Saturday, March 5, 2022


The Great Reset will be achieved through Modern Monetary Theory: massive money printing followed by inflation or stagflation causing the collapse of the monetary system. This opens the way for the introduction of digital currency. The Party of Davos does not care about misallocations because they will have total control by technological means over a centrally managed command economy. Consumers (if that word is still appropriate) and captive corporations are controlled by a social credit system otherwise known as ESG, complying with environmental, social justice and governmental mandates. 

March 5, 2022 Glenn Beck and Adam Curry: How the War in Ukraine FAST-TRACKS the Great Reset.

UPDATE: Here's a real treat! Glenn Beck and Adam Curry are talking about a variety of subjects, from 
New Podcasts and the war in Ukraine to the execution of the Great Reset by any means possible. Curry explains in very simple terms how the money supply system works. The freshly printed produce has to be funneled through a small number of Fed retail banks which explains how initially the overproduction could remain "inter bank" and why the Biden regime has been pushing mega spending bills through Congress.

Eventually the tsumani of new printed money has to find its way into the larger economy; enter the crises: three or four tranches of Covid-19 handouts to individuals and small businesses, the Green New Deal, an open border with Mexico producing loads of illegal new citizens in need of support, Built Back Better bills and with the destruction of Ukraine, plenty of broken stuff and broken families to compensate. It's a shockingly cynical exercise and it's unbelievably evil, but at least now we know where we're at! 

Culture wars, Info war, Globalism, Economy money & trade

Feb. 16, 2022


Feb. 15, 2022 TCT: Tucker Carlson covers the breadth of items making up The Great Reset.

UPDATE: The evolution is now clear: from banning language to cancelling people, to criminalizing the opposition and citizens that support it. This is how gulags are created. What seemed to be a feature of banana republics turns out to be a simple question of political will. Who knew? Heartland just officially closed down Lindell's bank accounts. Beck explains again how it works. 

Feb. 15, 2022 Glenn Beck: Canada just proved The Great Reset is in operation NOW.

Feb. 14, 2022 Rebel News: Ezra Reacts to Trudeau's Suspension of Civil Liberties.

Feb. 15, 2022 Rebel News: Day one under Trudeau's federal state of emergency.

Tags: Culture wars, Info war, Globalism, Economy money & trade

Feb. 11, 2022


Feb. 10, 2022 How to determine if YOUR bank prioritizes ESG (& more inflation tips).

UPDATE: Carol Roth gives advise on ESG, inflation and what interest rate hikes means for the economy. We are no longer encouraging crypto. With the looming reset the elites are bound to target cryptos in order to make way for their digital currency. They have shown in recent months they have no compunction whatsoever when it comes to exerting power: it comes from the barrel of a gun. Case need they can always take hostages. Should you be so inclined, here's a source for advice on crypto:

Feb. 9, 2022 You WON'T BELIEVE this solution for inflation from the New York Times.

Feb. 8, 2022 How YOU are helping these 20 states FIGHT the Great Reset.

External reading 

Tags: Culture wars, Info war, Globalism, Economy money & trade