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Showing posts sorted by date for query ISIS. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


The Biden regime planned the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan -- the tribal eparchy where the attacks were planned by Al Qaeda -- to coincide with the 20 year anniversary of 9/11. Earlier this month Bagram Air Force Base was vacated, lock, stock and barrel. It is all reminiscent of Obama's betrayal of Iraq that resulted in the reign of terror by the physical ISIS Kalifate in Syria. Another power vacuum is being created and God only knows what the result will be this time. 


Oct. 4, 2021 War Room Pandemic: China Has Taken Over Bagram Air Base.

Saturday, September 4, 2021


The Taliban just announced that China will be their gateway to international markets along the Belt and Road Initiative. China has plans for a oil pipeline from Iran through Afghanistan. But as the following longread is pointing out, the going may not be as smooth as the parties are currently hoping for. What are the odds and what are the facts in the real world? 

Sep. 2, 2021 Epoch TV: Bill Gertz, US Withdrawal from Afghanistan a 'Strategic Success' for China.

The fiasco of the withdrawal of the USA from Afghanistan will be dissected for decades to come in the military academies and in many of Washington DC's thinktanks. But most people will ponder who ordered this debacle.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


25 Years of failed policies built on the lie  -- that if we deny that terrorism is rooted in Islam, we can stop radicalization -- have resulted in the most powerful terror army since Genghis Khan: the Islamic State. It's time for a change.

Dec 9, 2015 Mark Krikorian fine tunes Trump's point. 

UPDATE: Center for Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian argues that Trump's "crude" immigration comments actually open the conversation to formulate effective policy.

Friday, June 28, 2019


Donald Trump won the Presidential election of 2016. But what does that mean? Welcome to planet Trump. The repercussions of the new President as leader of the most powerful nation on earth are almost infathomable. The political and media establishment (but also entire swathes of the world population) still don't know what hit them.

UPDATE: A year ago we posted 50 paradigm shifts as a result of the Donald J. Trump presidency, either as a cause of his policies or indirectly by the transformation in the political and cultural landscape. One year on we are taking stock of the situation.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again Movement" can be summed up in three words: Pragmatic American Exceptionalism. The program comprises pride in economic achievement, striving for excellence, fighting cronyism, fair bilateral trade deals and strong relationships with allies.

Mar 15, 2016 Donald J. Trump: The Long Road to the White House (1980-2015). (Source) (About)

With the demise of the Soviet Union in 1989 the world added peace dividend to unparalleled post World War II prosperity. But the paradigm is collapsing. A number of very complex problems are developing that can't be resolved within the present conceptual framework. The present situation challenges the ideological Right to develop a new strategy that is suitable for the new world. Rinoism -- paying lip service to Conservatism while pursuing Progressive policies -- is dead and can't be resuscitated without causing a popular revolt. In order to be relevant in the new age a pragmatic political program has been devised by Republican presidential front runner, Donald Trump. It is a hybrid of successful negotiating tactics, the best elements of Conservatism and a brand of grassroots populism. These are the major points.


Western leaders -- from heads of Government and the lapdog media to local authorities and their partisan supporters  -- are displaying the mentality of a conquered people. They have abdicated their basic duty to protect the people and have capitulated in almost every respect. This siege mentality is well known in psychiatry.

The best strategy to conquer a people doesn't require any force. Just convince them that their cause is unjust, breaking their will to resist.

Two of the more common conditions of siege and abuse are Battered Wife Syndrome and Stockholm Syndrome. (Source) With each new beating, the scarred and bruised victims of siege and abuse tend to excuse and rationalize the actions of their tormentors. A stubborn unwillingness to accept the facts of reality, plunges the victims into a morass of self-deception that spawns further violence. Our political leaders have similarly proved unable to liberate themselves from the delusions that it has spun about the nature of Islamic extremism. After each Islam driven outrage, the West's Rulers are quick to castigate its own countrymen for a catalogue of sins, both real and imagined.

With a perverse combination of self-loathing and adoration of the enemy, our Rulers' mantra preaches that if only we were nicer, Muslims could not fail to love us back. It’s our own fault if Muslims don’t realize what good people we are. And all the while, these progressive academics, pundits, and politicians engage in ridiculous intellectual contortions designed to mitigate the guilt of the terrorist perpetrators. The streets of Paris and San Bernardino were still damp with innocent blood in the latest outrages, when the same obscene dance of political self-flagellation began. Within hours of the attacks they were blamed on Western guild.

