Friday, December 19, 2014

State Dept. Issues Worldwide Travel Alert

Officials and their lapdog media are burying the fact that the terrorist who took the Café Lindt in Sydney hostage yesterday, was not just demanding an IS flag. He was also claiming to speak on behalf of IS.

Video relaying demands of the Islamic terrorist claims "this is an attack on Australia by the Islamic State". 

UPDATE: The State Dept. has just issued a worldwide travel alert for US citizens. The explanation for the attack in Sydney is going the usual way, although Robert Spencer has an angle involving a curious story about the halal certifications chief and his wife.

Dec. 17, 2014

Sydney Terrorist Agreed With Counter-Jihadist Theory

More details are emerging about the terrorist that held the Sydney Lindt Café hostage. Sheikh Man Haron Monis also appeared to have signalled his agreement with a major Counter-Jihadist's Top 10 Koran Verses for Understanding IS.

Dec. 16, 2014

Censored Video Links Sydney Terrorist To IS

Four of the hostages held in the Lindt Café in central Sydney have appeared in videos, relaying demands of the terrorist linked to the Islamic State, identified as Sheikh Man Haron Monis. The videos are continuously being removed from YouTube and mainstream media have chosen not to air them. The style in which the hostages are addressing the Government of Tony Abbott is reminiscent of the Cantlie series of videos produced by IS. The narrator claims to have been abandoned by a mean, cruel Government that prefers to let its citizens die than to meet the hostage takers' demands. (Source)

There is no doubt that this was a pure act of Islamic terrorism despite ludicrous assertions by some commentators that his "motivations" were unknown. There are all sorts of explanations, that because his rap sheet included indictments for sexual assault and murder, he was not really an Islamic terrorist but someone who was simply mentally unstable. Well, the same rationale could be said for all terrorists. After all, who in their right mind would want to kill innocent civilians because of their religious beliefs? Islamic extremists do. But after the 'shahada flag' and the demands as shown above any doubt can be removed.
