Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Did Israel Bomb a Chemical Weapons Site in Syria?

Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren told Chris Wallace at Fox News last Sunday that the US armed Libyan rebels with missiles that showed up in Israel’s backyard. They don't want that to happen in Syria. But it's bound to, isn't it. Realistically speaking. In the meantime...

Prepping: OPSEC

Quad Rotor Drone Flight using eRC Gear
Read more in:
- Prepping 101 – OPSEC
- Is Operational Secrecy (‘OPSEC’) Dead

View of Humanity By the Army of Islam

Al-Qaeda's Inspire magazine editor sought over Boston marathon bombing 

The US and Britain are intensifying a search for the editor of  Al Qaeda's English-language magazine, after its bomb-making recipes were followed by the Boston marathon bombers to devastating effect.

Read more in this Telegraph article.

Monday, April 29, 2013

NBA Player Collins Comes Out As Gay

White House erupts in tears and empathy! FLOTUS tweets!
Clinton praises courage, Chelsey Clinton claims victimhood by association!
If this was about a happy melting pot, who would care?
This is about identity politics, division and group subjectivism: it's disgusting!


A man known as “Misha,” who is suspected of being the person who radicalized Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, has apparently been identified by the FBI.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Islam For Dummies: Religion or Ideology?

Most people think of Islam is a religion like any other, carrrying a spiritual message that each of the faithful are trying to fulfill to the best of their ability. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam descends deep into the daily life and the social interactions of Muslims. It is correct what some Muslims say: Islam is an all comprehensive system that includes the following fields of activity: 


Animal Farm is a British animated film by Halas and Batchelor, based on the book of the same name by George Orwell, that was published in England on August 17, 1945, and written during World War II.

George Orwell's Animal Farm Animation (Full Movie).

Animal Farm was the first British animated feature released worldwide. Despite the title and Disney-esque animal animation, it is in fact a no-holds-barred adaptation of George Orwell's classic satire on Stalinism, with the animals taking over their farm by means of a revolutionary coup, but then discovering that although all animals are supposed to be equal, some are more equal than others.

Tweet: Have a Little Courage!

Sharia By the Backdoor, Britain to Recognize Polygamy

Not everyone may be aware, but Britain has effectively recognized Sharia compliant polygamy.
One wonders what the consequences will be for equality under objective law and for demographics.
We are effectively creating an apartheid regime, with Sharia law for Muslims and another law for everyone else.
H/t @WelshToy

Shoot Out as Italian Govt Is Sworn In, 4 Wounded PHOTOS

Four people got hurt today at a shoot out at the Chigi Palace, the seat of the Italian Govt. A man started shooting at the guards at close range.
The wounded are the suspect, a passer by and two guardsmen. One officer was shot in the neck. He is seriously wounded.

Putin Asks Western Media, Are You Out Your Minds?

Putin is shocked by the stance of the Western media. He shouldn't be. He taught them cultural Marxism himself when he was in the KGB.

In an interview on Russia Today he blasts the Western media that referred to terrorists who attacked civilians as 'insurgents'.

When reporting that the Chechen brothers Tsarnaev were involved in the Boston bombings, the lamestream media lost little time in framing the Chechen terrorists, who took 1,100 people hostage (including 777 children) and killed 380 when they attacked Beslan, as 'freedom fighters' who long sought independence from Russia. As usual they are reversing cause and effect: causality issues are a pomo standard.

As a measure of what we're talking about here, even die hard AQ Jihadists think the Caucasus fighters are kind of.. ehm over the top terrifying..

In the interview Putin calls on Western leaders to cooperate in fighting international terrorism: to get the job done!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Netherlands Want Municipal Superskunk Grass

Care for a cigarette from the Municipal Tobacco Plantation? Or a stiffener from the General State Brewery?
Is there a future for the free market?
We are going through a revival of the old socialistic practices, the norm before the 'neo liberal' Reagan/Thatcher revolution.
One corruption breeds the next.

What is Killing Europe

Crossposted from ZeroHedge 

From Mark Grant, author of Out Of The Box, a follow up to our "A Few Quick Reminders Why NOTHING Has Been Fixed In Europe (And Why LTRO 3 Is Not Coming)" from March 2012.

The bigger the real-life problems, the greater the tendency for people to retreat into a reassuring fantasy-land of abstract theory and technical manipulation.