And then came New Year's Eve and the cover up of mass violations of human rights in an orgy of sexual assault on women. The reactions of the usual suspects, feminists and other postmodern traitors to the values of Western Enlightenment became even more obscene. (Source) From a code of conduct by the Mayor of Cologne and blaming the victims, to most perverse, feminists volunteering to be sexually violated by 'refugees'  just to demonstrate that maybe they did so out of free will. Rather than blame the Muslim men who visited such attacks on innocent women, our Rulers were urging citizens to adjust to changing mores. (Source)

In a posting dating a few years back, Dr. Sanity -- a blogger and former NASA psychiatrist -- described her experience with many battered women and the complacency many Muslim women show with their own oppression under Islamic law. (Source) After a patient was beaten to death by her own husband, even after numerous warnings, she concluded:
(...) you cannot force someone to change psychologically. The professional part of me understands that Alice had many opportunities to make a change in the toxic relationship she had with her husband. (...) Alice, who was without doubt a tragic victim of domestic abuse, was at the same time a willing accomplice to her own murder. (...)
The behavior of the Left (...) is very similar to cases like Alice: denial; distortion of reality; appeasement; enabling behavior; and ultimately, the willing accomplices to their own murder. Will they change? Can they change? Before that crocodile gets around to eating them? (Source)

In another posting Dr Sanity illustrates the demoralization process on the national level.
Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege (...) discusses how in the 1990s, Israel believed that it had found a "partner for peace" in Yasser Arafat, even as he made speech after speech calling for the annihilation of Israel. The United States of the 21st century likewise believes that it can negotiate with Islamic totalitarians post-9/11. 
This is all part of the psychological dynamics of people who feel under siege and who desperately hope that negotiation and appeasement will finally bring about a cessation of hostilities. Unfortunately, this hope is at best wishful thinking; at worse a serious delusion. It is far more likely to bring about an escalation of hostilities and violence, rather than peace. In an earlier interview Levin was asked why people under siege often end up internalizing the hatred against themselves and delude themselves about the malicious intentions of their enemies? He replies:
They do so because they are eager to feel some control over a painful situation which is, in reality, out of their control. Chronically abused children - more specifically those subjected to parental abuse - typically blame themselves for their victimization because to do so supports a fantasy that if they reform, if they become "good," their parents will treat them differently. 
To look at their predicament more realistically would force them to accept their helplessness to change their terrible circumstances, and children, and adults as well, prefer to fend off acknowledging such bitter realities. Similarly, within populations under chronic siege - whether minorities marginalized, demeaned and attacked by surrounding societies or small nations besieged by their neighbors - some will invariably seek either to avert their gaze from the severity of the threat or rationalize the threat and blame themselves or others within their community for the danger. 
Their doing so reflects wishful thinking that if only they would reform sufficiently the danger would be alleviated. Israel has, at best, a capacity to respond effectively to attacks by its neighbors; it does not have the capacity to end the Arab siege, to force peace upon the Arabs. Peace, if and when it comes, will do so on the Arabs' timetable, not Israel's. Unfortunately, all the evidence indicates the Arab world is not about to choose genuine peace with Israel in the foreseeable future. This lack of control over a painful situation led many Israelis to embrace delusions of control; delusions that the right concessions could not help but win peace from the Arabs.
The key of the condition is, that the situation is actually or is perceived to be, beyond the victim's control. The case can be made that this entire predicament we find ourselves in is man-made, but that is not how the demoralized public and our leaders see it. Let's look at it from the limited perspective of the current migrant crisis. 

The Refugee Convention was signed in 1951. It was designed for a bi-polar world in which entire nations were locked up behind the Communist Iron Curtain. The aim was to aid dissidents and defectors escape to the free West. Air travel was nothing compared to the scale of the present day. Communications were limited to telephone and cable. 

If our political leaders had any common sense, they would long have adjusted the treaty to fit present conditions in which millions are on the move. The truth is, that the treaty is a centre piece to the Internationalist ideology that sees the nation state as an impediment to "world peace". (Source)

Angela Merkel made the migrant crisis far worse than it needed to be when she publicly announced the EU shouldn't be expected to uphold its own laws when she suspended the requirements of the Schengen Treaty that requires refugees to register in the first safe country of entry.

