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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query ISIS. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The video showing the burning alive of the captive Jordanian pilot prompted revulsion around the world. Propaganda!, cried Islam apologists. Don't show it! But behind this outrage is a postmodern ideology that is driving the Islamic State to ever more terror and brutality. If true, we ain't seen nothing yet. 

This image is not meant as 'propaganda', as an elevator pitch. It's terror, intimidation aimed at breaking the will of anyone who even thinks of resistance. 

The burning to death in a locked cage of captured Jordanian pilot Muadh al- Kasasbeh by Islamic State was barbarous even by its own brutal standards. The group struggled to justify the live immolation of a Muslim prisoner with the ease it did in previous cases of heinous crimes. In a written fatwa about two weeks before the video, Isis-affiliated clerics cited differences of opinion over the issue among Sunni Islam’s four schools of jurisprudence. In the end, the Isis clerics ruled that immolation is "forbidden in principle" but "permissible in cases of reciprocity". In previous cases, Isis found little difficulty in citing evidence to back the religious legitimacy of its acts.

Monday, February 16, 2015


The Islamic State has released a series of videos showing beheadings of American and British hostages. With a series narrated by British journalist, John Cantlie the tactic changed. After the beheading of two Japanese hostages the downed Jordanian pilot was burnt alive. The IS ideology drives it to ever greater savagery (source).

UPDATE: THE ISIS IDEOLOGY DRIVES IT TO EVER GREATER SAVAGERY, reads a recent headline. After the Jordinian pilot was burnt alive we wrote that behind this outrage is an ideology that is driving the Islamic State to ever more terror and brutality. Here's another escalation. (Source)

Friday, December 30, 2016


The Caliphate battle ground: the nation state and borders are Western constructs on an area that once was the Ottoman Empire (Sykes-Picot Agreement). To understand the situation on the ground we must look beyond state lines and peak into history. Primer on ISIS


Monday, February 22, 2016


The ex con Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a.k.a. Caliph Ibrahim and his orc gangs of the Islamic State are setting the Middle East on fire. As the world is finally getting serious about striking the ISIS capital in Syria, their eye has fallen on Libya as a new base its operations. It's closer to Europe, but there are problems. 


Monday, September 22, 2014

Retired Generals: Obama's War Plan Like Vietnam

ISIS has joint its conquered territories in Syria and Iraq together (maps) in a new Caliphate simply named the Islamic State, or IS. IS is demanding that all Sunnis pledge allegiance to the Caliph, al Baghdadi. After the genocides on Christians and Yazidi Kurds, and three hostages were publicly beheaded, the world is ready to strike back at Mordor. 

Aug, 29, 2014: IS lessons for making bubonic plague bombs and weapons of mass destruction, by @JenanMoussa and @HaraldDoornbos. Read English, Dutch. UPDATE: Part II: ISIS LAPTOP OF DOOM - HOW TO MAKE RICIN, SEMTEX, BANANA MOUSSE (SOURCE)

UPDATE: There's better news from Syrian Kurdistan. Obama's top brass have shredded his war plan against the Islamic State; Obama is about to tell the UN he wants a global travel ban for Jihadists, assuring radicals will turn against their home countries; Islamic State has got Lebanon and Egypt in the crosshairs. And cries about dying babies has already started. Let's hope people are able to withstand sentimental anti war propaganda that hands a moral victory to the enemy - the Islamic State - as if that was possible in a rational world!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Turkish secret service MIT has been trafficking Jihadists and weapons across Turkish territory to ISIS. The evidence is overwhelming. Now a capured Jihadist says Turkey is training Islamic State terrorists in a camp disguised as a training ground for the Free Syrian Army.  

Turkey is training IS terrorists in a camp disguised as a training ground for the Free Syrian Army.

UPDATE: Captured by the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG) fighters in Northern Syria in November, Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, a Syrian national-turned Daesh (Islamic State) fighter, says he was trained in Turkey before receiving his first assignment with Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). The YPG maintains external security in the three Democratic Union Party (PYD) run areas, and is fighting Islamist groups, primarily Jabhat al-Nusra and IS. The PYD, an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey, has effectively been ruling parts of Syria after government troops were forced to withdraw from the areas in 2012. With special permission from the local Kurdish authorities, Russian journalists received first-hand testimony that Turkey is “a friend” of Islamic State. (Source)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


The last couple of months we've seen professional analysts and commentators struggling with the question, what the hell is Obama's strategy with the Islamic State, or ISIL as he prefers it. Answers have been ranging from "there is no strategy" to outright incompetence. Here's an hypothesis that Obama favors Iran over the Sunni alliance. 

Nov. 22, 2015 Rush Limbaugh talks to Chris Wallace on terror attack, refugee crisis.

UPDATE: It is intriguing that mainstream media has focused on violent terrorist acts of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS), a radical Sunni Islamist group, while they are deliberately avoiding raising awareness about other Islamist terrorist groups that are as brutal as ISIS, if not worse. The other groups that I am referring to are primarily the Iranian-backed radical Islamist militias. Brutal terrorist groups such as Kataib al-Imam Ali (KIA) are not any less violent than ISIS when it comes to the aggressive and horrific tactics they use against civilians. (...) Another militia group that is known locally for its violent attacks is Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq. It reportedly receives approximately $2 million a month from the Islamic Republic. There exist more than 100 of these Islamist terrorist groups (...) One reason behind the liberal media outlets’ failure to shed light on non-ISIS terrorist groups is that they do not want to criticize Iran. These outlets are heavily influenced by the Obama administration's leniency toward the Islamic Republic. If President Obama views Iran as a constructive state actor, then the media put aside standards of professional journalism and follow in the footsteps of the President. (...) (Source)

Monday, May 23, 2016


Greater Albania has been debating deployment in Syria. A Muslim state, a Balkan Caliphate in the heart of Europe, was supported by Internationalists when they created independent Kosovo and Bosnia. Kosovo registered its first Islamist political party in 2013. 

UPDATE: An article on NYT on the inroads of Wahabism into Europe from the Saudi foothold in Kosovo is oozing criminal naiveté on the part of postmodern globalist thinkers. Bill Clinton's nexus with the lobby for Greater Albania created a Islamic state in the heart of Europe. To those with basic knowledge of Islam and its 1400 year old history -- not least in the region itself --  this development is no surprise. But the NYT is shocked, shocked by "a stunning turnabout for a land of 1.8 million people that not long ago was among the most pro-American Muslim societies in the world."

Friday, June 21, 2019


ISIS have declared the Islamic State, citing Islam as the source of its authority. But detractors like Obama say ISIS (or IS, ISIL or Daesh) is neither Islamic, nor a state. This series has a closer look at the terror army and the sources they claim are the root of their Caliphate. 

Feb 25, 2016 What would Mohammed do? 

With so many different opinions and statements floating around in our media on the topic of Islam, how do we know who is credible and who is not? You will know after viewing this video.

1. What would Mohammed do?
2. The basics.
3. ISIS and Mohammed.
4. Correlation between ISIS and Mohammed.
5. ISIS, Mohammed and non Muslims.
6. The ISIS flag and why they chose it.
7. ISIS and the three day ultimatum.
8. ISIS, Islam and women (outside the US, this is actually taught).
9. Why the confusion regarding Islam (the Law of Abrogation).
10. How and why the self proclaimed Caliph chose his name. 
11. Why ISIS torture is Islamic 1/2.
12. Why ISIS torture is Islamic 2/2.
13. Our final logical conclusion: you decide. 

If you want to discuss on Twitter, use the hashtag #ISISlam

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Unbelievers are being oppressed all over the Middle East, specifically in countries destabilized in 'Arab Spring' type revolutions and in the territory under the control of the Islamic State. No one in the West is lifting a finger to prevent these genocides.

UPDATE: They are from some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, from lands where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah walked, and where Jonah called the people of Ninevah to repentance. But today these Christians have been targeted for death, sexual slavery, displacement, cultural eradication and forced conversion by ISIS. The U.S. government’s response has been woefully inadequate — neither helping them defend themselves and stay, nor providing them asylum to leave. And now, to add insult to injury, they are casualties of the agencies contracted to resettle refugees in America. (...) The blame is not just with the United Nations and the Obama administration. U.S. organizations who resettle refuges are also to blame. This includes Christian groups that resist any focus on Christian victims of ISIS, and oppose actions by Congress to welcome not just economic migrants but also Christians and other religious minorities victimized by ISIS. (..) (Source)

Saturday, November 5, 2016


What connects President Obama and the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the wars in the Middle East and North Africa and explains Western warmongering against Russia? A personal vendetta of Clinton with Gaddafi led to destablization, thousands of deaths and the international migrant crisis. 