Saudi Terror Suspect in Disappearing Act

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing Walid Shoebat explored the Saudi involvement in the attack. In subsequent days conservative talk show host Glenn Beck investigated a young Saudi, Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, member of a clan with extensive ties in terrorism as described by Shoebat (screen shot). Al-Harbi was treated in hospital for injuries he sustained in the attack. Part 1, part 2.

In the hospital Al-Harbi was placed under arrest. The day after the attack the FBI searched his house for nine hours, and they grilled his room mates for five hours. Al Harbi is on a no fly list, yet he 'walked in' on a special passport. He has an FBI file marked "armed and dangerous" with status 212-3B which which means he's a proven terrorist.

A day later Foreign Secretary Kerry had two unscheduled meetings with the Saudi Foreign Minister; then someone tried to destroy the file, while Al Harbi's status was subsequently downgraded from 'suspect', down to simply 'witness'. According to the Dept. of Homeland Security Al Harbi's visa has expired and he will be deported, but the FBI has no idea where he is.

And now a person with the same name appears to have visited the White House on a number of occasions:

Of course, the White House will say it was another Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi.

Losing the War Against Islam

The Obama administration has practically outlawed investigations into Islamic extremism. Homeland Security has purged information from the system. Hundreds of files have been destroyed.

Islamic terrorism is religiously inspired warfare, which means it is interpreted as related to 'a religion'. The FBI has been aware of a future terrorist’s escalating religious radicalization and did nothing about it because policies prohibited them from doing so.

The reason why terrorism is attributed to Al Qaeda after the fact, is because prior to the fact the source - Islam - is untouchable because it is 'a religion'. But religion is not a specific category! It is an idea, like any other ideology. In other words, religion is providing an evil, oppressive ideology with a free pass because it is a 'belief', according to some, benevolent per definition!

We cannot fight an enemy we cannot properly identify.

And then there's the insane prohibition to connect the dots, to deduce a generality from a number of specifics: instead we see the 20,000 terror attacks since 9/11 as unrelated incidents!

This existential war cannot be won with half our brain tied behind our back!

Prepping: Staying Safe During Civil Unrest

H/t Survival Mom - @TheSurvivalMom

Friday, April 26, 2013

BREAK: Moscow Arrests 140 Muslims

Russian authorities detained 140 suspected Muslim extremists in the capital city of Moscow today. At least 30 of those are foreign nationals. Russian Federal Security Service FSB said that the suspects were detained in a mosque where visitors often converted to radicalism and joined militant groups active in the North Caucasus. Also they were also participating in preparing and perpetrating terrorist acts in Russia.

Whad'ya Know? Saddam's WMD Just Turned Up!

Cartoon: the Moderate Muslim

Radical Islam Emotions: a Handy Guide

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BREAKING: Boston Bombers Also Wanted To Bomb Times Sq. NY

Mayor Bloomberg has just confirmed in a presser that the two Boston bombing suspects also planned to set off a further six explosives in New York's Times Square. Authorities have surveillance material of Dzhokhar on Times Sq. in April last year. He's been there twice.

BREAKING: Frenchman Kills 3, Shouts Allahu Akhbar, Motive Unclear

Around 2PM l.t. today a 20 year old 'young man' shot dead three people with a hunting rifle in the town of Istres in Southern France. A fourth was seriously wounded.According to RTL Radio the suspect "is posturing as a follower of the terror organization Al Qaeda" *LOL* The police have not been able to confirm it.

Call It What It Is: Islamic Terrorism!

Politically Correct BBC Bowing Down Before the Faithful

Last month during Comic Relief, Rowan Atkinson LOLLED the Archbishop of Canterbury in a rather good sketch.


Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck promised last week he would reveal important new information on his radio and TV shows about the Boston Bombings. This is the second batch of information he divulged on his radio show today. Read the first part here

Boston Marathon and the Mysterious Saudi

Nigel Farage: EU Federalism is the New Communism

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SHOCKING: Top Hacker Reveals 2 Possible Helpers of Boston Bombers

What follows is the reposting of an incisive analysis made by @th3j35t3r. The Jester is a top hacker with a very strong track record (wiki - website: Jester's Court). He has authorized us to repost his analysis.
He explains that there are two persons that probably helped the Boston Bombers, and that these persons are currently pushing the story that "Boston is a Government Conspiracy". They are doing so evidently to save their own skin.
This shocking story has not been picked up by the media or by any blogs. Please spread this story!