But all those self inflicted conditions do not alter the psychology of our elites. In their minds there is no other way and that this is in fact force majeure. In the evolution of the suicidal psychology of demoralization the following stages are passed on the way to civilizational extinction: 
  1. Refusal to follow the will of the people, leading to increased autocracy and authoritarian rule.
  2. Moral neutrality.
  3. Denial, passive tolerance of intolerance.
  4. Abdication of core functions (i.e. protection of rights and the territorial jurisdiction). 
  5. Capitulation. 
  6. Normalization, enforcing hostile rule (i.e. collaboration). 
The root is the arrogance of power that is innate in the ideology of Progressivism. The pedantic "we are the rulers and we know best" attitude comes with every elite, that is, a Ruling Class that has lost its connection with the source of its authority, the people. 

We have passed the first three mental stages of demoralization: alienation from the people, moral neutrality and denial and passive tolerance of Islamic intolerance. From now on we will increasingly witness the next stages: abdication and capitulation leading finally to unfettered collaboration and enforcement.

This is already partly the case where Governments are effectively enforcing UN Resolution 16/18, the OIC's 10 year program regarding the violation of Islamic interests, either by law or by extra legal means, i.e. by exerting peer pressure and shaming, otherwise known as political correctness. (Source)

In the case of the Dutch vet being prosecuted for the unlawful killing of Islamic State fighters in Syria we have another example, typical of the last stage of demoralization. While an active participant in the coalition against ISIS, the Dutch Government is nevertheless prosecuting one of its own citizens for taking a courageous moral stance. (Source)

As the Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov makes clear it is almost impossible to effectively reverse the process of demoralization.(Source) Our best hope is that a generation of moral, free thinking leaders will rise to replace the old guard, who have become worse than useless. It is also a matter of the utmost urgency. This can't wait any longer.

Furthermore, we shall have to prepare ourselves individually and as a family for the final stages of demoralization and the collapse that is inevitable. We must work on different level, morally, mentally but also physically and practically. We shall be posting in these pages more on those issues in the near future. 

Dutch version



Major Stephen Coughlin (ret.) was a researcher on Islamic law (Sharia) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff until a complaint from a Muslim advisor prompted the termination of his contract. Today he is Senior Fellow at the Center of Security Policy.

Stephen Coughlin, Part 5: The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law.

UPDATE: As Coughlin is explaining in the video, our leaders are basically enforcing UN Resolution 16/18 (the OIC's 10 year program), lying to our face and using law fare against us. As Hillary Clinton made clear, if legislation stops short, they will simply use the pressure of political correctness until we comply. As we can see in this tweet, they are also knowingly endangering the lives of our citizens.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Only Muslims Can Save Islam From Itself

A group of British Muslims is resisting the atrocities and bloodthirst of the Islamic State. Great! But it comes with a few hard conditions. A hashtag just isn't enough for fundamental change from within. 

Sep 10, 2014 #NotInMyName: Young British Muslims at Active Change Foundation show their solidarity against ISIS and their actions.

Dyab Abou Jahjah has written a very interesting piece about the war on the Islamic State. (Source, Flemish) He states the following:
‘Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win’. This is a quotation from Sun Tzu's The art of war. (Source) This may answer the question if the American strategy to fight the organization known as 'Islamic State' stands a chance of success. 


The West is mentally crippled in its defense against the violent side of Islam. False doctrines, faulty conceptual frameworks and political correctness have conspired to make the free world a sitting duck in the face of the evil that has manifested itself in IS, the Islamic State. So, what are we going to do about it? 

Yaron Brook (Director of the Ayn Rand Institute) and Dr Onkar Ghate (Senior Fellow) elaborate on the morality of war. More particular, what are the options in defeating totalitarian Islam. 

UPDATE: Noting that the apocalypse was a central theme to their vision, Wood outlined in a piece on The Atlantic how the brutal methods employed by ISIS were not necessarily a perversion of Islam, as President Obama frequently claims, but an interpretation of Islamic teachings that most Muslims simply choose to ignore.

Feb 19, 2015 Journalist Graeme Wood told CNN that the terrorist group firmly believes Jesus Christ will come to their aid during an apocalyptic final battle in Jerusalem.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it. (Source)

Friday, June 21, 2019


ISIS have declared the Islamic State, citing Islam as the source of its authority. But detractors like Obama say ISIS (or IS, ISIL or Daesh) is neither Islamic, nor a state. This series has a closer look at the terror army and the sources they claim are the root of their Caliphate. 

