Thursday, September 13, 2018


As the author Robert Spencer said, much of the vicious criticism against Tommy Robinson can be attributed to class bigotry. Many of the postmodern elites didn't have to grow up in inner city slums. Those who don't reach their level of white privilege, were often abused and displaced by a hostile, alien culture. The British police state has finally put Tommy behind bars while gagging the media to report about it.

Sep. 12, 2018 Tommy Robinson and Ezra Levant (the uncut extended interview).

UPDATE: Tommy Robinson is the last lion of the United Kingdom. What he tells us in this exclusive interview is heartbreaking, enraging, inspiring, desperate...But a little bit hopeful, too. Tommy has to go back to court — the Attorney General is insisting on a re-trial for contempt of court, for that same incident back in Leeds, in May. They actually want to convict him again, maybe to throw him back in prison again. Just yesterday I received a new invoice from Tommy's law firm, Carson Kaye. They’re a good firm who won at the court of appeal. But now they have to prepare for his second trial. It will cost tens of thousands of pounds — and I’m sorry to ask you again, but if you are at all moved by Tommy’s case, please help us continue to crowdfund his legal defence, by going to (Any surplus after the lawyers are paid will go to Tommy’s family to take care of them.) You saw just now how grateful he is for your support. We will be there at his next trial in London, and we’ll keep telling the truth about Tommy as long as the mainstream media keeps lying about him. (Source)

Aug. 3, 2018


Aug. 2, 2018 Tommy Robinson talks to Tucker Carlson on the first day after his release.

Tommy Robinson detailed the horrible physical and psychological abuse he endured in prison in his first sit-down interview since his release on Wednesday. Robinson had been imprisoned since May and lost over 40 pounds as he was surviving on fruit and five cans of tuna per week due to concerns about the inmates preparing his meals. The independent journalist repeatedly complained to the prison and requested that they raise the £12 per week commissary spending limit so that he could purchase more packaged food, but they would not allow it.

Aug. 2, 2018 On his first interview his his release Tommy Robinson tells Ezra Levant about prison treatment.

Speaking to Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, Robinson explained how after he was moved to a majority Muslim prison he had to stay inside his cell with the windows shut because people would spit or throw feces through his window. Robinson believes that he was deliberately moved to a prison with a high Muslim population to mess with him. Since he is such an outspoken critic of Islam, he had to be kept in solitary confinement for his safety.

“If he were to have stayed in prison much longer, I fear his very life would have been in danger,” Levant wrote. Additionally, he was only allowed to see his wife and children twice, for one hour each time. At one point, he was told by an inmate that his family was going to be attacked with acid. Though Robinson’s appeal was successful and he was released on bail, there is still a chance that he will face a retrial and be sent back to prison. (Source)

Aug. 2, 2018


The Lord Chief Justice himself has concluded that Tommy Robinson was improperly tried, convicted and sentenced. Every single element of his treatment was illegal. He was a political prisoner.

(...) The court’s written judgement stated the speed with which the original conviction was made “gave rise to unfairness”, and that there was a “lack of clarity” over evidence for the charge of contempt given to Robinson. Further, the document states the original judge should have resisted “the temptation” to rule on Robinson’s behaviour there and then, as after he had offered to delete the video he created from Facebook the “urgency went out of the matter”. Instead, the judge should have referred the matter to the Attorney General rather than acting immediately. (...) The QC defending Mr Robinson in the appeal told the court the original trial had been “unnecessarily and unjustifiably rushed”, had featured “procedural difficulties”, and the sentence was “manifestly excessive.” (More)
That said, here's a thread from US attorney Will Chamberlain explaining why Tommy is not out of the woods yet. It's well worth the read!

Note that "the case was not dismissed for time served. The appeals court ordered a rehearing, because it believed that the contempt at issue was "serious." Tommy will face a different judge, who may well throw him back in jail.

