return of nation-states.” The first “real blow to the old order” was last June’s British vote to leave the European Union, she said — followed closely by Trump’s election. The new U.S. president, she said, “will not support a system of oppression” in Europe. 

Last year saw the awakening of Anglo-Saxon countries, she said, and “2017, I am sure, will be the year of the awakening of the people of continental Europe.” She denounced the EU as “a force of sterilization,” and assailed German Chancellor Angela Merkel — whose name was booed loudly — for allowing in large numbers of migrants. “Everyone sees that this migration policy is a daily disaster,” Le Pen said. Left-wing protesters staged a sit-in outside the hall shouting slogans like “no border, no nation, stop deportation.”

Not far away, demonstrators from the global AVAAZ activist group placed statues of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin, among others, in front of a landmark statue of German Kaiser Wilhelm. AVAAZ organizer Pascal Vollenweider said the statues of the dictators were meant to send a “strong message” to the nationalist politicians meeting that “global citizens are rejecting their old dangerous ideas.” “They are not fascists in jackboots, it’s a different type of fascism, of course, but if you look at the ideas … it’s very dangerous, and we have to face it: these guys are carrying old, dangerous fascist ideas,” he said.

Marcus Pretzell, Alternative for Germany’s European lawmaker and Petry’s husband, denied accreditation to German public broadcasters and several other German outlets. Public broadcaster ARD has said it was refused access for “not meeting journalistic standards in its past reporting on the party,” a claim it has rejected.

Pretzell opened the congress lamenting the current state of the EU, its passport-free travel zone and the euro. He praised Trump’s opposition to trade agreements such as a planned EU-U.S. trade deal, and said that “we have a problem with political Islam.” “Who would still want to become a member of the European Union of their own free will?” he asked. “We have to turn back some steps that have gone too far,” he said. “The solution is sitting in this room.” (Source)

Jan 21, 2017 Geert Wilders speech, German with English subtitles.

Jan 21, 2017 Marine Le Pen, French with English subtitles.

Jan. 21, 2017 Frauke Petrie speech, German with English voice over.