The Western postmodern leaders have started to talk gibberish. They make no sense at all. US Secretary of State John Kerry thinks he can defend his ideals just by respecting them.. Vlad will be impressed!
'Vlad, my boy, sanctions against Russia are not meant as a threat and please, please don't be angry, it isn't personal in any way'. Crank up the volume, audio is bad.
Like Chamberlain these postmodern leaders want peace at any price. Peace - to them, the absence of strive, offense as well as defense - is their moral standard. They are not even capable of defending their own ideals of the "multi lateral structure that we have lived by since World War II". Because you can't defend the Good by simply respecting it. The evil doers will laugh in your face. That is what the amoralists just don't get. As Wayne Dupree says: