Tuesday, December 27, 2011

HOAX! they're Collapsing the Financial System!

This article and this one here, and this one explain precisely how the economic-monetary system is being blown up. The pOmo war on reality strikes again!
Let's clarify this! Take a concept like, peace. Tensions and clashing interests will have to be absorbed by self control and endless parley, opine the peaceniks. What they are actually proposing is pretending there's a state of peace. Which makes it an end in itself. But guess what? Sooner or later stress will rebuild. It's a natural state of affairs. You can't make that go away by merely wishing it. Thought does not make reality.

Monday, December 19, 2011

#EUSSR: Welcome in the Fiscal Compact #FU

As the dust of the 10th EU summit of the year is settling, it's turning out Britain #FU isn't as isolated as some extremely bigoted oyrophiles #FU would have it. The episode clearly illustrates just how free one is to answer the demands of 'solidarity'. Who dares to refuse to sacrifice national sovereignty to the collective, is shred to pieces by the euro harpies #FU

Saturday, December 17, 2011

OMG! The Flemish Talibans Are Coming!

No, this isn't Monty Python, but the real deal: true salafi hakhbars from Flanders. And yes, they are hilarious, and again yes, they want a hatebeard Khalifate from Kamtchatka to the American West coast, from sea to shining sea. Who is able to evade this evidence is an amoral, decadent denier of Evil and ought to have his psychological hygiene checked.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

COP17: Climate Debt Reparations Put on Ice

If the ongoing banking, credit 2.0, debt and oyro crises has any collateral damage, it's that there's no money left for decadent climate hysterical hobbies like the mass transfer of rights and funds under the guise of eco justice. The COP17 at Durban has been a resounding failure. But that was not for lack of wanting!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

#EUSSR: the War Against Reality

The cause happening prior to the effect.
The effect being a reaction to the cause*

Friday, November 18, 2011

#EUSSR: Team Super Mario Ready For March On Rome*

Euro fascist market rapists mandating intellectual
pomo proxis for The Italian Job - by @Duivels666
Click for huge - proliferate it
Super Mario's sock puppet theater presents.... taataaaaa.... Team Super Mario!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

#Occupy: Ode to #OWS Day of Chaos

благодаря ВСЕГДА ГОТОВ @russian_market

'Occupy' Protestors March on New York Stock Exchange

Will New York burn? Will they take molotovs to Macy's?
Let's wait and see...