Feb 25, 2016 What would Mohammed do? 

With so many different opinions and statements floating around in our media on the topic of Islam, how do we know who is credible and who is not? You will know after viewing this video.

1. What would Mohammed do?
2. The basics.
3. ISIS and Mohammed.
4. Correlation between ISIS and Mohammed.
5. ISIS, Mohammed and non Muslims.
6. The ISIS flag and why they chose it.
7. ISIS and the three day ultimatum.
8. ISIS, Islam and women (outside the US, this is actually taught).
9. Why the confusion regarding Islam (the Law of Abrogation).
10. How and why the self proclaimed Caliph chose his name. 
11. Why ISIS torture is Islamic 1/2.
12. Why ISIS torture is Islamic 2/2.
13. Our final logical conclusion: you decide. 

If you want to discuss on Twitter, use the hashtag #ISISlam

Thursday, June 20, 2019


The Islamic State poses a grave danger to the United States and its allies in the Middle East and around the world. It's beyond any terrorist threat we have ever seen. It must be defeated. 

In the free downloadable paper, A Strategy to Defeat the Islamic State, Kimberly Kagan, Frederick W. Kagan, and Jessica D. Lewis explore how IS can be defeated. 

The Islamic State poses a grave danger to the United States and its allies in the Middle East and around the world. Reports that it is not currently planning an attack against the American homeland are little comfort. Its location, the resources it controls, the skill and determination of its leaders and fighters, and its demonstrated lethality distinguish it from other al-Qaeda-like groups. Its ability to offer safe-haven and support to terrorists planning attacks against us is beyond any terrorist threat we have ever seen. The thousands of American and European citizens who are fighting alongside the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra in Iraq and Syria constitute an unprecedented threat to our security regardless of whether those groups intend to attack us. The Islamic State is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States. It must be defeated.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


With the culture war heating up to ever greater temperatures a new, insidious logic is building up in the Leftist narrative. It can't be left unaddressed, because it is simply too dangerous to be left to run its course. 

Uber liberal financial backer of all causes aiming to destroy Western civilization, George Soros has penned this absurd piece of narrative in the Guardian. It perfectly sets out the liberal course for the coming crucial year in the history of this existential struggle for the Western mind:
The jihadi terrorists’ ultimate goal is to convince Muslim youth worldwide that there is no alternative to terrorism. And terrorist attacks are the way to achieve that goal, because the fear of death will awaken and magnify the latent anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe and America, inducing the non-Muslim population to treat all Muslims as potential attackers.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Is man determined by external forces, or does he have free will? This is the vital difference between Europe and the United States. The divide therefore goes to one of the most fundamental philosophical questions known to man. And explains why Europe must be "saved," time and again. 

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, helped by hate speech laws in every way imaginable.

Why Censoring Speech Creates Extremists And Causes Atrocities Instead Of Stopping Them 

By Joshua Goldberg
First posted on November 19, 2014

In the 1920s, the National Socialist German Workers Party was banned by the government of Weimar Germany. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the Nazis were prosecuted numerous times for “hate speech”. Rather than hinder the Nazis, this merely helped them in every way imaginable. Through the courts, the Nazis were given a platform to spread their views to a far wider section of the public than they otherwise would have had access to. Through their prosecutions, they were able to cultivate an image of themselves as martyrs and political prisoners, drawing people to their side in droves. Today, Europe is making the exact same mistake that it made with the Nazis.


Unbelievers are being oppressed all over the Middle East, specifically in countries destabilized in 'Arab Spring' type revolutions and in the territory under the control of the Islamic State. No one in the West is lifting a finger to prevent these genocides.

UPDATE: They are from some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, from lands where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah walked, and where Jonah called the people of Ninevah to repentance. But today these Christians have been targeted for death, sexual slavery, displacement, cultural eradication and forced conversion by ISIS. The U.S. government’s response has been woefully inadequate — neither helping them defend themselves and stay, nor providing them asylum to leave. And now, to add insult to injury, they are casualties of the agencies contracted to resettle refugees in America. (...) The blame is not just with the United Nations and the Obama administration. U.S. organizations who resettle refuges are also to blame. This includes Christian groups that resist any focus on Christian victims of ISIS, and oppose actions by Congress to welcome not just economic migrants but also Christians and other religious minorities victimized by ISIS. (..) (Source)

Friday, May 10, 2019

Fighting an Existential War With Demoralized Leaders

"Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, Jihad or the Islamic State", "no religion condones terrorism"... we know the politically correct libations to the gods of multiculturalism all too well. But what is really behind this obvious nonsense?