Jihad in Libya: Car bomb explodes at French embassy

A car bomb targeted the French Embassy in the Libyan capital Tuesday, wounding two French guards and a Libyan teenager and underscoring the central government's inability to stop the oil-rich North African nation's slide toward deepening lawlessness.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Associated Press Hoaxes Explosions in WH, Obama Injured

High Quality, Sexy Lingerie for Pomo Man

Lace frilled, sexy lingerie for the discerning pomo man is manufactured by the Australian cutting edge designing house, HommeMystere.

We Can't Even Identify Our Enemy!

The FBI’s failure to recognize Islam as a drive of jihadist terrorism is partly to blame that the Boston bombers were not seen as a security risk. The FBI admitted last week that it was warned by Russia in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had ties to radical Islam. 
As we learned yesterday, Al Qaeda is fair game, but anything related to religion, is untouchable. This stems from the fatal error that religion is not ideology. It is! And it can be either good or bad. 

Al Qaeda Members Arrested in Spain


One of the arrested in Spain allegedly praised the Boston Marathon bombings, but neither of whom was known to possess any explosives or be planning any attack. Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said there was "sufficient grounds" to warrant the arrests, adding that they were made to avoid "greater risks". He said the two suspects were acting as "lone wolves". 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck promised last week he would reveal important new information on his radio and TV shows today and tomorrow about the Boston Bombings. This is the first batch of information he divulged on his radio show today. We are keeping you updated as more information becomes available.


"Tomorrow I will shoot my Dutch teacher, and as many students as I can. It will be on the news tomorrow. It's a school in a Dutch city called Leiden, and for more proof, I will using a 9mm Colt Defender. I will be carrying a note with me when I go into school which will explain why I did it. If the message of the note will not be published, a friend of mine will post it here...a day later. Oh, and I'm using a proxy, the police is not gonna find me tomorrow."

Understanding the Motives Behind the Boston Jihad

David Wood of AnsweringMuslims.com explains..

The Three Stages of Jihad

H/t http://www.answeringmuslims.com/

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Condell: Progressives Gimme the Creeps

Leftist Reactions to the Boston Jihad

After the Boston Bombings there are two things you can count on: premodern Muslims in a state of collective denial, and their pomo apologists deflecting guilt wherever they can get away with it.

Jihad, From Chechnya to Boston

Is there no depth the amoralists won't stoop to in their defense of evil?
Are we now to believe the terrorists of the Caucacus Caliphate are actually freedom fighters, pitted against the autocrat, Putin?
In the Arab Spring, secular socialists was replaced with a cabal of religious zealots.
That's progress, according to democrats.
Arrested development.

Boston and the Caucasus Connection

Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) wants an intelligence briefing after the FBI revealed on Friday that it had questioned Tamerlan Tsarbaev two years ago, but found no links to terrorism. Tsarnaev, Friday morning dead in a shoot out with the police, was interviewed by the FBI in the summer of 2011 at the request of Russia.

Friday, April 19, 2013



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Watch the Banned Video That Predicted the Boston Massacre

It is of course no coincidence that Seth McFarlane's ultra nihilistic show, Family Guy should be mirrored by a terrorist attack in real life. In an even more bizarre twist of events, McFarlane is calling the clip of the episode a hoax, YouTube has removed the video, while Tivo has pulled the episode entirely.

Obama Values Dictator Chavez over Liberty's Iron Lady

In a latest diplomatic tiff between the US and the UK the Obama has refused to send a high-level delegation to the funeral of one of Britain's giants of the last century. It's a measure of how he despises Britain and a sign of his own pettyness.

Secular Turkey Sentences Pianist for Blasphemic Tweet

Turkey, the darling of the European Union, the state to emulate for liberal Islam...!


Margaret Hilda Thatcher,
13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013

Order of service

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Prepping: How to shoot a pistol

More basic instructions

- How to Shoot a Handgun
- Girl's Guide to Guns: How Do I Teach a Newbie to Shoot?

The Global Assault on Tax Havens 2/2

If Cyprus and Ireland were forced to their knees by bail-outs and Iceland was destroyed by other means, the Netherlands is dismantling its 'neoliberal' business model voluntarily. 

