Wednesday, March 16, 2022


A number of converging man-made crises have created a 'perfect storm'. Our dear leaders thought that the two year Covid-19 lock down of the global economy could remain unpunished. They would just print their way out. Add to that workers on strike against Biden's universal vaccine mandates, worker shortages, an energy crisis due to Green New Deal nonsense, Biden closing down gas production from the US and the EU/Germany refusing to use Russian gas from the Nordstream 2 natural gas pipeline that by-passes the EU protectorate of Ukraine, and we have a perfect storm on our hands.

March 16, 2022 M
aneco64: Saudi Arabia Abandoning PetroDollar for PetroYuan.

Published Today we have to add the inevitable. Saudi Arabia is pondering the possibility of accepting payments for oil, not in petrodollars, but in Chinese yuan. The West may feel virtuous for punishing Russia for its intervention in Ukraine through economic and monetary war fare, but such actions are a two edged sword and do have consequences no one of these geniuses seems to have thought of.