Sunday, December 26, 2021


The spiritual front in the Culture War is taking place where you would expect it: in the Churches. One historical perspective holds that the Western Church was doomed from the Great Schism of 1054 onwards. Protestantism eventually put paid to any spirituality in the Judeo-Christian project in the West. But today, with postmodern wokeness at the point of delivering the coup de grace, there is considerable blow back from a younger contingent of Conservative "Latin Mass" Catholics and Evangelicans. 

Dec. 21, 2021 War Room Pandemic: The Pope’s Spiritual Abuse Continues.

UPDATE: The psychology of the culture war within the Churches matches the culture wars outside it: the Catholic masses are deeply asleep to the precariousness of the situation with a usurper Pope who might just as well be called the anti Pope for his betrayal of the Catholic flock to his ideologically driven, Marxist agenda. In the video Sammons and Harnwell are driving the point home on the War Room just before Christmas. The fact the the Philosopher-Pope, Benedict XVI was driven out by the renegate faction long before his time, should have woken up the Catholic masses and smell the coffee. 

Pope Francis continues his war on the traditional celebration of the Sacraments. This morning, a week before Christmas, the Congregation for Divine Worship (CDW) issued Responses to 11 “Dubia” (so the Vatican can answer dubia!) concerning the implementation of Traditionis Custodes, the pope’s July motu proprio that sought to restrict the traditional Latin Mass and traditional forms of the other Sacraments. 
These new directives are startling in their reach: they eliminate traditional confirmations and ordinations, forbid a priest from celebrating both a Novus Ordo Mass and traditional Latin Mass on the same weekday, and require even TLM-only priests like those of the FSSP to concelebrate a Novus Ordo Mass. 
The pretense that a diocesan bishop has authority over the liturgy in his diocese is finally discarded. And like the original motu proprio and the letter that accompanied it, these Responses make the pope’s goal clear: he wants to eliminate the old Roman Rite, and he’s growing impatient to see it happen. There’s only one way to put this: these are wicked commands. (More on Crisis Magazine)

Tags: Religion, Politics, Culture wars, 

November 7, 2021


April 6, 2021 Fr. Altman Unleashed on Cream City Catholic.

Once can see how Father James may have ruffled some hyper sensitive, woke feathers. 

Fr. James Altman of St. James the Less Parish in La Crosse, Wisconsin was asked to resign by his bishop following his controversial remarks that Catholic Democrats must “repent” or “face the fires of hell,” according to America Magazine. Altman has also turned his criticisms toward U.S. bishops, asserting their “ineffectiveness” to stand against modern government’s “godlessness” — a godlessness so profound that it arguably persecuted houses of worship during the COVID-19 pandemic — and for their embrace of COVID-19 vaccines.

Altman says he is being targeted for his willingness to preach “the truth” and speak out against “all the evil that confronts us,” the report adds. While Altman’s stances are controversial, it’s safe to say the standard for preaching has significantly softened over the years, so much that even shedding light on sexual misconduct allegations can lead to termination. (...)

In the 2020s, not even the Catholic Church is safe from “wokeness,” but after receiving leftist backlash for being too “right-wing” or “conservative” — some priests have decided to take matters into their own hands. The Coalition of Canceled Priests emerged earlier this year in a collaborative response to “secular corruptions” plaguing the clergy of one of history’s most predominant institutions.

Cream City Catholics channel on YouTube