Israel is shocked by the hostile act of Turkish PM Erdogan when earlier this year he betrayed and exposed ten Iranian spies for Israel to Iranian intelligence
According to a WaPo report the Turkish government disclosed the identities of agents of Israel's intelligence service Mossad inside Turkey to officials in Tehran.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Recep Erdoğan's hostility toward Israel and embrace of Hamas terrorists is well established. He has called Zionism, the belief in a Jewish state, "a crime against humanity."
But a report published Wednesday evening by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius raises the question of whether Erdoğan, head of a NATO state, deliberately sabotaged efforts to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program out of spite for Israel.
Erdoğan's government reportedly gave the Islamic Republic the names of up to 10 Iranians who were meeting Mossad officers inside Turkey last year.