The spiritual front in the Culture War is taking place where you would expect it: in the Churches. One historical perspective holds that the Western Church was doomed from the Great Schism of 1054 onwards. Protestantism eventually put paid to any spirituality in the Judeo-Christian project in the West. But today, with postmodern wokeness at the point of delivering the coup de grace, there is considerable blow back from a younger contingent of Conservative "Latin Mass" Catholics and Evangelicans.
Dec. 21, 2021 War Room Pandemic: The Pope’s Spiritual Abuse Continues.
UPDATE: The psychology of the culture war within the Churches matches the culture wars outside it: the Catholic masses are deeply asleep to the precariousness of the situation with a usurper Pope who might just as well be called the anti Pope for his betrayal of the Catholic flock to his ideologically driven, Marxist agenda. In the video Sammons and Harnwell are driving the point home on the War Room just before Christmas. The fact the the Philosopher-Pope, Benedict XVI was driven out by the renegate faction long before his time, should have woken up the Catholic masses and smell the coffee.
Dec. 21, 2021 War Room Pandemic: The Pope’s Spiritual Abuse Continues.
UPDATE: The psychology of the culture war within the Churches matches the culture wars outside it: the Catholic masses are deeply asleep to the precariousness of the situation with a usurper Pope who might just as well be called the anti Pope for his betrayal of the Catholic flock to his ideologically driven, Marxist agenda. In the video Sammons and Harnwell are driving the point home on the War Room just before Christmas. The fact the the Philosopher-Pope, Benedict XVI was driven out by the renegate faction long before his time, should have woken up the Catholic masses and smell the coffee.