Occupy Activist to Lobby Obama Regime on Behalf of Syrian Rebels

One of the top #OccupyWallStreet activists has surfaced as a lobbyist for the Free Syrian rag tag army, which is basically a collection of Sunni terrorists backed by the US-Saudi-Qatari axis, battling Iran's proxies in Syria.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NORK Missile Launch LoL GIF

The Global Assault on Tax Havens 1/2

In a globalized world nothing happens in a vacuum. The leftist assault on taxpayers doesn't stand on its own.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Collective Wants Your Children, Your Money and Your Organs

Take note of this debate. And remember it the next time the school transgresses its field of responsibility which should be delimited to the transfer of information; when child care foists its services on the neighbors'; when the government tells you what to consume; when parents are berated for deciding what's best for their children.

Defsters Jukebox: Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere"

North Korea’s Latest Propaganda Video: Military Killer Dogs!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cartoon: Day By Day


White House Vows to Destroy NORK Nukes

Not. As Sec. of State Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warn Iran that it will not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapons and Iran marks 'National Nuclear Day' with a new uranium-processing site, the Virtual President - Bill Wittle - states categorically that any NORK nuke will be bestroyed before it leaves the launching pad.

How To Start Prepping: Top 10 List

Virulent Anti West Journo Arrested in Egypt

*LOL* @RenaNetjes, a virulent anti West and anti Israel journo has been arrested in Cairo for the crime of 'foisting Western values on Egyptians' *MEGA ROFLOL* The Dutch freelance journo and Arabic scholar is married to an Eyptian and is working for a number of news outlets.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Defsters Jukebox: The Postmodern Love Song

By Kelsey Agnew

Stop Paying Taxes and Kill Big Government

Citizen-taxpayers feel increasingly powerless against our loose cannon, BIG spending, BIG taxing governments. That feeling of disenfranchisement is more related to Plato's Cave than reality, as shown in the video, featuring The Tiny Dot (bottom). In fact, if We The People decide tomorrow to withhold contribution until our governments remember their place, in the end there's little they can do about it.

Margareth Thatcher (87) Passes Away

Rest in peace, Margaret Thatcher. Great statesman. Cold War warrior, champion of liberty. A thinker in fundamentals, a woman of principle. She is sorely missed. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Anonymous Open Third Wave of Cyber Attacks Against Israel

Security experts are treating the hacktivist collective Anonymous` threats to "wipe Israel off the map of the internet" as an annoyance rather than a significant threat to national security. Israel has known about #OpIsrael for more than a month and is well prepared. Twitter search link

A Primer on Bitcoin

Faced with currencies under pressure, many are looking into healthier means of storing their wealth. Gold, silver, but also Bitcoin is fast becoming a popular investment. Bitcoins, a virtual currency, is a peer-to-peer cryptographic system to verify transactions. A number of websites have now started accepting payments by Bitcoins. The currency has now surpassed $1 billionUntouchable by Government, Or Is It?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Prepping 101: What To Do First

The Obama and the Déjà Vu

H/t @justintempler 

Jeremy Irons Slams Nanny Doomberg

Irons is not quite sure where he's coming from filosophically - that in a free society it's not the place of government to prescribe morality let alone set it into law, going roughshod over property rights as they go along. But it's great hearing Irons slam Nanny Doomberg of NYK the way he does!
H/t The Blaze

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Appeasement of North Korea is Immoral!

Watch this Fox News interview with @GordonGChang (website), author of Nuclear Showdown.

Liberty Pallet Sign of the Day

April 4, Titslamism: Bare Your Breasts for Liberty Day!

Today is April 4, Topless Jihad Day for sisters to bare their breasts for Liberty. Jump into action at an Embassy of Tunisia of their choice to support women in Islam fighting for freedom and autonomy. Don't be a damned dhimmi, be a woman of courage!

Free People's Moral Right to Keep and Bear Arms

N.Korea Escalation: US Defense System to Guam

The US is sending its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System to Guam in the coming weeks. The move to deploy the missile defense system comes in response to continued heated rhetoric from North Korea.
The increasingly bold moves on the part of North Korea (and Iran) prove the failure of Obama's policy to appease bully regimes. The decision to conduct military exercises with South Korea involving B-2 and F-22 stealth jets proved wholly inadequate.

How AP Is Framing The News

Monday, April 1, 2013

Women in Islam: Chattel or Slave?

Who has any doubt that the sandbox morality is in any way compatible with the values of the Enlightenment or the concept of individual rights, had better remove the camel dung from his eyes! Guess the Cairo Declaration doesn't cover the position of women, or the protection of refugees!
Dutch correspondent for public broadcasting in the Middle East, @HaraldDoornbos flung this tweet on his feed this Easter:

Eurabian Dreams