Monday, December 10, 2018


Macron is a construct of the globalist cabal presented as a moderate, centrist, independent unifier, but like the Manchurian candidate Obama coming out of thin air, with a minimal, token professional record. As the #MacronLeaks broke his skeletons tumbled out of the closet. When he decided to impose the promised carbon tax on the French people, the Yellow Vests revolt erupted. 

UPDATE: As the fourth weekend of the Yellow Vests revolt erupted in France, the man who broke the hacking of Macron during his Presidential campaign, now working for One America News Network, is reminding us of what we learned at the time. The French popular uprising has spread to Belgium and The Netherlands. A Dutch newspaper reported this morning that the Macron Government not surprisingly has started an investigation into Russian involvement. (Source) Macron is addressing the nation tonight at 08:00pmCET.


The globalist elite feel they are in a new Cold War against Russia and Donald Trump is their agent. That delusion has culminated in the installation of a Special Counsel headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller. It has since transpired that Obama holdovers and shadow warriors in the deep state conspired to frame the elected Government of Donald Trump. Related: Steele Dossier,  Uranium One, Hillary emailsHouse and Senate Russia investigations. 

UPDATE: Fresh from a 2 weeks' jail sentence George Papadopoulos emerged over the weekend at a MAGA conference where he sustained an interview with Mark Cernovich. Watch on C-Span.