Part 2 RT: Pilger interview with Julian Assange. 'Clinton and ISIS are funded by same money.'

UPDATE: In the second excerpt from the John Pilger Special, to be exclusively broadcast by RT on Saturday, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, Julian Assange accuses Hillary Clinton of misleading Americans about the true scope of Islamic State’s support from Washington’s Middle East allies. In a 2014 email made public by Assange’s WikiLeaks last month, Hillary Clinton, who had served as secretary of state until the year before, urges John Podesta, then an advisor to Barack Obama, to “bring pressure” on Qatar and Saudi Arabia, “which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Islamic State, IS, ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups.” “I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,” Assange, whose whistleblowing site released three tranches of Clinton-related emails over the past year, told Pilger in an exclusive interview, courtesy of Dartmouth Films.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


"Obama has created ISIS" is an often heard claim that was only latest reiterated by Donald Trump. The Obama lack of strategy in the face of the worst totalitarian ideology since Nazism, has certainly opened itself up for speculation. Now it transpired CENTCOM has been adjusting intelligence on the orders of President Obama. 

Aug 12, 2016 General Tata says Obama ordered the manipulation of reports out of CENTCOM.

UPDATE: CENTCOM manipulated and deleted data to present a positive picture of the battle against Isis and al Qaeda according to a report by the House released on Thursday. Does anyone believe it wasn’t ordered by the president and that he was kept in the dark? A general now says that it came from the president himself. Retired Brigadier General Tony Tata appeared on Fox News with host former Governor Mike Huckabee this evening and revealed that his well-placed sources told him someone from the Office of National Intelligence who meets regularly with the president commanded a senior official in CENTCOM to quit producing products of record that showed negative intelligence that didn’t fit the narrative of the Obama administration. The administration ordered the cooking of the books, the General said. The president wants the JV tale out in the public domain. (More)

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Kobane is in ruins, but the battles in the area against the terrorists of the Islamic State continue. Kurdish forces are advancing on the "capital" of the Caliphate in Raqqa. Erdogan of Turkey is launching airstrikes against the PKK, a resistance group he considers "the same" as the terrorists of ISIS.

Aug 19, 2015 The BBC's Jiyar Gol has gained exclusive access to a PKK women's unit.

Dedicated live blogs: Syria - Iraq - 

the Caliphate Conspiracy - the Coalition 

The ongoing war against IS in the Middle East is rarely out of the headlines. Less familiar however is the story of Yazidi women soldiers who have joined the banned Kurdistan Workers Party - or PKK - and its affiliates to take up arms against their persecutors. The BBC's Jiyar Gol has gained exclusive access to one of them to show us how the PKK women learn to fight.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What Obama's Prayer Breakfast Speech Is Telling Us

Indications that the core of the Obama regime consists of committed Marxist postmodernists has been well known, far before he was ever elected President. For a long time the White House  have been able to mask its nature. But with the wrapping up of the Presidency, the ugly truth is becoming much more apparent.

Feb 7, 2015 Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement on Obama's telling Prayer Breakfast.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Destabilization of the Middle East Began With Arab Spring

Libya, the country led by the eccentric leader Ghadaffi, which was 'liberated' by a Western coalition, is now officially a failed state. Egypt has started raids on the country after terrorists of the Islamic State beheaded 21 Coptic Christians. The West is refusing to intervene. 

Sep 15, 2011 European leaders are given a hero's welcome by Libyan rebels.

UPDATE: Let's remind ourselves of the state of mind of Western leaders just a few years ago, a.k.a. the Arab Spring. With that foreign policy went a doctrine that supported the Muslim Brotherhood as the "democratic, secular and peaceful" alternative to radicals like Al Qaeda. The result are the failed states of Libya and Syria and the most genocidal, evil terror group since Genghis Khan: the Islamic State. But that's no problem, because according to postmodern philosophy morality is group subjective. According to multiculturalism every culture is equally valid, therefore the Caliphate has a right to its own state. It's the biggest foreign policy blunder since the Second World War. We now know Obama knowingly armed Syrian rebels against Assad (from Libyan weapons caches in Benghazi), who later turned on Iraq, the Kurds and basically anyone who isn't a Sunni Wahhabi. Obama is justifying this by the notion that it is possible to separate radicals from moderates. But moderates consist of various factions close to the Muslim Brotherhood. (FSA file) The people who fought wars to prevent the genocide of Muslims, have abandoned Christians and Yezidis to their fate, because Christian is choice while Muslim is race. Read the following logs on the file of the Caliphate Conspiracy. It's all but forgotten, but these leaders have a lot to answer for.
  • "A New Middle East With Space For the Caliphate"
  • "Endgame in Syria: Iran Versus Turkey"
  • "Obama Armed Rebels, Aware of the Dangers for Iraq"

Monday, September 15, 2014

Islam At the Crossroads: War or Peace?

