Thursday, December 16, 2021


Transhumanism is a form of postmodern Utopianism applied to biotechnology. The morality typical of every form of Utopianism, is that the end goal is so noble, that any method is acceptable to achieve it: the end justifies the means! This invariably results in human sacrifices stacked up high on the altar of good intentions. The basic fallacies and moral transgressions of the technocrat high priests are numerous, but transhumanism must be shunned like the plague for its dangerous Utopianism alone. 

Dec. 11, 2021 War Room Pandemic: The Threat Of Transhumanism.

UPDATE: Digitalize all the knowledge, thoughts and consciousness we amass during our lifetime and it would not even fit within the confines of a human skull. There is no material mind. Part of us is immaterial. Transhumanists are maniacally obsessed with intelligence, health and cosmetics because those areas are within the reach of gentech. It is much harder to manipulate morality, because that rests on values. They might be able to prioritize one value over another in an algorithm, but the question is if the creators realize this. Probably not. 


Already people forget that robots are machines, not humans. A trend is developing where superficial beauty is becoming a substitute for moral standards (because they don't have any). A beautiful cyborg is considered a morally superior being. Some confused observers are already clamoring for 'human rights' for robots, while riding roughshod over our own human rights.

In their calculus man is just a flawed meat sack. Hyper intelligence without a moral compass makes sociopathic cyborgs! What could go wrong deploying them as educators, baby sitters or trainers? A embodied playmate may be programmed to show empathy, exploiting human psychology and sensitivities. But it is in fact incapable of feeling anything. There is not even consciousness!

But there is a mind behind every creation. The only consciousness behind the cyborg is the company who ordered the creation of its program. Joe Allen hits the bull's eye: the goal is to impose some kind of pseudo religion, 
a biotech variety of Marxism, another man-made heaven on earth. Told yah so! We're back at the Dystopia of Paradise!

Dec. 15, 2021 War Room Pandemic: All Roads Lead To Transhumanism.

Tags: Philosophy, Big Tech, Culture wars, Info war, Scientism

Dec. 1, 2021


Nov. 30, 2021 Theoria: The Metaverse: what does this mean for IRL relationships? (Doxed #2).

Glenn Beck recently posed the question if building a second Internet would be feasible. Apparently it is, although very costly. But it may already be too late for that. Mark Zuckerberg recently took Facebook into the next phase, the Metaverse. In the video above a lengthy audio on the subject by the Doxed podcast. The Metaverse takes us into augmented reality. At this point it is already hard to distinguish, what we now know as social media, from transhumanism. It is in the Metaverse that our mind is groomed for what is on the other side of the singularity, where the concept of the mind is such that our 'brain' may be plugged into a man-made universe. 

Which brings us to Marc Barnes, blogger on, burgeoning thinker and Roman Catholic apologist. 

Nov. 16, 2021 Pints With Aquinas: Technology, Politics, and Radical Christian Living with Marc Barnes.

In a three hours long discussion with Matt Fradd he laid out his philosophic critique of smart tech, which already seems pretty dumb in the light of the latest developments. But as Barnes explains, smart tech is where the trouble starts. He may have a point, and his analysis is certainly something to think about. 

With Ayn Rand he observes that everything we need is provided for in Nature, but it all needs processing (or perfectioning) of some kind. The Philosopher-Pope Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) gave us the Judeo-Christian perspective that this stems from the human need for safety since the Fall From Paradise. The fig leaf was the first tech, so to speak. 

Barnes' reasoning is the following: first generation tools, from plow shears to hammers and typewriters, are basically extensions of ourselves. We use these tools as instruments for our own capacity to create, and they require skill. 

The second generation tools are our Industrial Revolutionary machines. They are still extensions of ourselves, but we no longer need to know how to operate them: pushing a button is basically enough to set a mechanism in motion of which we sometimes have only an inkling of knowledge. Even the modest PC was still an extensional tool. 

Now the third generation, is smart tech. Rather than being extensions of the user, they are secretly extensions of the maker, while pretending to be in the service of the user. That is the fundamental dishonesty at the bottom of this. and, in the process we have gone from owners to renters. The Globalist party apparently understood that, hence the comment of Klaus Schwab that "we'll own nothing and like it".

How huge this paradigm shift really is, becomes apparent when you think of the loss of 
knowledge and skills that humanity acquired over the course of our entire development as a species. All that will now be taken over by apps, algorithms and finally, robots. We'll not just own nothing; we will know nothing!

Science and tech are by definition morally neutral. That goes for scientism as well. These mad scientists just keep steaming ahead in their quest for their version of the Tower of Babel. If it can be done, they just go ahead and do it. 

Wyss Institute: Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce 
AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine

It is important to realize that it is therefore up to us, to societies and individuals to put moral and ethical brakes on the transhumanism juggernaut. Standing by as free-marketeers would have it, is no option; neither is Marc Barnes' Augustinian anti-capitalism of the 'profit is evil' morality.

In the end we will have to outsource the boundaries issue to politicians in order to impose legal constricts on this insanity. Inaction is out of the question.  

Tags: Philosophy, Big Tech, Culture wars, Info war, Scientism