Not Ayn Al Arab nor Kobani, it became Ayn Al Islam. ISIS latest video. With English translation. - H/t @HananShamounNL

The Islamic State has produced a 20 minute film, including an English translation. It's a must see for every student as it may lead to specific insights that can easily be missed watching events from the same Western conceptual framework. For those who are prepared to see it, interviews with American military brass touch the essence of the problem. In any war, but especially one which is existential, the equation couldn't be worse. A lack of weapons would have been preferable to demoralized leadership. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018


In 2017 US President Trump, after a historical speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia aligned with Islamic Reformers. He cast terrorism as a fight of good against evil. The new alliance involves trade and technology in exchange for reformation and fighting radicals. In 2018 the CIA, the Muslim Brotherhood and Western liberals hit back against the reformer Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman accusing him of the murder of a opposition figure Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey. 

UPDATE: The Washington Post has caused itself a major scandal since it has come to light they and their martyred “reformer” Jamal Khashoggi were publishing anti-Saudi propaganda for Qatar. They tried to bury this in a pre-Christmas Saturday news dump, but that can’t stop the damage this will do to their reputation. “Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government,” the Post wrote December 21.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Donald Trump called Barack Obama the founder of ISIS and Hillary Clinton its co-founder, echoing the words of Gen. Michael Flynn that Obama made a willful decision to allow Islamic State to form as a weapon against Assad, known as Operation Timber Sycamore. It made the war in Syria a strategic mess. Geopolitically there's even more at stake after President Trump announced US withdrawal from Syria in December 2018.

Jack Posobiec deals at length with Operation Timber Sycamore from the 22:00 minute mark.

UPDATE: On Boxing Day President and Melania Trump emerged at the Al Asad Airbase in Iraq to thank the troops. We will dispense here with the role of the media in this as completely irrelevant. The matter at hand is the President's announced troop withdrawal from Syria, thereby reversing his predecessor's strategic mess to load the dice in the Middle East in favor of Iran.

Monday, December 10, 2018


Macron is a construct of the globalist cabal presented as a moderate, centrist, independent unifier, but like the Manchurian candidate Obama coming out of thin air, with a minimal, token professional record. As the #MacronLeaks broke his skeletons tumbled out of the closet. When he decided to impose the promised carbon tax on the French people, the Yellow Vests revolt erupted. 

UPDATE: As the fourth weekend of the Yellow Vests revolt erupted in France, the man who broke the hacking of Macron during his Presidential campaign, now working for One America News Network, is reminding us of what we learned at the time. The French popular uprising has spread to Belgium and The Netherlands. A Dutch newspaper reported this morning that the Macron Government not surprisingly has started an investigation into Russian involvement. (Source) Macron is addressing the nation tonight at 08:00pmCET.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


The Far East is another powder keg created by the Obama power vacuum. Candidate Trump took a tough position on China trade and military expansion. Then came the Mar-a-Lago conclave. President Trump told Xi Jinping that if he wouldn't fix North Korea, the US would. After a virtual blockade and decades in a state of war President Trump offered Kim Jong-un a one time package deal he can hardly afford to turn down. 

Aug. 12, 2018 Life Liberty & Levin: Michael Pillsbury Author of "The Hundred-Year Marathon".

UPDATE: Mark Levin had a "must see" episode last Sunday on his FoxNews program in which he talked about the Chinese long term policies with Mike Pillsbury @MikePillsbury, lnational security expert, director for Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute, and author of "The Hundred-Year Marathon" (transcript). In the meantime negotiations with North Korea are ongoing. Thomas Wictor has a special way of looking at the relation between President Trump and Kim Jong-Un. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Humor can be a formidable weapon: while it can destroy good values, it also has the power to diminish the effects of fear. The threat of a dictatorship's brutality is a specifically good candidate for ridicule. Humor also requires a firm sense of reality, which is the reason Postmodernists are such humorless creatures. Today cartoonist Scott Adams sheds another light on the aspects of jokes.