Thursday, May 9, 2013

Europe Day 4: The Well Oiled Propaganda Machine

The EU has commissioned a report (High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism (PDF), declaring that media oversight needs to be stept up and EU officials must be given control of national media watch dogs

That's apart from the Clean IT Project: a public-private partnership in direct cooperation between member-states and the Internet business, a sprawling Stasi-like tattle-tale system to allow users to report suspicious activity on social networks and chatrooms to authorities.

It has also transpired that EU super spies are getting the right to snoop on your emails, website visits, medical data and police records. Read it all in the Mail Online.

In February we learned that the sons of Joseph Goebbels in the European Parliament were planning a twitter troll campaign in the run up to the 2014 elections to stifle dissent. They may have been spotted! Check the Dutch edition for the entire twitter session, but this nails it