Islam stands at a crossroads. The Islamic State presents Muslims with an opportunity to put Islam on a peaceful footing, denounce Jihad, establishing the long awaited Reformation. The trend however is going the other way. Silent consent. They have no choice.

Sep 2, 2014: Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about the Islamic State and Islam; he explains how IS is imitating the prophet Muhammed in every detail. The Islamic State represents Islam.

Amidst all the carnage caused by Al Qaeda and Islamic State related terrorist groups, Muslims actually have the unique opportunity to cleanse their religion of all the connotations and associations with violence and cruelty. All they have to do is denounce the Islamic State and forsake the legitimacy of Jihad as a path to further the causes of the world Caliphate. The shoe however appears to be on the other foot.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Secret video smuggled out the IS capital, Raqqa

The Coalition is engaging in limited 'kinetic' strikes against the Islamic State in Syria. John Kerry has said the objective of this long term counter-terrorist op is not the destruction of IS. It is consistent with the Western contradictory strategy to combat Assad as well. 

An activist group that secretly operates inside ISIS's home base talks about how they risk their lives to get the story out. 

UPDATE: In an exclusive in-person interview with The Wall Street Journal, one of the founders of an activist group that secretly operates inside ISIS's home base talks about how they risk their lives to get the story out. Produced by Reem Makhoul. (Transcript)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


The culture of life  is in the cross-hairs of nihilists of various hue, be they Islamic, or postmodern secularists. While the West once fought wars to prevent the genocide of Muslims, of the 1,4 million Christians in the Middle East only 250,000 remain today; the Obama regime has closed the door. 

UPDATE: While Donald Trump is under attack for his common sense policy statement on Muslims (source) and Obama says that doing "religious tests is not us" in reaction to suggestions to take in more Christians, the Obama regime does religious tests: they have excluded Christian refugees because they are Christians (source) and are even deporting them (source), even though Christians are specifically targeted for genocide by IS:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Russians and Saudis Agree On Common Goals

Russia has ramped up its presence in Syria, allegedly in order to fight ISIS, but also to prop up the Assad regime. Obama and his pro Muslim Brotherhood policies have made the West an irrelevant force in the Middle East. 

UPDATE: The West's traditional allies are jumping the sinking ship of the Coalition of the Willing. Putin's star is rising. The damage Obama has done will take years to undo.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia’s defense minister have agreed that Moscow and Riyadh should pursue common goals in Syria, including national reconciliation and combating terrorists, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said. “First of all, they are to prevent a terrorist caliphate from getting the upper hand in Syria.” The second goal that we share with Riyadh is “ensuring the triumph of national reconciliation in Syria so that all Syrians, regardless of their nationality or religion, will feel masters of their land,” he said. 
In the meantime a new opposition coalition has been forged. Its goal is not to fight ISIS (there's another coalition to do that), but to combat the Assad-Russia-Iran axis.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


The war in Syria has reached a crucial stage. The regional war has already begun. And it has the potential to grow into a full scale world war. There are reports Turkish forces entered Syria. So far, it is the Russian media that it taking the lead in reporting about this movement.

Map of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. More maps.

UPDATE: There are international news reports that claim that Turkish military forces have entered Syrian territory and have established positions near the towns of Azaz and Afrin. If these international news reports are true, then Turkey has essentially declared war on the Assad regime. Back in February, I warned that escalating tensions in the region could be the spark that sets off World War III, but things seemed to cool down a bit in March and April. However, this latest move by Turkey threatens to take the war in Syria to a whole new level, and everyone will be watching to see how the Russians and the Iranians respond to this ground incursion. So far, it is the Russian media that it taking the lead in reporting about this movement of Syrian forces. For example, the Sputnik news agency was one of the first to report Turkish military activity around the town of Azaz. (More)