Aug. 1, 2018


July 18, 2018


We are waiting the result of Tommy Robinson's appeal today at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The verdict could be another day, or week, or even month. For details please check the timeline of Ezra Levant @ezralevant and hashtag #FreeTommy

July 14, 2018


Live stream Free Tommy Robinson Demo in London. Live feed drops from time to time. Be patient!

Tommy's appeal is in 4 days.

July 5, 2018


Tommy Robinson’s appeal to be heard on July 10th by Lord Brian Leveson has been postponed. Apparently the Prosecution is not ready. Lord Leveson however has already passed judgement on BBC Radio.
(...) Lord Leveson gave an interview to the BBC Radio 4s Law In Action program on June 24th in which he used the case of Mr Robinson as an example of when posting material on the internet can lead to imprisonment due to contempt of court. This means, I would submit, that already, before the case has been heard and therefore before Lord Leveson has had all the facts of the case presented to him, that he has in fact predetermined the guilt of Mr Robinson and is therefore unable to impartially judge his appeal. (More)

July 1, 2018


June 18, 2018


Raheem Kassam has Tommy Robinson's full letter from prison (...) Before being moved from HMP Hull to HMP Onley, Tommy Robinson wrote this heart wrenching, though inspiring letter from prison. I have transcribed it below, in full, for you to read, share, and publish...
So here we go again! Its Sunday night 10/6/18, the news of the amazing scenes yesterday in London are just filtering their way to me. But before I start on the positives of yesterdays demonstration let me 1st start with some negatives. Let me share with you part of my wife's letter I received yesterday (...) I heard politicians, police and barristers were speaking out. I've heard so many people who have sat on the fence for years were now speaking out. To hear that 20-30 thousand people travelled to London this weekend to stand in solidarity with me is an amazing feeling. I truly am gobsmacked at the reaction from the public. I feel so loved!! Loved and appreciated. (more)

Free Tommy demo on July 14 at 15:00 in The Hague in parallel with a rally in London.

June 10, 2018



June 9, 2018 Geert Wilders Delivers Powerful Speech At Free Tommy Robinson Rally In London.

It is a small miracle Geert Wilders was allowed entry into the UK at all. The last time he was barred as persona non grata. Not only was he allowed entrance, he could also address the crowd at some length. Do we have a chink in their armor? Wilders thanked London Metro Police and Dutch diplomatic police for providing security detail. Wilders has 365/24/7 protection.

Massive crowds turned out in London on Saturday to rally for free speech and hear Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders demand the release of Tommy Robinson from prison. “It’s so good to see so many of you here today, you are all heroes for being here today,” said the Freedom Party leader, an outspoken critic of radical Islam who rose to second place in the Dutch national elections last year. Wilders told the crowd he had come to Britain to tell Robinson’s supporters they “will never walk alone” and to “tell the world, and the UK government in particular: Free Tommy Robinson!” “At this very moment, thousands of people all over the world are demonstrating in front of British embassies, from LA to Sydney, and over half a million people have already signed the petition for Tommy,” he told the crowd. “And all with the one important message: Free Tommy! (More) (Breitbart) (Gateway Pundit)


The protests ended with the Metropolitan police on the run! The Left has painted the protesters "Extreme Right-wing Nazis". A child can see these are just ordinary righteously outraged citizens. We have to mention it again: the British police is highly infiltrated with Common Purpose operatives. These guys gladly apply the might of the state to impose their ethics, but when it comes to actually defending their "values" they're on the run.

May 29, 2018


Historical archive



Mar 16, 2015 Tommy Robinson: Oxford Union Speech.

The former leader of the EDL now tells his life's story in an Oxford Union talk. In smearing Robinson as a racist, those who hold that man is determined by DNA, culture and social environment expose themselves for the bigots they are. For most of their history these hypocrites have based their moral superiority on their championship of the lower social classes. Now that they have replaced them with Muslims, there's not so much understanding for their lack of eloquence.

