Sunday, August 3, 2014

Full documentary: "Muslims in Europe"

The full 4-part documentary released in 2012 on the Islamization of Europe. The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose flawless Arabic allowed him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several no-go zones in Sweden and France 

Documentary by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi.

Th initial title of this four part documentary was "Europe’s Takeover by Islam". It was made in 2012 by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi. It has been translated from Hebrew and subtitled in English. The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent were sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several no-go zones in Sweden and France, and to get an inside look at the Islamic mindset within the greater European community. The film contains some shocking footage, including a middle aged, seemingly innocent Muslim mother, who then threatens to "Burn down Sweden" if her deported son is hurt in his native Iraq and an armed Muslim criminal fleeing from French police who jumps into the camera teams van and forces them to drive him to safety. Welcome to Eurabia.